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Hey tehre vicsO


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Status: Connected to guide: vicsO

vicsO: Welcome to ChaCha!

vicsO: Hello there.

You: Hey tehre vicsO

You: *there

vicsO: Hi How can I help?

You: erm, i'd like to know why i have black hair all over my body but my chin grows ginger

You: kinda weird hey?

vicsO: no

vicsO: You're just kidding ,.right?

vicsO: Do you need any real search today?

You: to some extent

vicsO: So what can I do for you?

You: i do have a ginger beard, but there's not much i can do about it

You: apparently it's genetic

vicsO: You ginger like the vegetable.

vicsO: mean

You: oh no, no.. i don't have vegetables on my face

vicsO: So what kind of ginger is that?

You: ginger is kinda like orange/red hair

vicsO: Oh oh.

vicsO: Okay.

vicsO: Probably genetic.

vicsO: So do you want info on that?

You: what colour is your hair?

vicsO: blonde

You: ah nice, they say the natural blondes are becoming less frequent for some reason

vicsO: I don't know.But you can pretty much get it from a salon.

vicsO: stilll searching

You: yeah, my friend had that- it was very expensive though

vicsO: That is not expensive for any girl that wants it.

You: do you enjoy your work vicsO?

vicsO: Absolutely

You: it seems like it would be quite rewarding

vicsO: check out the sites.

vicsO: and let me know what you think.

You: Ahaha that is fantastic, the third link looks perfect for me

vicsO: It's rewarding and I love it.

vicsO: Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?

You: oh no, i just saw you guys features on the show 'this is a knife' and i thought i woudl try it out

You: he said you do not take kindly to being chatted up or asked out on dates

vicsO: It's good.My personal advise as regards

vicsO: the beard is if you don't like it then try and shave it out.

You: well i don't like to shave really- i do trim it though so you can barely notice the colour

vicsO: No ,it's not allowed here.No chatting or dates.

You: kinda like stubble

vicsO: Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?

You: oh that's a shame.

vicsO: it's okay.

vicsO: Its who you are inside that matters.

You: oh absolutely. would you like to chat another time?

vicsO: My time is up.You might get me or somebody else.

vicsO: Have a great night.

You: oh that's a shame. you will always be in my heart vicsO

vicsO: Lol

vicsO: Bye.

You: quite so, seeya

vicsO: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.

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