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Selling Wii - Wanting PS3


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I think Id do better on ebay though.


So you've made up your mind already... Cam'on! this topic was meant to be a PS3 vs Wii!...and so let me share my feelings on the TRUE subject ;)...


Call me crazy but I've probably sold a sub total of 5 Wiis over the year and a half of its release, mostly due to boredom and me being unimpressed with the overall quality of it's games - 3rd parties as well as 1st - (But also down to CEX's incredible (and stupid) £220 buy-back for Wii and Wii Sports).


I've found myself using the Wii mostly to catch up on or replay VC games. Its particularly sad when an N64 for game like Paper Mario feels superior in every conceivable way to its (spiritual) new gen successor Super Paper Mario. Also find it odd that I can play OOT and MM over and over again with delight yet find it choresome to play TP for a 3rd time - Yes, it is my belief that 1st party Wii games of late have been 'sloppy', in no way meaning 'poor' but the quality is missing IMO.

Add that with 3rd party shrewdness and lack of desire to do anything worth while just yet for the console. I mean I felt like this this time last year and it still feels the same.


With the PS3 (and indeed 360) however there is an air of creativity and newness, its nice to know that your console will be blessed by the best developers have to offer and not some reworked port. In my circle of friends it isn't Wii thats bringing us closer to playing a game together but rather its the deeper and hassle-free (friend codes etc) online services 360 and PS3 have to offer and thats only topped up by developers making their most polished games with online features. IMO I think the future for gaming lies in online connectivity - perhaps Wii would be a bit more better if games like Wii Sports were online and if games like Brawl had a much more social, competitive and hassle-free online service.


With the Wii it just always seems like 'better games will come soon, just wait'...People get tired of waiting to play a good game or to play a good game with friends. Its like a club saying to its customers wait a few hours for us to open, naturally, with the nature of fun in mind, people will just flock to the next club. PS3 is always noted as being full of potential but it also has mainstream games to keep it going, so one may say omg Final Fantasy 13 etc but you can still say Devil May Cry > Grand Theft Auto > Metal gear solid etc. The aforementioned games seem perfect for what they are pretty much meant to be but IMO (and I stress that) a lot of prime Wii games seem either critically flawed or 'dumbed' down which sort of add limitations to their enjoyment. Basically after a while you just feel like "meh" - I felt like that with mario Galaxy, as fun as it was, the lack of difficulty just doesn't make me want to move on to the next stage as I'm flying by already.


Basically, I'm unimpressed with Nintendo, they just don't seem as dedicated to their fans as Sony and especially Microsoft. Sure they're a ruthless business but there should be some form of company-consumer connectivity, especially in this nature of business. Also 3rd parties ditching Nintendo can also be seen as a Nintendo-made problem.




Of course the best option would be to keep a Wii with the PS3 but I can't because I don't have the time to cater to both, the expenses to cater to both and the space to cater to both. I basically prefer the idea of one console (yes) catering all my gaming needs, and since I would not like to have 2 machines all over the place, I'll just have to seek the next best thing but that definitely isn't the Wii.


Basically, thats a good move. For me, Pikmin 3 and Zelda Wii are the only games that would make me feel like I just HAVE to own a Wii and play it. Brawl was the last game to give me this sensation...Now i want; Street Fighter 4, Resident Evil 5, Wipeout, MGS4, and all that other good sh*t that you KNOW will come.


(can't believe I wrote all that)

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My friend's dad unexpectedly offered to buy my Wii this weekend at full price so i let it go, leaving me with a PS3 only. I would have never predicted that 2 years ago!


So now i either....


A....wait for Wii Launch 2.0 (new colors, hard-drive support, simplified online and games that actually appeal to me)


or B...just ride out this generation with the PS3 and see what Nintendo does with its next console


Here's hoping that A happens, though B seems more realistic at the moment

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My friend's dad unexpectedly offered to buy my Wii this weekend at full price so i let it go, leaving me with a PS3 only. I would have never predicted that 2 years ago!


So now i either....


A....wait for Wii Launch 2.0 (new colors, hard-drive support, simplified online and games that actually appeal to me)


or B...just ride out this generation with the PS3 and see what Nintendo does with its next console


Here's hoping that A happens, though B seems more realistic at the moment


I am sorry for your loss.

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