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Everything posted by Dcubed

  1. FIFA 99 - All N64 Games

    And thus, King of Pro Baseball's existence was immediately rendered pointless as soon as PP4 released
  2. That’s… not who I would’ve expected! Though I suppose it isn’t too crazy a choice of developer, considering that ASW have their own detective series of games (Jake Hunter); I’d imagine it’s the Jake Hunter staff who would’ve been working on this.
  3. FIFA 99 - All N64 Games

    Turok is low-key, one of the most important games in the N64’s library (and one of the most important for western developed video games in general). It was the first ever fully 3D FPS game for a home console (and I believe second only to Quake in general, which launched on the PC about 8 months prior). It also codified the “standard” control scheme for FPS games on the N64 in general (which isn’t actually all that far off the modern FPS dual analog setup, just in reverse owing to the c-buttons being on the right side of the controller). But perhaps most notably of all? Turok 1 & 2 are the prototypes for Metroid Prime. I mean this in both a figurative and a literal sense. Turok 1 & 2 are not just first person shooters, they are straight up Metroidvania games. Now, Turok Dinosaur Hunter is not the first First-Person Metroidvania game, that title belongs to 1996’s Powerslave/Exhumed for the SEGA Saturn, but its ties to Metroid are a lot more explicit than you might realise… because the team at Iguana Studios behind the development of Turok 1 & 2 would split off after the completion of Turok 2’s multiplayer spinoff Turok Rage Wars, to found none other than… Retro Studios. Yes, the very same Retro Studios that made the Metroid Prime series. Though half of the staff at the studio would end up getting fired before Metroid Prime 1 really moved into full production (including studio head and founder, Jeff Spangenberg), around half of the people who worked on Metroid Prime 1 had previously worked on Turok 1 & 2 (including the Director, Mark Pachini). And when you go back and play Turok 1 & 2 after playing Metroid Prime? The influence is immediately obvious. Metroid Prime’s platforming is a direct evolution of what was first done with Turok Dinosaur Hunter; including the iconic downwards head bob that shows you where you’re going to land when you jump. Prime’s basic locomotion gameplay is built directly off of Turok 1 & 2, as are many of its gameplay subsystems; hell, you can even shoot birds out of the sky in Turok, just like in Metroid Prime! The non-linear, exploration focused level design also immediately reminds you of what was later done in Metroid Prime (albeit much more limited, owing to the N64’s hardware and cartridge space limitations). Without Turok Dinosaur Hunter? There is no Metroid Prime. Not a bad legacy for a game based on a comic book! You’re not far off, it came out just 3 days after the N64 launched in Europe (on the same day as the US release even). So it basically was a launch day title over here.
  4. Ace Combat 7: Deluxe Edition (11th July 2024)

    Well bloody hell, would you look at that! Actual Namco support for Nintendo? Harada must be furious Perhaps the feud is finally over and there’s now some genuine hope for Namco support on Switch 2 going forward?
  5. General Switch Discussion

    Well here’s a genuine shocker… Namco remembered that the Switch exists after all! Perhaps the feud is finally over and there’s now hope for Namco support going forward on Switch 2!
  6. Announced exclusively in the Japanese Nintendo Direct... Mameda Bakeru. A brand new game developed and self-published by Good Feel, the developers behind the original Goemon series while at Konami, a game that is totally not a brand new Goemon game! I'm praying for an English localisation for you @RedShell
  7. FIFA 99 - All N64 Games

    That's not ISS... Arcade1up/Tastemakers managed it because of two reasons... one, their products are classified as toys and not video games (thus are not subject to the same licensing rules as standard video game releases), and two... they have some really fucking good legal staff! Seriously! The stuff they've managed to get official licenses for puts the rest of the retro video game re-release industry sector to absolute shame!
  8. Is Game Ownership Important To You?

    No, you’re spot on @Hero-of-Time. The games industry is very aggressively pushing for an all digital future in the way that no other industry is. Putting aside the issue of industrial level malice for the time being, I think one of the biggest reasons why this is happening within the games industry in particular is because its products lack a real secondary form of revenue. Books have library and educational sale, theatre have recordings and movie adaptation, while film is primarily made for the box office with physical DVD/Blu-ray sales and TV syndication being secondary sources of revenue that come after its box office life has ended. Video games though? Once you buy it, that’s it… which is why so much effort now goes into after sale of DLC and “recurrent user spending” (microtransactions/scam content). Now, ironically, video games did once have their own equivalent of the box office… the arcades. Games would come to the arcades and make their money there before coming to home consoles (and eventually handhelds too). But by the mid 2000s? The arcades were virtually dead, and DLC/microtransactions began in lieu; especially as arcade developers died out and PC focused western developers really began to dominate the market from the Xbox 360 onwards.
  9. Your 2024 Gaming Diary

    The map is an absolute game changer. Makes the game SO much more enjoyable and approachable! The rest of the new features are cool, but really they’re just gravy compared to the automap. Of course, you can choose to play it completely faithfully to the original with the SEGA AGES release as well, but once you map? You can’t go back!
  10. That’s great and all, but why the hell are you up at 04:30 in the morning to tell me this? Go back to bed!
  11. https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-supreme-court-snubs-epic-games-legal-battle-with-apple-2024-01-16/ Neither side really got what they wanted, but Apple is the smallest loser here. There will be no 3rd party app stores on iOS, and Epic's EGS trojan horse strategy has failed. That being said though, developers being now able to steer customers towards alternative payment methods is a nice win for app developers; expect to see your favourite apps start to move payments away from direct in-app purchases enmasse over the coming months.
  12. Might want to stay away from Foamstars if you value ethical game development...
  13. Is Game Ownership Important To You?

    It's so frustrating that they released that physical version of MK8DX with the Booster Course Pass included... up to Wave 5. Like, come on! You couldn't wait an extra month to make it complete!? Still hoping that they do another reprint with Wave 6 included this time. Failing that? Well, there's always Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Deluxe for Switch 2 I suppose.
  14. Is Game Ownership Important To You?

    It does feel a bit like a Black Mirror episode turned into reality doesn't it? I don't mind subscription services when the games/movies/TV/whatever are also available elsewhere, but when it's the only game in town? Shit's dystopic. I still wish that Nintendo would bring back the Virtual Console service, or at least offer an option to buy their retro games piecemeal outside of the NSO app. I bought the Mario Kart 8 DLC, despite getting it for free with my NSO subscription because I wanted to own it. I'm sure I wouldn't be alone. Ownership is only going to become more and more important as digital services continue to take over and physical games die out. But even here, the value of physical games themselves are dying out because the physical games themselves are increasingly becoming useless coasters that act as unlock keys for games that have the majority of their game content released as downloads. Almost every modern game these days requires some sort of update or download right from day 1 to either fix some sort of game breaking bug, or deliver the actual finished game content; so in 10-15 years or whatever, when the servers go down? Those games will either be missing huge chunks of game content, or be literally useless. And unfortunately, Nintendo are pretty much the only video game publisher who actively reprint their games with updates and DLC content included on their physical media; a saving grace for games like New Pokemon Snap (where literally half of the game's entire content was released as a post-launch update), but these efforts are still far and few inbetween as far as the industry goes as a whole (and even here, the second hand market will still be full of copies that are missing half of the entire game - but at least the option exists). Digital might be more convinient, but it is also transient. I'm glad that I bought both physical and digital copies of my entire 3DS and Wii U collections (especially now that the eShop is gone), and I'll be doing the same with Switch once its successor comes out and I can get my hands on those reprint copies with the updates and DLC included on the cheap (there's an awesome dude keeping track of all of the various Switch cartridge revisions in a handy Google Doc Spreasheet here and here!)
  15. General Retro Discussion

    Fair. That's something I really like about the Rad 2x/Retrotink 2x and the Carby/EON GCHD. Literally just plug n' play.
  16. General Retro Discussion

    If you want to strictly stick to no imports... would you accept buying from Republic of Ireland? https://videogameperfection.com/products/open-source-scan-converter/ They've got the OSSC going for a pretty good price right now. Would require a bit more tinkering on your end, as it's not a plug n' play device, but the quality you can get out of it would actually be quite a bit better than what the Rad 2x/Retrotink 2x can offer! MLIG have covered the OSSC extensively before, but here's one particular video that goes over it in detail if you're interested... And there's a more recent video covering the OSSC from Game Sack here, timestamped for your viewing pleasure... IIRC, @Ike actually has an OSSC himself, so I'm sure he'd be able to offer you some advice if you were interested in picking it up
  17. FIFA 99 - All N64 Games

    That's where you're wrong... because there is ONE way to get it officially... Yes, this is mine ... the arcade version at least is available via the Arcade1up cabinet. And yeah, it's perfect for a quickfire bit of arcade multiplayer fun Can't imagine that it'd have much staying power as a single player console game, but the arcades are a vibe, and the NBA Jam games are really the quintisential arcade sports games. They're loud, they're brash, they're stupid, they're not complicated and they're fun. Midway at their finest. NBA Hangtime is also another rare example of a pure 2D game on the N64, and graphically it's actually superior to the arcade version in some respects (and also much better looking than the only other home console version, the PS1 release); it was an excellent port of an arcade game that was perhaps a bit behind the times by 1996. I can imagine this being a popular game to rent back in the day though (when you could still rent games), perfect for the weekend when you had friends coming over and you wanted a good four player multiplayer game that wasn't Mario Kart 64 again. I'm not even a big basketball fan, but even I enjoy a good Jam. Hard to go wrong with it on any console, and this is probably the best console release a Jam game ever got.
  18. General Retro Discussion

    Yeah, saw this the other day. Considering that this was always Game's one big lifeline? Yeah, the end is very near now. Damn, that sucks. Same thing happened with my ancient bedroom TV last year (which I was keeping around for that exact same reason). And yes... ... you're right. All currently produced TVs are now HDMI only, with no analogue inputs whatsoever. It really sucks, but at least most systems have some sort of HDMI mod option now (or failing that, an FPGA alternative with HDMI like the Super NT or the MiSTer). Unless you're willing to buy an older second hand TV? You're SOL if you want to hook up retro consoles to a modern display without resorting to some sort of HDMI solution. The cheapest true HDMI option for the GCN is the Carby. Literally plug n' play, It-Just-Works. Gives you a true all-digital 480p HDMI signal as if it were a modern console, no fuss. The Eon GCHD Mark 2 (which I have the earlier Mark 1 version of) is very similar and a bit more expensive, but also allows for the use of Wii component & RGB scart cables and it also adds an optical audio out (useful if you have an older AV Receiver that lacks HDMI audio support). Either will give you the absolute best possible image you can get out of a Gamecube and are identical as far as their HDMI output is concerned. Rather than get the Rad 2x cables, I would recommend just getting the Retrotink 2x SCART instead... https://stoneagegamer.com/retrotink-2x-scart-480p-upscaler-for-rgb-scart-digital-video.html ... it's the same thing as the Rad 2x cable (literally the same thing, running the same upscaling software made by the same guy; Mike Chi), except you can just plug in any RGB SCART source; so it's not limited to the one device (and you don't need multiple Rad 2x cables for each console). Only thing that you need to keep in mind is that the Retrotink 2x will only accept an RGB SCART signal, nothing else will work. So if you wanted to use it with an N64 for instance? You'd need to get it RGB modded and use an appropriate RGB SCART cable for it to work. This is the device that I personally use with my RGB modded N64 and my SEGA Saturn, and it works a treat.
  19. Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

    Absolutely. They should’ve waited until Switch 2; just like what Nintendo advised them to do. Same console sequels nearly always sell significantly worse than their predecessors, no matter the budget increase. The list of sequels that outsell their predecessors on the same console is vanishingly small. Without new hardware/controller inputs, same console sequels just inherently lack the novelty their predecessor had, and they have less time on the market to sell too.
  20. Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

    That’s not a good result. It’s roughly about half of what Kingdom Battle sold in the same timeframe, had a much higher budget and a much longer dev cycle than its predecessor; and most of those sales came at heavy discount. Raw sales numbers don’t tell the full story… It’s a similar situation as with FF15; sure, the raw sales numbers look good in isolation, but when you consider that most of those sales came at half price or less and that it had a ~10 year dev cycle? Suddenly you realise that it wasn’t the success it appears to be on paper…
  21. FIFA 99 - All N64 Games

    51 Worldwide Classics has an excellent rendition of Riichi Mahjong with a fantastic tutorial. That’s how I learned to play it. Riichi Mahjong is the standard form of Mahjong that is commonly played in Japan. And Riichi Mahjong is fun! But yeah, it does have a steep learning curve (so much so that even 51WWC takes the piss out of how steep that game’s learning curve is ). Mahjong games are ridiculously common in Japan; even the Wii U of all consoles has multiple Mahjong games! And Mahjong games with stories and RPG mechanics had been done plenty of times before. So this game wouldn’t have been very novel, even at the time of its release. But I suppose the N64’s built-in 4 player support would’ve at least have given this game some sort of USP by the time of its release.
  22. Games Done Quick

    OHHHHH BANANA! Walls really are just a suggestion aren’t they?
  23. https://gamesdonequick.com https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule It's that time of the year again! Anyone else here tuning in to watch? (For those that don't know what this is, it's a 6 day long charity game marathon where the world's best Speedrunners gather together and power through dozens upon dozens of games, quick! Prizes and lols a plenty are had along the way too )
  24. Games Done Quick

    Oh God, they’ve got QWOP going in the Twitch chat this year
  25. Games Done Quick

    https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick?tt_content=channel_name&tt_medium=embed AGDQ 2024 starts now!!