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Posts posted by Smowza

  1. First class is 1-2 day delivery. (Although in most cases its 1 day)


    I thought it was 1-2, so if they dispatch it on monday how can they be sure it will only take 1 day?


    I reckon it's on it's way, i'm only trying to give myself hope i know but meh : peace:

  2. Ok i just checked my account on gameplay, it says complete and despatched today. I contacted them myself yesterday and was told they will not send it out until monday, was the guy talking bollocks to cover himself or do you think the site is wrong and it's not on it's way? :wtf:

  3. Nope, i meant retailers selling early. I've heard nothing about Argos/Tesco et all selling ahead of release day yet, but they'll have their stock by now (or tomorrow at the latest)


    Not sure about tesco but Argos are never going to sell a copy early, all stores got a msg warning employees about selling early and the stock system won't let you sell a copy without you changing the item's flag to a 'current' line.


    I ordered mine from gameplay, spoke to them today and they are sending it out on monday :(

  4. What was the tip?



    I've only managed to dodge the blue shell once so far in MK Wii, i used a muchroom when it first started to swoop down after getting above my kart. Not had that scenario since thou :heh:

  5. Stop thinking in old terms of technological achievement, the Wii was outdated before it even reached the market. Unless the Xbox 720 and PS4 will have Wiimotes and be priced at $100, the Wii will be innovative and competitively priced enough (Nintendo has an unbelievable margin) to last that long. A Wii2 will probably come out earlier though.


    Really, everybody's past caring about HD and the graphics by now, and especially the mainstream is happy enough with playing Wii Tennis and Mario & Sonic.


    Soon enough Wii's 'innovative' advantage will be near non existant. I'm sure either the next xbox or sony (with an accessory) wil bring something out that duplicates and maybe even improves on Wii's motion control, if it's sony then ps3 will be a lot cheaper in say a year or 2 so then it will be: why get a Wii when you can do the same on ps3 for example and in HD, plus watch blu ray movies.


    I really don't think Wii will last 7 years fella.


    *btw i don't have a ps3, i'm not a fan of it either*


    Back on topic, i don't think the game Reggie mentioned will be zelda. I have doubts we will even see a Zelda specifically made for Wii. Nintendo may try and fob us off making out that TP was Wii's Zelda. (i'd love to be proved wrong, nintendo)

  6. CNC3 is really beautiful, I hope they crank this up at least to the same quality.


    It's the same engine, they will tweak it even more so it will defo look same or better :awesome:


    It also looks like you won't be able to rotate structures to face any degree of angle you want in this game (90 degree rotation only now). i think thats a good move as it means less faff when making your base.

  7. Ipods are updated quite a lot, i don't think Wii will be updated anywhere near as often but i really don't see it as it is for too long. It is an updated GC after all. Don't get me wrong, i think the big N made the right choice with Wii (including the name). Storage media is more clearer now thanks to the end of the HD format war and manufacturing costs of the horsepower to do HD gfx, physics etc will be much cheaper.

    I would greet a Wii2 with open arms even if it means my wallet is lighter. Mario,zelda and metroid in glorious HD... yummy :heart:

  8. One thing that really annoys me about nintendo. They say or make out that gfx arn't really important hence the reason why Wii is not HD etc ..... if thats the case then isn't it a bit contradictive of them to make artwork like this:




    I want a game to look more like this please nintendo

  9. 'Snaking' in MK is done becuse you get boosts quickly by rapidly moving left and right during a skid, MK Wii does not allow you to get a boost quickly by moving left and right - only when you skid for a fairly long period of time so there is not going to be any real 'snaking' in the game. The only kind of snaking you may see would be very slow and it may be pointless due to the time it takes to get a significant boost.


    I imagine lots of people will be skidding most of the time on a course to get as many boosts as possible but it won't be anything like the snaking everyone has done/witnessed before. Just 'Skidding' would be a more accurate term i reckon.

  10. DS is easily the best so far. Anyone that states otherwise is either a fool or a fool.


    Super MarioKart on the snes was the best in terms of skill, i mastered that when i was about 10 ffs. Please stop underestimating gamers nintendo. My nephews are 6 and 8 and they continue to amaze me on many games.


    oh and i'm no fool sucka : peace:

  11. IGN really need to research things a bit more imo.

    While the actual speed may be pretty close to Double Dash and Kart DS respectively
    Double dash was slower than MKDS (to me it was anyway), why not state if the vids are on 50,100cc or 150cc?? If the vids are on 150cc then i'll agree with them on it needing a kick in the pants in the speed department :(


    On the subject of mario karts speed, Nintendo really annoy me with their closed minded approach!

    Q. Why have different speed classes?

    A. To cater for a wider audience


    Thats fine but why not add 200cc so that you cater for an even wider audience!! If a child etc can't play on 200cc then they arn't forced to play it on that class. All i want is a challenging Mario Kart that is FAST, now we learn they have made the tracks wider making it easier and feel slower :shakehead

    Keeping the BlueShell i can live with (just), sorting out the snaking is fine but making it slow when it only looks slightly better than DD would be a BIG let down.

  12. Erm kinda, first of all on the matchmaking screen it just got some snow/interferance. Not much, then on the actual game it gradually deteriated, got really bitty, jaggy, there was a lot of pink bits, and generally just really bad (And I still owned up bitches...I was on Snowbound and due to the very poor visibility just rushed sticky nades' everytime and then run towards them and stick. Got 3 double kills that way. But yeah it was weird.


    I've gone through 3 360's, my last one had that problem during crackdown. It was intermitent but i got it swapped anyways. I have a HDMI one now and i've not had a single problem with it *touches desk*

  13. MK Wii still looks good in motion, it seems more smooth or something compared to double dash.. i can't quite put my finger on it but if you watch the new trailer you might get what i mean. It will look better than double dash for me anyway cuz it will be in 480p widescreen :) so i'm not worried.


    Oh and lets not forget, no more snaking! :yay:



    **OT. DS does what nintendo wanted it to do, it has massive appeal to nearly all age groups. My sister wants one and she's 30, women who i work with have one or want one.. i have never seen this kind of appeal in a console. i like my DS but don't play it that often, it's good to play when your having a crap and are in no rush :heh: It beats a PSP anyway, i sold mine after 2 weeks.

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