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How easy is WEP to crack?


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If you use WEP use MAC address along side it.


You need to enter the MAC address for all your wireless PC's/Consoles then it will only allow those to conntect to your wireless router.


After reading this i remembered that i hadnt set up my new wireless router properly, so i set it up :]

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It doesn't generate a paassphrase or whatever you call it you have to make one yourself or use a generator similar to from this site: https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm


No, it doesn't generate a password itself as such, as that'd clearly require password generating software, which is kind of unneccesary. It does convert ASCII using a certain formula unless I'm mistaken, and also all WPA keys must be at least 8 digits long, ASCII or Hex, I've heard of those diceword generators, they're good, but I don't think anyone could guess my passwords, which I think is their main purpose(to prevent guessing of the obvious).


everytime I use my computer it has a different IP number...same with my girlfriends...

Is it the ISP address differing(because it's dynamic)? Or is it the actual computer's IP assigned by the router that is differing?

Typically, I believe d-link routers(all?) address is, and then address assigned to clients are usually like or something like such, it will usually start at the router adress with two 0s on the end. How to make it so this address assigning doesn't happen randomly? Find the DHCP setting(Dynamic Host Controller Protocool? I dunno, I made the C up, and probabaly got the others wrong)

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