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Guess Who

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Welcome to the Guess Who thread.

you will be given clues, and have toguess which celebrity it is.

in posts you can either ask a question, or take a guess at who it is.

if your guess is wrong, you cant make another one straght away.


heres an example

ok, heres my clue.


SHE served time in prison

does she havebrown hair?


does she have blond hair?


is it paris hilton?

you win, now you do one


anyone can start it off


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Was the band formed in the past 20 years?


The band was formed sometime in the past 30 years.

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Does he have an outlandish hairstyle?


If by outlandish you mean strange: sometimes yes, sometimes no.


Is he from Serra Leoa?


No. And I have no idea where Serra Leoa is.

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