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Hey, I'm looking to buy a Wii guitar game - never got one before so I need advice!

I much prefer the track listing of Rock Band, but Guitar Hero World Tour controllers are supposed to be better, and the game's also supposed to have a better single player experience. So basically I suppose what I'm asking is - is the Rock Band controller that bad, and the single player experience that lacking, that I'd find the game not really that fun, even though I'd be playing songs I liked?

Answers on a postcard please...



Don't bother with RB on Wii. It's terrible. RB2 is "supposed" to be brilliant. So if you want to wait I'd recommend doing so. Then you could buy RB1 cheapo and it would work with the RB2 setup.


Saying that, GHWT is a fabulous title and the DLC integration is handled superbly. Future DLC could be a potential draw for yourself too?

You could also play GH3 with the GHWT instruments and that title has a great mix of old and new tunes alike.


Thanks for the advice. But when you say Rock Band is awful on Wii, do you mean because it lacks features like online, world tour and dlc? Cos I'm not so fussed about those. It's the core guitar game (are the songs interesting and fun to play on guitar?) and guitar peripheral I'm asking about really.

Thanks, Tom


I think if you're going for the core guitar game, I'd go with GHWT. It's not to say that RB is bad but it's just that GH is better at the guitar parts whereas RB is better at the party aspects. GHWT has better features out of the two on the Wii. I don't know anything about the guitars for either as I've not tried the guitars for the Wii games, and I only use the GH2 controller for all of the games. Perhaps someone else could answer that. But I'd definitely go for GHWT on the Wii. If it was on say the 360 or PS3 I'd say go for RB.


Hey man, GHWT is an awesome experience, as it has the full package, RB 1 on Wii is terrible as the online and DLC was what drove the 360 version for many people, myself included. So all in all, buy GHWT :bouncy:

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