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Everything posted by liger05

  1. Exactly. This has to be treated as complete new audience. Things like FUT are totally new to switch players of fifa and it will take time to grow.
  2. Download sales will be interesting. Still 3rd in the Eshop chart.
  3. EA surely. Nintendo can't be responsible for EA's supply chain
  4. Game now out of Stock Let's hope we don't see this kind of low shipment situation with other third party games.
  5. Maybe EA's expectations were really low. The stock issues suggest so.
  6. Amazon not in stock till Oct 9th. Amazon Germany no stock. Amazon Spain no stock till Oct 5th.
  7. It will have an insane attach rate.
  8. Still wondering why the issues with shipments though? Seems quite the mess.
  9. Yeah. Need to know what they shipped? Game were doing 1 per customer. Amazon posted this. It's all very bizarre. Please note, due to stock limitations from the supplier we are unable to deliver any further orders of FIFA 18 - Nintendo Switch for release date. We expect to deliver orders placed today by October 13th, and will confirm an exact release date as soon as possible. If you've already placed an order for this product please check “My Orders” to confirm your expected delivery date.
  10. He also tweeted physical sales down 25% year on year.
  11. This morning, 9am I think. I see on the UK eShop it's climbed to 3rd. When I checked on Friday it was 6th. Sits behind Golf Story and SD2 which are significantly cheaper.
  12. Not avaliable on Amazon uk again. Not avaliable on Amazon Germany. Amazon France has it.
  13. Hopefully it sells then fifa 19 will have the missing modes. Will be interesting to see what the sales targets are for EA?
  14. It is on EA but if nintendo just had friend invites to games from the OS I really feel this would be avoided.
  15. It's so dumb. It never seems to occurs to these people that the Switch is the size of a small tablet
  16. Amazon back in stock now
  17. Yeah Amazon were out of stock last week which I thought was strange. Amazon Germany also sold out.
  18. It does indeed. EA can't be accused of not putting the work in on the Switch version.
  19. Looking at reviews it's the same old problems. Not enough indivuality. Players feeling the same, AI teams playing the same. I want to play against the CPU where playing west Brom you come up against a physical side who's direct but you play City and they press you high and keep the ball, play Liverpool and they play on they break with devastating pace. What I find with fifa is every team can just pass the ball like Barcelona and every player has a 1st touch like Messi.
  20. Hopefully it sells. Personally I'm not getting as still Fifa doesn't play like real football. Fifa 18 just look like an end to end goal fest
  21. http://nintendoeverything.com/steamworld-dig-2-sales-off-to-a-very-strong-start-on-switch/ Developer says sales stronger than the original.
  22. Just another example of Capcom doing things wrong. You have the SFV debacle and now this.
  23. Now this sounds like a third party who is doing things the right way. https://venturebeat.com/2017/09/21/t...esda/view-all/ Expectations: The Future:
  24. I wish I was into basketball. Looks dope on a handheld.
  25. But the xbone is a console. I don't see how a company ready to exit the hardware space would then greenlit a niche product like scorpion.
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