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Xbox Live and it's costs

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The day an online F-zero game comes out will be the day I have an orgasm.

Against all possibilities..it will be the best and wierdest day of my life apart form the other days.

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I for one am put off, if mine 360 broke Microsoft wouldn't send me a replacement because I live in Serbia. What would I do then? And I think there's not even one 360 owner on this forum that hasn't had at least one problem with the console.


As for Live, I'm sure it's great and I wouldn't really mind that much paying for it, but it should be free.


I know plenty of people who havent had any problems, seems to be a bit of a lottery tbh

Still, the figures for 360s breaking is below the 3% margin that they need to be by law


As for the original question, cant really comment yet cause im not on Live much. Will use it more when i have my 360 hooked up to the wireless

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i just got an origonal xbox xheap on ebay and was wondering if anyone knew if theres a way to get cheap subscription, ive heard that u can get free subscription with PGR2 but is that with every copy of the game?? help?

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Argh, my sub just expired :( Must have just missed it too, my sig was gold when i was on here earlier


The stuff ive got to buy is piling up, now need a new sub + a way to hook the 360 up to the net (cant keep using my laptop as a wireless bridge) + a new copy of Windows all to get this darn box working properly. Thats £160 worth of stuff :shock:

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