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Wii - 2nd Most Popular Online Console


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If Mario Karts online works in exactly the same way as the 360 does online then yes it's perfect. If I have to fuck around getting a friends 'friend code' typed in then forget it. I don't understand how a friend code is any different to just a Wii email address. Why do they make it so annoying to connect to people? Surely parent controls would be sufficient to ensure kids weren't open to freaks?


Well yeah, but I was disregarding the Friend codes because they're a given. Everyone knows they're a pain in the ass but we'll only get rid of them on the next console releases (I hope).

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An idea I posted in the other Wii online thread going on now, was that they might be able to release a channel where you created a username, and you could add other people's usernames, when you added someone's username, they would get a message to confirm they want to be friends with you, then both your consoles could get the friend codes for all the games that you both own, and automatically enter them into the respective save files for you. This should be possible without changing the hardware.

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An idea I posted in the other Wii online thread going on now, was that they might be able to release a channel where you created a username, and you could add other people's usernames, when you added someone's username, they would get a message to confirm they want to be friends with you, then both your consoles could get the friend codes for all the games that you both own, and automatically enter them into the respective save files for you. This should be possible without changing the hardware.


The only problem would be if there were people with the same user name, and even if they were unique than people wouldn't have the liberty to change it any time and in Nintendo's case the worse part is how easy it would be for child molesters to spam it. But your idea is great and the Wii does have one friend code for itself that's actually useful, it could be linked to any user name (just like msn and steam do it with the emails) and all you have to do is exchange ONE friend code per console to make them "friends" (actually this solution is how I thought friend codes worked before trying them).

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This news surprises me but it is good news! The more folk online will mean more people to play with! I imagine Brawl and Mario Kart are the main causes of such a large Wii-online userbase?


Yeah, specially Mario Kart, its just so ahead of everything else on the Wii when it comes to online. I think its way it makes so obvious it has an online mode.

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