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For the Revolution I wish for . . .


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Having just completed Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes on the Cube (of which I'm thrilled about by the awy) - I had a thought about the entire Codec system overhual for the Revolution. Imagine a future installment of the franchise on the Rev (or one like it) where the player is communicated to by NPC's within the gaming envorinment ala "The Colonel". But instead of the gaming screen suddenly changing to an "in-game" Codec interface - all info actually gets wirelessly send to the DS upon which it would ring similar to a mobile phone. Thus ensuing a waste of game screen realistate on our main TV screen and allowing the user to interact in a more indepth manner with the info coming through. This idea of device connectivity could also be used to present additional channel info/communcation from other human players over the WiFi network.

it just struck me that Microsoft and Sony seem hellbent on making their next gen systems the heart of the living room by ensuring their peripheral devices are interconnected - whereas Nintendo's previous attempts at this have met with limited success ie GC - GBA (additional maps and hints).

I even thought of a crime FPS style game (not unlike the new Condemed on X-Box 360) whereby you navigate/shoot/jump etc via the unique controller set-up on the Rev - but when it comes to inputting phone numbers, cracking codes and communicating with NPC's and other intimate stuff like that then you could use your DS as an extention of the gameplay environment.

Imagine tracking a killer through a game that contacts you at ramdom via your DS! - Freaky Man - Just Freaky!


Anyway thats my two cents - or two P - as I'm a UK resident! :)


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A Love note to the creative team behind the eventual Rogue Squadron 4 Revolution...


The Scene: Bespin Carbon Freezing Chamber.

Steam rising all around, mchinery whirring and lights flickering as electricity pulses through their cores.


"The Force is with you young Skywalker......" echoes an eerie mechanical voice

"but you are not a Jedi yet..."


The sound of Mechanized Breathing envelopes all around you.


Rev batton in Hand you navigate up the stairwell with the directional nunchuck and are confronted with the fearfull image of Darth Vader Dark Lord of the Sith.

With a flick of the underside "Trigger" button you ignite your saberblade - poised ready for battle.


As the battle progresses you defty lunge, parry and deflect strikes through your motion activated Rev batton.


Now this is how on foot sections of Rogue Squadron games should be...


To all Sony fanboys "I feel the hate swealing in you now - give in to your anger - buy a Revoluition!"


Seriously ... don't hate me - I'm a multi-system gamer and I hope a PS3 won't cost too much caus I can't wait to play MGS4 either.



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I havent read all the replies so this may have been covered already but id like to see some of the old co-op games taken online, like Contra. Games that simple should be a piece of cake to bring online.


And a simplified friend code system would be nice

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