Deathjam Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 But for some reason, I felt compelled to understand what those funny looking people were saying, and I started playing with a dictionary by my side. In time, I needed the dictionary less and less, and soon an English-speaking RPG fanatic was born!! If I knew what the game was like beforehand, I would have stayed the heck away from it. I like this. Great perseverance. Never played the game though. Anyways, on the hardness of games, I feel it could be down to that extra third dimension. They way I put it, there is another avenue of escape. For example, Viewtiful Joe (not old in years, but old in style) was 2d and ROCK hard. I actually gave up on that. Ninja Gaiden was ROCK hard but had, despite my early claims, more room for error than Joe. I rememeber reading a developer's comment saying back in the day, games had to be hard to make the game last longer. If you look on youtube, you can see the hardcore run through those oldies in little less than an hour. Nowadays we have unlockable extras, multiplayer modes, and the fast emerging DownLoadable Content. There are different ways to make a game last now. Saying that though, even with these features, games are, or were getting shorter. I myself don't stick with a game for long. Usually reach the end game when another catches my eye and i move on to that. Although, sometimes I am truly hooked from start to end (Metroid Prime 3) I find that I can go long periods now without a game, which earlier in my life, all the way when the Atari ST was available, was impossible. I am a little worried that my addiction is waning, and in ten years time, or something like that, I will not be interested at all.
steggy Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 I guess I'm one of the oldies as well, my first computer was the Vic-20 (Well it was my brothers, but I played it too) I don't think gaming has got worse, it has been getting better. With quite a few different genre's being born here and there. I think I found a good balance of gaming last gen, having the GC for some casual fun titles and the PC for some of the more serious titles. But this gen my PC is looking a little worse for wear, and I havn't been too hyped for any PC games of late (bar Orange Box). So I've been channeling a lot of my time into my Wii, and I've been having a great time. But I have noticed myself buying more games before I've finished the older ones. And with MKWii comming soon I don't see that changing for a while. And I still want to get hold of Ghost Squad, Geometry Wars and Mario & Sonic. Before when I was a bit poorer, I think I tended to get more out of my games. Well at least when me and my gf finally get on the property ladder I'll have a lot of games that still need completing. Having a bit more of a chance to think about it, I don't think gaming's got worse or better. There's still casual games, it's just theres more of a market for them. I mean if you think about it, Solitare had a huge buzz around it in the mid ninties. Nintendo continues to innovate and make simple fun titles. The XBox seems to have taken a lot of the PC market with it's excess of FPS's, which will still be horrible to control, sorry XBox owners but it's mouse + keyboard or Wiimote + Nunchuck for me (I still don't know why a mouse + keyboard combo hasn't been released for the 360, I mean you could play Quake 3 on dreamcast that way). And sony continues pump out titles that fail to interest me in the slightest. Anyway, so things have moved forward but in my eye's continue to be the same in the console world. Hopefully with WiiWare comming out soon, it will bring along some good innovations. You see this sort of thing with flash games online, and hopefully some of the good ideas get snapped up by punters and dev's alike.
dwarf Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 For me gaming has massively improved since I started playing. I think most people confuse greatness with nostalgia.
or else you will DIE Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Games are too short and easy these days.
dwarf Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Games are too short and easy these days. Then stop playing Luigi's mansion and play hyper mode in Corruption!
Jamba Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 I find this hard to articulate properly. I'm a Speccy kid but my real gaming life was SNES era. I find it hard to get excited about games. I find it hard to come up with reasons to buy games for the Wii atm in particular. For instance: Super Paper Mario. It was rambling and weird and held very little challenge. It seemed so pedestrian and featureless that I just traded it. I disagree with what some people have said in the thread already. I think that games should be shorter and harder. My perfect example is Contra 3 (and kind of Contra 4). It was challenging, so much so that you had to ask your friends for help. I went back to this game and played it again and again because part of you just wants to get better at it. It wasn't abobut finishing it but getting better. In this respect, I feel that I should probably play more fighters and sports games because they have a long and everlasting difficulty curve (especially if you have compatriots to play against). Most games nowadays require a very small amount of learning and once you have done that then its curtains. Finishing it is just a matter of principle. To be quite honest my brain gets bored. I have a perfect example of how I feel gaming has changed in one single example. Assassins Creed. But I'll talk about that in a different post.
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