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How can i stop Windows downloading music data?


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I don't mean from Media Player, i mean from My Documents and sub-folders. Everytime i put a song in there it downloads some random image connected to that artist and sticks it on the front of the folder it's in. Is there a way to stop it from doing this but to still let Media Player download track info?

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I didn't know windows did that. O_o Are you sure you aren't downloading folder.jpg etc with the songs.

You're problem basically, is that Media player is downloading all the song info, including the album art, and you don't want the album art included?

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No, cos it's showing up album art from cds that i've ripped from my personal cd collection (as opposed from downloading from the internet) in My Documents.

But now you mention it, no i don't really want the album art on my media player either, just the song info.

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Some cds have the album art in them. TBH i can't see why you don't want the art, but if you really don't want to see it then just change the view


Theres probably a better solution, but im too tired to find it right now

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