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Prose, from a King that was fused together.

Fused King

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“Let’s start.†Said the man, trying to unfold a heavily sealed envelope. This particular man was no more than simple pencil sharpener. The fact that he was the only human one, sharpening pencils with his toe and fingernails, made him a rather unwanted guest near the local pencil shop. The woman who works there most certainly has a thing or two to say about her past experiences with the man. Still, it’s Sunday and the poor gal can’t be bothered.

And so the man starts. It seems like he just received some very blunt pencils from the Nuukers out in Greenland. South-Greenland that is, anywhere else in the land of green would be a joke! The man usually receives all sorts of unsharpened pencils from all over the world. Obviously his fine craftsmanship is well renowned, but not everywhere mind you. No one ever heard of him further down the street and his neighbors could swear that a woman lives next to them by the name of Joline McMessenger. In fact, I can put it this way: Everyone within a radius of 50 kilometers of the man, denies the existence of a human pencil sharpener. An odd thing when one considers that they all embrace Eddie, the human stapler, as their hero in their staples days. The man starts to put his fingernails to good use, while still soaking his tired feet in a mixture of water and salt. Tired because of his favor for the Italians. I mean we can all agree that pencils from Italy are the real deal, the hard nuts to crack, the stuffed trumpets to blow or even the runny noses to catch up with. Bottom line: those Italians know what they’re doing down in that boot of theirs.

The man is still going at those pencils from South-Greenland, but he won’t be for long, because something is about to happen. “Finally finished those nasty little buggers. Off to me cats again.†The man retires into his attic to treat himself to a big-eyed special. His cats never ceased to amaze him and yet he couldn’t help but long for a goldfish. Of course he didn’t go to a pet store to buy one, don’t be silly. If a man has cats, he sticks with them until the bitter end. That’s one of the laws of physics you know (possibly number 42). A knock on the door. Just one sound, but it scared the cats. “Hmpf, stay here my pretties, I’ll go and have a little look see.†His voice was like that of a man kicked square in the groin. Probably to ease the cats’ minds. The man reached for the doorknob and shortly after opened the door itself. The streets were strangely quiet and there was no “knocker†to be found. He did not close the door though. He looked a bit more further down the road and saw a blurry figure coming his way. It came closer and closer it came still. Even more so thereafter. “Kind, uhm…, kind person. Could you tell me what business you have ‘round these parts of town?†The man asked to the U.E.O.* which sort of resembled the shape of a human being. The vague blob stopped. Suddenly it splits up into three bigger things. It were his cats, yet they were all red. “!?†The man shouted “exclamation mark†and “question markâ€, but that most definitely didn’t stop the three big cats from approaching their owner. As startled as the man was, he did manage to knock on his own door. It frightened the huge cats and gave the man just enough time to run away like cops run to a jelly donut factory. In the nick of time he got away, but in the heat of the moment his spectacles had fallen off. Now a nearly blind man was roaming through Affinger Street shouting “My cats are attacking me, I need my spectacles and a pair of eyeglasses to go with that!â€

What a sight that must’ve been for the people down in Affinger Street. Not much of a sight I tell you. Thing is that this particular man is really God trying to make sense of his creation. A rather odd way of doing so, but hiring some cats, renting an entire street and trying to sharpen pencils with toe and fingernails is just one of many things God does to show himself that there are more bizarre things than planet earth.


Next stop, how father time created a subjective concept.



*UEO = Unidentified Eartbound Object



I'm from The Netherlands you see and I would appreciate it, when you've read it of course, if y'all would put up some remarks of anykind.

Praise is always welcome too, don't forget that:laughing:

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Hahaha that was insane! Read through it and it felt like I was reading a script for a Studio Ghibli animation - in particular, the pencil sharpening man reminded me of the furnace worker (God damn it, I can't remember his name..) in Spirited Away. You must have been on some seriously good drugs to come up with some of that stuff. The language itself was really well handled seeing as it isn't your first language. Impressive stuff, nice work.

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I liked it, in essence. A litle too random in parts (as in, not thought out, just added on the spur of the moment, and doesn't flow as well as it could do), but it's interesting.


It's true. It is pretty random stuff, but the function of this prose of mine is to gradually expand into greater stories:D

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Ah, the forest. Now let me tell you about that. Lots of green, lots of critters and lots of trees. Funny isn’t it, nothing like that could ever exist once we eliminate, for instance, water. That’s why I’ll be taking you on a small yet intriguing aquatic adventure. Before we begin though, I’d like to address that I didn’t meant you, but the life form next to you.

In we go. Now you’re on your own. He took a look around and thanked “it” for equipping him with gills. “At least I don’t have to worry about fire now.” He said. That’s always nice of course, because fire KILLS! So there he was, in the middle of the infinite ocean trying to find answers to questions not yet asked. The cool thing about water is that it’s colorless, allowing people’s eyes to see the environment surrounding them. That might come in handy knowing that the infinite ocean houses hungry predators. “The fact that I can’t crouch pisses me off, but I guess it’s still better than being on fire.” The man whispered to his mind. “Time to move this useless body of mine.” Bubbles formed and the man headed for the only recognizable thing within his sight; A fully operative submarine. It will take him a considerable amount of time to get there, so I’ll quickly bore you with a petite side story. Petite and fragile might I add.

Now the man may not know this, but a shoal of shrimps were several meters below him. The following took place in this curtain of orange: A power struggle. The shrimps with yellow dots on their exoskeletons came up with a way to co-exist with one another in the shoal. Their document stated that all shrimps are equal and that they ought to follow the first fish that passes. The shrimps lacking these yellow dots (calling themselves “the pure ones”) firmly disagreed. According to them, the shrimps should lay all their trust in the fattest shrimp around, for it is he who takes up the most space. Now I shan’t say that a war is about to take place, because that would be an outright understatement. I think the better thing to say would be: All hell is about to break loose! Times like these make us say a small prayer to the shrimpin’ industry. A huge net catches this boring side story and leaves us with the question; Who won the power struggle? Don’t ask yourself that question matey, just be thankful that you’re not on fire.

Let’s see now, the man is still putting his completely fire-free body to astonishing use, whilst he doesn’t know that a question about shrimps has risen. We’ll just ask him about that later, for now, let’s just wait a couple of lines so that the man can reach the submarine.




That’ll do just nicely and what do you know, the bloke made it. A new question arrives: How will he get in? Another question you needn’t worry about, because the man’s already inside. “Still not feeling hot, this must be my lucky day.” The man thought to himself. A true yet risky statement, because where was the precious water now to protect him from catching on fire? It was outside. Inside there was just everlasting emptiness. A sort of void within an infinite place. That didn’t stop the man from exploring it though. While still clinging on to a shrimp he found earlier, he ventured into the environmental pupil itself. Silence, not a sound nor racket or even noise. Even he himself couldn’t make a noise, as if he had gone deaf. It was that distinctive feeling that made him think of Beethoven the famous pianist. Not because he too was deaf at a point in his life, o no, just because he loves his compositions. Things you love should be remembered in even the most darkest of times, something the man thoroughly knew. Putting this into practice, made him feel like he was walking on water, light and at the same time very heavy. Hey, … I’m just stating what the guy thinks and feels, personally I think he’s a bloody loony. I mean a normal person would’ve suffocated in its own excrements if it had to endure these kinds of conditions, but not this guy. This guy just swims, ignores a power struggle and explores eternal darkness. Now swimming and exploring dark matter is one thing, but ignoring a power struggle between shrimps is crossing the line in my book.

And you’re reading that book right now.




Hopefully some more responses this time:p Come on people give me thy deepest of thought about it:awesome:

Edited by Fused King
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  • 4 months later...


“Life in the mines. That’s the life for me!â€

The girl hastily said when she rushed out of her home. Her parents weren’t at all pleased with her absent behavior nowadays and yet they condoned their daughter’s lifestyle. Their motto was: If you can’t beat it, then it’s just a phase. Therefore they let young Joline get herself dirty in those, as they loved to put it, monstrous pits of darkness. For them it was the life of the lower-class, the life of the mentally challenged, but for Joline lie in the mines was like the life of an awkward man living near awkward silences. She fit in there like sand on a sandwich.

As Joline approached the ladder going underground, she was suddenly overcome by a strange feeling. An odd cloud of smoke emerged from the dark pit, which now turned yellowish. One could easily say that if one were to draw some slant-eyes on it, it would be an Asian puff. It’s that kind of yellow Joline couldn’t put her finger on, and so, being the little rebel-brat that she was, she decided to explore the cloud of the Orient. As someone who had not been given the tools from her parents to think as a sane scientist, Joline dived right into the pit, knowing she would land in a pleasant and, moreover, not painful way. Given the fact that she already knew how deep it was, one could color her dumb, but only the one who doesn’t know what lies beneath. For it is generally known by all miners that there ought to be a strong, big and yet soft pillow directly under the first ladder. Common knowledge for them so to speak.

Strangely enough no fluffy softness existed under this particular ladder and Joline died. Got your attention there didn’t I, when someone dies one always feels an inners feeling. For some it’s fear, for others perhaps relief, but for you it were none of those two. No, what you felt was, at its core, was confusion.

Finished! I analyzed your psyche without ever meeting you.





During the next few days you may experience some slight discomfort near the upper region of your body. Don’t be alarmed though, it’s just that thing that you always had, but left. It did so, because of your indifferent attitude towards miners.

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