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Everything posted by 1UP

  1. PS3 screens

    lol did no-one see my post? Its not true HD! unless they scaled them down, but I doubt it.
  2. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    haha yeh fergy, you were playing like 24/7 when ever I signed in you were always playing. But I just hope it doesn't finish that early. The revieweres are saying the only difficulty you should play it in is hard, well because you get the most out of it, the reall tactical stuff, thats how its meant to be played.
  3. PS3 screens

    Yeah, I saw these before. But one thing intruiges me... 640x480? OH NOES!
  4. The official G.R.A.W thread

    lol you know what I mean... xD
  5. PCI-E

    This should be in tech/pc forum.
  6. Surprise Surprise! Mario Ice Cream!

    Haha lol. Thats the muslim way! ^_^
  7. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    I guess I'm one of the few who's not going to get GRAW... maybe second hand later on.
  8. Elder Scrolls 4

    No its, cos those people work for Bethesda! (sp?) So they get early copies.
  9. The official G.R.A.W thread

    Ubisoft said they are going to update it with clan feature later, beacuse the Xbox 460 LIVE is not ready for the Clan feature. So they have to wait for LIVE to get updated or something like that. It was in an interview/chat with Ubisoft.
  10. No End Soon Blog no more

    It was like a war. game, planes and stuff. Online battles.
  11. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    some guy selling on ebay £39.99 and 1.50 delivery. ships it 10th march... want the link?
  12. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    If I ordered GRAW today off gameplay, would I get it tomorrow or saturday? Or should I take my chances on ebay?
  13. Steam is being really gay now. About a month ago, I opened up steam and didn't work. I dunno why, just never loaded. The steam window never opened. But it said it was running in the background. I just left steam for a few weeks. Then it started working, but said updating, and it stayed on 0%. Then after 5 mins an error came up saying you do not have Steam.dll So i uninstalled it and installed again. Same thing happens. I then uninstalled and installed it again. Same thing. Then I tell my friend to send me the Steam.dll file on msn. He did. I put it in the Steam folder (thats where its meant to go). And now I get this error I am connected to the internet. I also searched on steampowered.com's support section... heres some pics: help?
  14. Forum Updates & Add-Ons

    Banner looks HAWT.
  15. The official G.R.A.W thread

    No, PC got delayed till May.
  16. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    The thing is, if the game has good graphics, you get more into it. The graphics complement the gameplay.
  17. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    still dnt wanna see new rainbow six shots? http://xboxyde.com/news_2625_en.html
  18. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Actually, its a bug. thanks for all the help rokhed. EDIT: This has to be the worst looking 360 game. ever.
  19. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    My bro's telling me. I just say what he says lol. I EVEN ASKED HIM TO LOOK IN THE SETTINGS> AND HES LIKE NO ITS NOT THERE!
  20. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    8 i think...........
  21. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Help please! When I finished downloading the Outfit demo, it said "this game does not support PAL-50, please change to PAL-60" I have an HDTV, and all HDTVs are PAl-60, and its not possible to change to PAL-50 so I don't know why its saying my TV is on 50 hertz. help?
  22. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Yeah, still needs fixes. Rumours that Gothic III is comming to the 360.
  23. About the Xbox 360

    ^Yeah, you can't mod Oblivion, but they said they would release official mods and extra stuff through marketplace. The first thing on marketplace is going to be horse armour.
  24. About the Xbox 360

    They have been releasing updates for the 360. So its all good. Still crashes sometimes, but rarely. I haven't had any overheating problems. Xbox live is great. Good games out right now. But nothing ground-breaking. Well GRAW is comming out on friday (or is it thursday) and Oblivion is comming out on the 24th. Depends, wait a year or two for those killer apps. But I'm not stopping you. Its still heaps of fun.
  25. Just finished Metal Slug 3, right now. I started it today and finished it today (Its metal slug, only 5 levels what can you expect?) Man, was it fun. Even better in co-op. Ites amazing for its time. I love it. The series is probably one of my favourite series. The sprites are amazing. Great fast paced action. Touch bosses. 9/10 from me. Amazing replay value.