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speaky the japnese? bluey needs you!!

Guest bluey

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taskite kudasai!!


i. love. phoenix. wright. O_____O!!

i have just found out about a gyakuten saiban special orchestra concert in japan being held on september 23rd ~ thats my day off! i NEEEEED TO GOOOOO!!!

can someone PLEASE help translate the website and clue me in on where/what time it's being held and how to buy tickets?! i'd be eternally grateful :bowdown:


official capcom website

honto ne arigato gozaimashita!!

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23rd of September in the Oochaado Hall (Orchard Hall?) in Tokyo. Can't find the time though, and my Japanese is very limited ate the moment. I'll try to see what else I can figure out.


SS席 7,140円  S席 6,090円  A席 5,040円 These are the prices for the tickets. I think the SS, S, A has to do with the seating.


昼公演 13時00分開演/12時00分開場予定 These seem to be the beginning hours at noon, but I'm not sure if it begins at 1pm or noon...


夜公演 17時30分開演/16時30分開場予定 This seems to be the evening gig. 5.30pm or 4.30pm??


I wish I had my kanji dictionary with me, this would be way easier. Why don't you try asking someone Japanese? You're in Japan, after all.


EDIT: Okay, I think you can enter the Hall at noon/4.30pm, and the show starts an hour later.


And it seems this is the best place for tickets. (Don't kill me if I was wrong and you end up buying tickets for something totally else!) Can anyone confirm if I'm more or less right? There have to other weeaboos on this forum whose Japanese is better than mine.

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*received ticket from mysterious japanese website*

echo thank you so much!!

i just booked my ticket!! ^___^


it's on the 23rd at 5.30 ~ it was nearly sold out too!! O___O


soooo gunna buy the blue badger phone strap and the CD (or maybe the DVD book!! EEE!!)

i'm really happy!!!



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*Uses Phoenix Down*

Given that Bluey is now happy (I think. It was hard to tell), Patch needs you too!


Seeing this thread reminded me of a label in my friend's car that's written in Japanese. We spent a while looking up symbols and all we got was that it's a warning about the car.




Any ideas? Is there an ejector seat? Underwater mode?

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"in case of emergencies: spoil the roof ~

special attack tiger will be deployed.

please make sure you have all of your teeth with you

as unsupervised teeth will be destroyed"


...you're SO bloody welcome! *grin!*

p.s. zomg sarcasm! i just got it!! hahahehehaheh!

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Come to think of it, this friend of mine did mention something about a low growling noise coming from the glovebox while driving down the M1...


Not being very helpful am I?


We're getting there, little by little!


Anyone else want to take a stab at it?

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