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Right thats me done had enough of having "unrecoverable errors" for one day, shame cos wasn't do to bad in that last game...sigh..really feel like giving up on this game...I hate it always seems to fuck up when I'm doing well...good old sods law (and fuck it murphy's law is getting in on the act to), both out to get me in one big convoluted web of conspiracy to prevent me from playing Killzone 2 online.

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It's greatly satisfying when you frag someone from the forums. The novelty has worn off on Cooky though ;) Good games though. We should try competing against other clans tomorrow or whenever.


Hilarious when Cooky announced he was going to take a shit!

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flameboy has serious connection issues. He was lagging like mad.


Tried wired to your router as a test?


yep tried it this afternoon still had problems...like I said been playing resistance 2 with no problems tonight on wireless aswell

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yep tried it this afternoon still had problems...like I said been playing resistance 2 with no problems tonight on wireless aswell


I had issues for awhile before and I am wired. And the way the Killzone site is still having problems, I am not surprised :heh:

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Well I am all out of ideas...reset router everyway possible, unplugged everything, run a wire to it, set up my router options again, check the firewall is switched off...reset my network settings on my ps3...i just hope a patch comes soon that improves online stability.

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It's got to be something really stupid between ur router and the killzone servers. Stupid things.


Two highlights from tonight was both from cooky.


"Can i have ur childen now?"


<No Answer>


"No then?"


LOL, also cooky informing us all that he needs a shit!


So funny.

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If you are having deadzone/aiming issues, apparently, turning off the 'colour correction filter' in the ps3 XMB display settings helps alot. Also, making sure the game is running in 720p also helps. Found this on the killzone forums, and my god does it make a difference for offline play, REALLY. I can actually fucking aim now. Wonder if it will also make a difference online...

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I'll add you to the clan. You can accept invite via the game. The game has its own system built in seperate from the website so it will always work.



If you are having deadzone/aiming issues, apparently, turning off the 'colour correction filter' in the ps3 XMB display settings helps alot. Also, making sure the game is running in 720p also helps. Found this on the killzone forums, and my god does it make a difference for offline play, REALLY. I can actually fucking aim now. Wonder if it will also make a difference online...


It doesnt make any difference. The whole controls thing was just in some peoples head when its really just about adjusting to a new game. :laughing:

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I'll add you to the clan. You can accept invite via the game. The game has its own system built in seperate from the website so it will always work.





It doesnt make any difference. The whole controls thing was just in some peoples head when its really just about adjusting to a new game. :laughing:


Online, I had no problems, but going to single player, it really felt different. But after trying this, the aiming actually feels alot different.

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Online, I had no problems, but going to single player, it really felt different. But after trying this, the aiming actually feels alot different.


The single player controls do have a different feel, that was intentional according to GG. for example run and turn and both are very different. I think you are adjusting. You were tough to play against today. :heh: The PS forums are full of people thinking of different control conspiracy theories funnily enough. That seems to be dieing down though.


Well I am all out of ideas...reset router everyway possible, unplugged everything, run a wire to it, set up my router options again, check the firewall is switched off...reset my network settings on my ps3...i just hope a patch comes soon that improves online stability.


You also should never be signing out of PSN unless its maintenance or everyone is badly hammering PSN which is rare. So something is not quite right.


Have you plugged in your PS3 directly to the cable modem? Bypassing the router. I should have said this earlier so apologies. That way you know for sure whether its the router or not. Though wired router should work in most cases. Also you are with Virgin 20MB? they give a white Netgear router for free? upnp on that is not always perfect.

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The single player controls do have a different feel, that was intentional according to GG. for example run and turn and both are very different. I think you are adjusting. You were tough to play against today. :heh: The PS forums are full of people thinking of different control conspiracy theories funnily enough. That seems to be dieing down though.


Heh thanks although I thought this was one of my worser days tbh. Sabotuer is so much fun. And so is scout. Can see myself playing as these as my main :D

Singleplayer wise, I find im doing alot better with the aiming after I made the changes I stated earlier. Damn I love this game. Pretty much what I bought my ps3 for and I am pretty satisfied with my decision.

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Had a few games online last night on the Corinith Crossing level and it was just !) insane and 2) unbelievably unfair. Got a full match and basically the helghast team I think were all clan members so they all got paired up and all had rocket launchers and it was just pretty awful trying to get a kill. Still, it's the insanity of it that I enjoy in online gaming and I was positioned in the top 4 for every match I played9was always on the ISA team as I thought it'd just be crappy on the helghast team just nailing the ISA repeatedly and it feels better taking down those who are better :D).


Couldn't get into the N-E match either due to it being a clan match so unfortunately I won't be able to play then seeing as I've gone solo with a one man clan.

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Everytime I tried to join it said 'Can't join a clan match as you're not a member' or something to that degree. ::shrug:


I'll invite you. Basically it means the game was clan restricted as well as password protected.


Yes online alot of clans abuse randoms to score high points. I would just leave those games. If you are not high rank i recommend selecting 'my rank' only in search. Makes it alot easier and you wont be fighting fully upgraded clans. Triangle also does the auto game thing like Battlefield BC or COD4 but that can be hit or miss.

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I don't mind the clan zerg matches I've been in. Funnily enough, they haven't really offset my kills:death ratio at all as I seem to be able to get at least 1:1 when playing in those matches or better in the kills departments thanks to the grenade kills (really, for a clan they were pretty shoddy over the whole grenade kills thing. Always walked right ontop of mine).

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BTW thanks Dwarf for keeping me focused i got the magnum. Thought i was losing it. :heh: Then i clicked and started getting tons of kills round after round. Dont know recall how i got the previous ribbons 4 pistol ribbons. Melee shouldnt be a problem, I seem good at that.


BTW if its like pc games stat padding would result in a reset by moderators. Which GG are looking into right now. So be careful to not fall victim.


Going to play some single player and see how that is. But multiplayer is a huge feast as it is... :D



its chris_k_1986


I think i may have sent you an invite this morning. Log in to killzone(game) and check clan or messages within the game.


Gotta add Ganepark32 too. I hope i am not missing anyone else. Have officers tried inviting? does it work?

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