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Hey guys, I am about to do my first ground up build and I was wondering are there any new significant technoloy's coming out between now and the start of febuary? I would prefer to build now, but if there is anything that warrents waiting I would not mind waiting till febuary at the latest. I know PCI-E 2 is supposed to be coming out, is that within the time frame? I want this build to last for as long as possible. I know its impossible to future proof in the world of pc's but I am going to give it my best shot.


Also does anyone know if there are going to be any big price drops?? When are the AMD quad core phenoms comeing out? They should trigger an intel price drop.


All help and oppinions are much appreciated.





Next week something will be out and will be cheaper than what you buy today. That's just the way it is.

Build it and then avoid looking at component sites for a while. It's so upsetting. :(

Guest Jordan
Next week something will be out and will be cheaper than what you buy today. That's just the way it is.

Build it and then avoid looking at component sites for a while. It's so upsetting. :(



Computers constantly upgrade, its how they make money!


Ok I was more wondering about new kinds of techs, faster clock speeds do not concern me as those components can eventually be upgraded if needs be.


Its stuff like PCI-E 2 that I am worried about because you cannot upgrade to it without buying a whole new mobo. Are there any other techs liek PCI-E 2 coming out soon?

45nm CPU's. Intel just brung out a new Chipset. DDR3. DX10.1 65nm cards in January.



Thanks , these are the kind of things I am talking about. The New 45 nm CPU's are still LGA 775 arent they? So I would be able to upgrade to them if I felt it was needed. Whats the new chipset you are talking about? P35 or X38? i didnt realise X38 is out already if thats what you are talking about. The Mobo I am looking at supports DDR 2 and 3 so I should be set there. I'm not going for a DX10 card yet, I will probably go for an x1950 pro or xt.

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