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Just a quick question. Did any of these hundreds of blogs, all ran by people who are "in the biz", get the Revolution aspect right?


If, like I presume, none did. Maybe it is a point you should take in when you start to read them. I myself don't read blogs at all because they are all a bunch of old cobblers.

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the point is, people use blogs because they just want their voice heard, they will never get the info before or the right info, that big game sites getting preview kits and interviews with the companies.


Not entirely true. As the head editor of Moz La Punk (a website that never ran such ridiculus clames, thank god), I can see potential with the use of a blog to still reach a fairly high level of information sharing.


I'm on a journalism education and you learn new ways to get your info and how to bring it to people. I can honestly say that we bring news and articles more proffesional as most blogs. It also helps that the appearance, our design, looks more traditional website-like compared to other blogs.


We already have made ties to certain companies by getting on their press page.


Don't get me wrong, I view the blog/website that I'm making as a place to get experience for when I become a payed journalist and I hope my editors can get that same experience. I don't see it as a competitor of real websites, obviously. But as far as news and especially quality articles go... I don't know, I think we can compete or at least share the market with 'smaller' gamesites like N-Philes for instance, not to offend them in any way. Heck, I will not even start about the news posting on Revolution Europe, because I know we're faster than that.


And people who want their opinion heard aren't real journalists in the slightest. The whole point of journalism, so I've heard on my education, is informing and entertaining other people.


So, I hope I haven't put anyone or anything in a bad daylight because that isn't my goal. On the contrary, I find it worrying that a few select people who keep spewing nonsense on their blogs (I won't name anyone but I guess you all know who I mean) give the rest of us, people who just want to practice their skills and let readers entertain themselves in the progress, a bad name.


That is all. :D

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I dont read these blogs, because its either people stating Revo is a failure, or they have played it with Nintendo or supposedly know more.

I have my own opinion, so I dont need any blogs to sway it.

If you played it, provide evidence, because I doubt they'l choose some random guy off the web.

If you know more, shut up. I heard every bit of info nintendo have given about Revolution, and they havent given out any thing else, so what makes you so speacil to announce it? Wouldnt the NDA have something to say about it?

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