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png/gif/tiff compression


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basicly i have a png file thats a few mb over the avatar size limit and i can't convert it to jpg because i would lose the transparency and even if i converted it back it would be a pain to do all the transparency over again as there are a bunch of lines that are a slightly different shade than the backround.


i have gimp grafic converter and preview at my disposal (and in a week or so photoshop extended)


any suggestions


(apologies for the spelling and grammar erros i was typing this fast)


Never Mind i figured it out

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I don't know what you figured out, but I would just use Photoshop's "save for web" function, you can pick the output file and quality type and get an accurate estimate of the final filesize there - and a good preview of the finished product.


Since you've figured it out... *closed*

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