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Ok so I've got a 7gb file here which has a boat load of content of video for my university course on it. Now the movies are all amazing quality but when I try to play any of them on my home PC, Media Player stutters along like a robot and VLC has no audio (and stutters).


All of the individual files are .wmv format yet it's the bigger files which run the worst. Anything over 1gb and my PC stutters on playback. I decided to mount the "image" of the DVD onto my HDD and that made no difference neither.


So, perhaps I will need to compress the files (thus losing some quality no doubt) or is there a fix for this?


I actually tried using Nero Recode (think it's a player which came with my PC) and that gave me a warning saying "some systems are unstable when viewing playback of high resolution videos"...but it ran the files better than any others (although the sound skipped in and out and juddered ala Media Player.)


Thing is, I need to hear these adverts and obviously the uni need to get real if they think everyones PC's can run such high res video. I'm certain they are 1290x800 (or similar).


Any tips for cutting them down to size or converting them to something like.avi for ease of use? I've never had any issues before so it's wierd.


PS: My laptop wouldn't run them at all and the PC is quite new. And other students seem to be fine with it :(


Maybe it's just a codec issue.

If the resolution is pretty high though try zoomplayer.

I found it to be the most resource friendly player for high-res stuff. It will also automatically install some codecs (if you let it) that will maybe help you with playback.


Another idea would be the CC Codec Pack.


Sorry that I can't be of any bigger help.


In the properties of video files it says what resolution they are and could you also post your PC specs please? That would also help to determine what to do.


Kinda weird, maybe your hard drive throughput is too low or something.


What's your video card? Maybe you could try hardware accelerating video decoding with Mediaplayer Classic Home Cinema if your card supports it.


Thanks for the helpfullness people. :D Your comments led me onto much searching which led me to try 'KMPlayer' which worked really well (but the sound was a bit juttery). So I used Media Player Encoder and changed the sound from 5.1 to just 2ch stereo. Now it works fine.


Perhaps a thread lock is now required :)

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