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Posts posted by Smowza

  1. It was said that Wii will come with a cable like the 360 cable (with composite and component on the same cable) but then it was said that it just comes with a standard composite cable...... i wish they would give us component in the box for once GRRRR


    Oh and i'm pretty sure ign said that the cubes component cable will not fit in the Wii, shame.

  2. Urgh, the battery argument again.


    Wiimote is meant to be wireless. it's just not practical to play games like Wii sports with wires.


    AA's allow you to keep playing without having to charge or plug in your controller. You just put in some fully charged ones (i already got some rechargables and a top notch charger which takes 15 mins to fully charge them) or some new standard batteries. AA'S ARE THE BEST OPTION

  3. You could set up a mirror system from the bathroom to your TV guys.

    I actually used a pint glass to have a slash once.. never doing that again. Nearly spillt it too.


    Problem is you never know if you're gonna piss more than a pint and I had like an inch left from overflowing.


    The sad thing is, i've done that too :red:


    I think i'll probably have to calm myself down when i get it home. The excitment you get when your taking a new nintendo console home is intense! a nice fat cigar should calm me down enough :)

  4. Here is a plan I've been mulling over.


    If you think you won't have enough cash for a Wii by launch. You could get an Argos (or any other store that will be selling it) store card, providing your old enough. They try and make people take them out all the time. You could buy the basic package for £179 on the card. And if you pay back at least £20 a month you can be done within just over 9 months (interest taken into account)


    You would get 6 months interest free if you spent £195 on an Argos card, 3 months interest free on over £95... you have to be 18 and have at least a part time job. But be warned, interest is around 28% if you dont clear the balance before your interest free time is up.



    ... although i work for argos and getting argos card sign ups is one of our store targets i dont for a second recommend them if your not good with money. I got my tv on one so they are usefull, but if i missed paying it off by even one day past the interest free time i would be charged 28% interest from the FULL amount which can be a lot. I'm just providing info not trying to sell them btw

  5. They should have an offer on the controllers whne you buy them both together, say you get the Wiimote and nunchuck for £39.99... that would be a more appealing price


    Nice vid, but I didn't see a Ethernet port, which is a little disapointing, as my home network is wired.




    Say it once, say it a million times...


    From Play.com, you can get the Wiimote for £25 and the Nunchuck for £13.

    That adds up to £38. I say that's a good deal, going on from what someone (sorry who ever it was) said about how much money is needed to make them, and the amount of tech going into it.



    £38.... there we go then... thats fine with me

  6. Good point about microsoft possibly dropping the price of 360 there... i hope they do! then nintendo would have no choice but to follow suit.


    imo nintendo should have made it a lower price even if it meant they make no profit or even a small loss on it. They have a lot of ground to make in the UK, £179.99 wont help much

  7. Well i worked the price out based off 360's price difference for USA to UK and i got roughly £165... but thats the reduced price of the 360 core version (£10 off)... so really £179.99 is near enough bang on to what microsoft is adding on for the UK 360 core vs USA 360 core.


    I'm sure there will be offers anyway.... at xmas time argos always give £10 gift vouchers when you spend £100, so i'll be getting my Wii form there with some staff discount and a nice voucher to help me with the rest of my games/hardware i want.... It's sad that we get ripped off so much here, but thats a brits life i guess :(


    i've already roughly worked out i'll be getting a Wii (with Wii sports obviously), launch game, classic controller for £195 give or take £5 so thats already a £40 saving. I'm happy with that!

  8. Japs and Yanks?


    Lol...how racist can you get.


    Id also get a black one. (See...Black, Im not racist)



    I'm sure they have nick names for us brits... like the french call us 'roast beef'. I've worked with a french guy, he called me that all the time, i thought it was funny.

  9. Well done Smowza somebody had to do it because there must be some real dumbasses working at Argos HQ!


    Bigtime dumbasses! :indeed: Someone really should get sacked for all the mistakes over the past few weeks. I just hope it will be in europe before xmas, i want staff discount when i buy it damn it!!


    Off topic: Anyone else think the price of Wiimote and nunchuck attactment is far to expensive?

  10. I'm worried about europe getting it this year, 4 million and america get the biggest share. So does that mean America gets 2m, Japan gets 1m and europe 1m? is that enough for japan and europe??


    Come to think of it, with them saying America gets the biggest share it actually might be like a bit of confirmation that europe will get Wii in 2006. Let me explain:


    Lets say europe has to wait till 2007, Nintendo have stated more will go to America.... so if it were just Japan and USA that would mean probably 3 million to USA and 1 million to Japan... that just seems wrong to me and something they wouldn't do.... they wouldn't, would they?? AAARRRGGGGHHHHHH HELP!!!!

  11. ok xbox360 is $299 (core) in America, Wii will be $249.


    xbox360 core is £199 in the UK, thats a third off the US price then just switch the currency symbol. So that should mean the Wii will be roughly a third off the US price ($249), that ends up being roughly £165. Thats not using any currency conversion either, so no flaming about tax being worse in the UK as this should represent the tax rape in the UK.


    I thought the price would be £149.99.... but around £165 would be ok by me still.


    btw.... did anything get mentioned about DVD playback?

  12. So if i live in Essex United Kingdom, and want to read-up on the Japanese conference as it happens! What time shall i be on the PC?


    The Japanese conference is tomorrow (Wednesday) isn't it?



    from what i can gather you'd have to up till 2:00AM if you wanted to know what was going on as it happens. (thursday morning)

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