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Fatal Frame 4

Gaijin von Snikbah

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well to be fair i wasnt asking you the question. but oops i didnt specify tht now did i. never mind.


ne way the game looks great and lets hope it plays like the others and pray they dnt screw it up wiv tacked on motion controls.


Wow. Hey guys, we have a new asshole in the forums! Say hi to asshole folks.

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well to be fair i wasnt asking you the question. but oops i didnt specify tht now did i. never mind.


ne way the game looks great and lets hope it plays like the others and pray they dnt screw it up wiv tacked on motion controls.


Aww :( Hit me where it hurts why don't you. Guess it was to be expected from someone such as yourself anyway.


Ah what the hell. Well no you didn't ask me, you asked the forum, I happened to be the first one to reply. But you openly said you didn't specify me, your a good and big person for admitting it.


As an extra bonus for the new guy, when there's been several pictures/scans posted on the same page, then the new guy wonders in, asks if it's FMV... But wait, we were supposed to know he was talking about a certain picture from the ones we already had on that page. *Insert big DOH here*


You may of been talking about a certain picture, next time you should specify it so people know what one your talking about. Second of all, I wasn't jumping the gun, any other person would of said something similiar to me. And last but not least, now this is the mystery, I wasn't trying to 'tek piss out u', saying you didn't specify a picture.


I could say a lot more for you to dislike me further, but that's enough for now.


Also, Hi.


EDIT - There's no need to cause more ranting in here, but if you feel compelled to, lets make it short and over quickly.

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i thought the same cos of the detail on the back of her dress


Aww :( Hit me where it hurts why don't you. Guess it was to be expected from someone such as yourself anyway.


Ah what the hell. Well no you didn't ask me, you asked the forum, I happened to be the first one to reply. But you openly said you didn't specify me, your a good and big person for admitting it.


As an extra bonus for the new guy, when there's been several pictures/scans posted on the same page, then the new guy wonders in, asks if it's FMV... But wait, we were supposed to know he was talking about a certain picture from the ones we already had on that page. *Insert big DOH here*


You may of been talking about a certain picture, next time you should specify it so people know what one your talking about. Second of all, I wasn't jumping the gun, any other person would of said something similiar to me. And last but not least, now this is the mystery, I wasn't trying to 'tek piss out u', saying you didn't specify a picture.


I could say a lot more for you to dislike me further, but that's enough for now.


Also, Hi.


EDIT - There's no need to cause more ranting in here, but if you feel compelled to, lets make it short and over quickly.


i cnt believe you went into tht much detail over nowt

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i thought the same cos of the detail on the back of her dress




i cnt believe you went into tht much detail over nowt


Meh, didn't take long to type up.


Should probably watch some videos to see what the games are actually like, I know what it'll like horror and such, just now how the games done or anything.

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Guest Maase
Serves you right! Ah!


Maase I played a bit of the first one I think and it was mostly laughing, but not enough laughter that I would piss my pants.


Well, i heard the first one is a little less scarier than 2


Still, if you haven't pissed yourself in one, you shouldn't piss yourself in 2.


(BTW, that video posted is from the bitch of the box, i actually never got in there, but in the forums everyone talks about her :'( )

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If Fatal Frame is to have the torch/wii remote control, then i've assertained that this is either a first person or over the shoulder perspective (certainly, they're nicer shoulders to look over than Leon S Kennedy's). I;ve been diggin on youtube and i'm very, very tempted to buy a PS2 and the 3 games...


Is there any news on the rumour that this is now a Nintendo owned franchise, or was this just fanw@nk?

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If Fatal Frame is to have the torch/wii remote control, then i've assertained that this is either a first person or over the shoulder perspective (certainly, they're nicer shoulders to look over than Leon S Kennedy's). I;ve been diggin on youtube and i'm very, very tempted to buy a PS2 and the 3 games...


Is there any news on the rumour that this is now a Nintendo owned franchise, or was this just fanw@nk?


It was never a rumour, Nintendo is funding and publishing this game, this is official since day 1. The game is also 3rd person like other ones and the wiimote will be used to point flashlight among other things.

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It was never a rumour, Nintendo is funding and publishing this game, this is official since day 1. The game is also 3rd person like other ones and the wiimote will be used to point flashlight among other things.


There is a difference between funding and publishing the game, thus providing exclusivity and actually owning the franchise (it was said that they had bought the franchise from Tecmo).

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There is a difference between funding and publishing the game, thus providing exclusivity and actually owning the franchise (it was said that they had bought the franchise from Tecmo).


I never read any confirmation that Nintendo bought the franchise anywhere, I doubt it, it's just stupid IGN writing and Nintendo doesn't do that. They simply have a contract where they agree to have funded and publish FF games from now on. How many? We'll see

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