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That's my latest website :D If you're using an add blocker you may just get a load of broken images cus I'm on a free host for now.


Has an admin area where you can add news items, articles, animals and categories and upload photos to the gallery. Front page automatically selects the newest ones etc.


Uploading a photo uplaods the one and also creates another and resizes it for a thumbnail. Search function searches the titles of articles, news items and animals.


On an animal page it displays a picture and some information. Also shows the latest 3 gallery pics added for that animal, related news, and related articles.


Any comments/criticism welcome :D



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Its a nice design, though I had to check it out in ie7 to avoid those adblocker problems you mentioned. I especially like the semi-transparent aspects. The completely white bars where the search and menu are seem a little out of place though, maybe a colour or gradient in there? Also don't get too caught up in the blending options when making text headers. Otherwise it looks nice.


It's also nice to see something new around here. I've seen a lot of webcomics, a lot of gaming sites and a lot of blunt force advertising on these boards, but this is the first reptile website I've wound up on :heh:

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