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Virtua Fighter 5

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There was another thread for this game, but I didn't like the look of it. Anyway, I bought this, and I love it, but the dpad for the 360 sucks cock!! So I went out and bought one of these.




Just waiting for it to come tomorrow from Amazon. Should be able to play the game properly then. :heh:

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I really don't mind using the Analogue tbh.


VF5 gets fucking SOLID towards the end of the game. I'm a Warrior on it but i'm now struggling to beat anything ahead of me. I use Pai-Chan so i have to land an extremely long combo together to get even 1/3rd of health off anyone.

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I've been using Aoi, and I'm playing the game on the hardest setting. Can't get past the 3rd fighter on it though.

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Funny how the game is automatically set on the hardest setting on quest mode. I love it.


I'm still using Akira, because I'm masochistic. I've had the DOA version of that Hori stick for the best part of a year now, it's pretty versatile, although it's only quad gate rather than octagonal gate...so it's not amazing or anything. Still...it totally shits over having to use a normal pad.

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Using the 360 pad for a game like this is just too painful. My stick should be here tomorrow, so I'll be playing the game properly! Think I'll be changing my fighter, Aoi just seems too weak.

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I tried Lau last night, he seemed good, but I'm a little bored of using clichéd male ninja types, that's why I started with Aoi. I'll give Kage a go though.

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Pai-Chan has a huge advantage in some areas i've found. Her combos seem to string together faster and she can go from high to low extremely fast.


Only downside is, she may as well be flicking her enemy the amount of damage she does... >_>

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Good think about Pai is that she's really really difficult to counter, whereas someone like Akira will take off a third of your health with a well strung combo, but is a lot easier to parry because his moves are slower and less frequent.


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Got my stick today, and it has improved me shit loads!! Played some online, won a few games, but got owned mostly, but it's all just for fun, and I'm not arsed if I get beat. :p Can't believe this game only cost me £20 brand new!!

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40...a bit expensive, but I didn't only buy it for VF 5. I'll be using it for Soul Calibur 4 when it comes out, and other beat 'em ups.

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Got my stick today, and it has improved me shit loads!! Played some online, won a few games, but got owned mostly, but it's all just for fun, and I'm not arsed if I get beat. :p Can't believe this game only cost me £20 brand new!!


Where from? Mine was £25 pre-owned.

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Bought it a few weeks ago, need to play it more.

I mostly play with Kage and that Mexican wrestler

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Where from? Mine was £25 pre-owned.


Game. Virtua Tennis was there for 20 quid as well. Can't believe I used to boycott that store.


Any one got any tips for holding the stick? I find some movements to be very awkward with it.

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