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North Korea, what do you think?


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The north kerean army would stand no chance, the navy and air force of the allied forces vastly out numbers theres, if they can't move there trops they stand no chance, we have cruize misles that can be fired from our misile boats, our technology is vastly superior, they don't have any long range rockets which limits the ability to attack back almost completly, the would be crippled before a single allied man setts foot on there soil.


Wow amazing, one hell of a battle plan there.


Let's see your plan would also take out the innocent civilian North Koreans as well, and what happened to US when they went into Vietnam? They got shitted on

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Invasion and regime change by an outside force such as America or China just wouldn't work with the current climate. It would be like cornering a rabid terrier, hell it may be smaller then you, but it's just crazy enough to go straight for your jugular. If change is going to happen it will probably have to come from within through underground resistance and education of the population.

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