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Posts posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. I like a nice even balance in every game. This is slightly different than what I do but look at disney.


    If you go to wdw, disneyland, disneyland paris. When you go to those resorts, there is a huge amount of imagination put into everything yet at them same time there is an increadible amount of detail(realism).


    So if you can get that balance in the real world you should get it in a game as well.

  2. Yeah, I have that feeling too. It's the perfect summer game dammit! I just hope they'll give us a surprise release; and officially speaking everything beyond July is Q3 already so we may be seeing it relatively soon.


    Pokemon DS would have no competition over summer.


    however they will release it at once in their 5 language versions. 1 language has been done but the others probably have either haven't been started or will be working dead slow.


    But get their asses in gear I would to play Tingles Rupeeland game.

  3. I will join... cos like i said to Caris, we gotta fit in as much as possible before Wednesday.


    Oh i will be on at like half Nine.. ish


    Oh is it that time already




    Mind you I loved it when shigsy called out bungie saying he could of made the game. Gotta love shigsy for that. HA HA.


    *Checks watch Software enginerring and hci exam nearly time*

  4. The Competition Commission won't have a problem with GAME's takeover bid.


    Why, Zeldafreak do you actually believe that you know more about this than the countless lawyers that GAME will have consulted before making a bid? They're a company, they dont throw money into a takeover that they can't win!


    I know sometimes companies get stopped but it is VERY rare. It costs so much to start a takeover that its not worth the bother unless you are 90% sure it will happen




    What's the punishment? Surely it'd be great to quit by slapping a Gamestation receipt down on the table (maybe even a photo of you in there too)!


    Tesco had wanted to takeover Safeway but the Competition commission said when the bids went into safeway that they had to reject tescos bid. And its not that rare infact its very common if you do th ratios of takeovers compared to those that were refused in the last 10 years.


    I emailed trading stabdards.



    They said, they are checking over the take over bid etc, but they dont seem to think there is going to be a problem with the takeover.



    End off thread! lol


    Ok well I'm going to go and gently persuade them to stop it. Yes I'm evil, but I think Game aren't giving decent rewards for consumers. Inwould rather have 5% + student discount off games rather than £2.50 for every £100 I spend with those assholes and student discount off.

  5. Jesus christ, i wish Square-Enix would just make a good proper Final Fantasy. They've lost the plot (literally in FF12s case :laughing:).


    FF12 *Shudders*

    :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:


    Whats with all these anti-FF12 comments, it was a very good enjoyable rpg.

    But what do you class as a proper FF game, becuase in 12 there is a form of turn based combat just very quick. Also theres chocobos/airships/blonde haired heros who save the world/ptions/phoenix downs/summons.


    What more do you want from FF game.

  6. ;439320]You realise I can't see you face right?


    And if you "ain't bothered" (by the by' date=' fantastic abuse of the English language. Really. Thumps up.) why are you still replying?[/quote']


    If you don't realise its off one of Catherine Tates characters.


    Plus now the european competion commission is now may be looking at it.

  7. ;438756]1. Wow. One game from one issue. Thats a varied result.


    1b. (because I'm adding this after the rest) Mystery shopper for one shop in one city in the UK. Again a small sample and furthermore nice for that one town (and frickin whoopy do' date=' one point) but I could have told you the Bullring staff are shit. And the size, resources and work that goes into Gamestation in the High Street; if it hadn't have done well GS would have had a lot to answer for.


    2. "The" implies all. Fair enough; some Gamestation staff are smarter than some Game staff. Visa Versa. What I find irritating about your POV is everyone is lumped in the same boat. We, at our store, know about games so this moralistic superiority you seem to have is nothing more than arrogant ignorance.


    3. So people predicted wrong. It was the price of frickin' PS3 games not the end of the world (which has been incorrectly predicted more times)


    4. We give more than £5 for Lost Planet and the reason it has gone down to what it is is because its only £20 brand new.


    5. Minor point; Game is hardly a global tyrant. UK, Sweden, Spain, France, Portugal, Netherlands and Aus, and maybe one or two more European countries I've forgotten about. And most outside UK have less than five stores.


    6. I don't find Game precious. Thats why I'm quitting. (Well thats why I'm not returning after I come back from America at least).


    7. I love your innane 'expert' opinions (the other than springs to mind is the still undefined 'wiseman' who spoke about cartoons). An economics teacher. Wow. Hes got like serious cred. And furthermore, Game was hardly "not competing" with its rival. It had a higher profit than Gamestation and has done for years.


    Still, as I said. Game isn't perfect, far from it. But stop with the ignorance hatred and bumming of Gamestation as they're not perfect either. Nobody is. Game have bought Gamestation. It is not a monopoly, it is business. Canis canem edit as they make Rockstar say. (again, the jaded cynic in me is coming out).[/quote']


    Look at my face, look at my face, am I bothered. I ain't BOTHERED.

  8. ;438711]As I said earlier (I think in this thread anyway...) I just like to get people to look at the other side. People are so set on their high horse of intellectural superiority that they tend to not bother looking at the other side.


    Trust me' date=' I don't like Game for actual reasons rather than just thinking they are more expensive (I look at MCV 9/10 weeks and on a whole games in Game and Gamestation are the same price. Its a way of retail. Somethings Game is cheaper on, something GS, somethings Woolies and more often than not Tescos). Nor have I had one bad experience in there and decided all staff in all of their stores are stupid because that is a highly moronic assumption.


    I don't love Game. They get on my tits at times. They're right idiots but I'm talking about head office and higher management.


    And lets face it, debating with you is easy.[/quote']


    Yep I get MCV for free for being at uni, so on page 37 of the 04/05/07 issue(Shadow Hearts:New Wold cover) and look at Lost Planet I guess your wrong, plus if you at their mystery shopper bit from birmingham in the same issue it does state Gamestation is better than Game.


    But you see Gamestation's staff are more intelligent about 6 months before the ps3 launch -


    Game said "The price of the games will be £20 more expensive than 360 games"


    Gamestation said: "Based upon what 360 games cost we can't see them being more expensive than them"


    But like I have said before the competition commission will look at it. And when you think about it they'll cut trade in prices, in both their format stores so "we are going to give you £5 for lost planet"(GAME) and "we would like to give you £20 for lost planet, but the global tyrrant known as Game won't.Sorry!"(Gamestation).


    And debating is easy with you as well cause you stand up for precious Game. And you don't seem to realise they are in the wrong for taking over yet another business. As my economics teacher said "If you can't compete with your rival unitl you buy them out, shouldn't be selling in the first place".

  9. The problem in music production is that the record companys are still taking a fair whack at all the extortionist prices whereas it should be the artists that should be rewarded.


    I would pay 1p a song only if the band were getting every peice of that money.

    Downloading songs should be alot cheaper than it is taking away distribution costs, physical material, having to put up with protected files and the loss of quality(Because Cd's are infinetly better quality than any song you download from a store. Usually 128kb equiavilent) 99p a song just seems the same as buying the actual CD, considering 10 track albums.


    As a result, I fund terrorism by using Soulseek. But I do buy the albums if I see them at a cheaper price, I still own a healthy collection of Cd's old and new.


    Did you know your not funding terroism, thats an 'urban myth' if you buy opium then your funding terroism.


    And everything else I agree with, however I haven't bought a new cd personally in the last 6 odd years.

  10. ;438689]Well was one unsuitable (too scratched' date=' didn't scan etc?) or did they just go "What game? Where? I only see one!"


    "And also the only reason why they sell mario kart racers etc. Is because they have better prices on games than 90% of Games goods"


    Not only is "better prices on games than 90% of Games goods" a really weird way to word that, it makes no sense when following the previous clause. They sell merch because they have better prices than Game?[/quote']


    But Gamestation sell that merchandise to keep the prices of the games down becuase they tend to be cheaper to buy in wholesale and have a high rrp like the mario kart racer.


    And no I gave the cashier two games he scanned both games through so I could have written down. And when I said 'no'. I asked for the games back and he only handed me one back - and he was adamant at game they didn't but I had proof - so they were a bit appolegetic and kissing my ass, not offering me anything just saying sorry. :nono:


    But went to Grainger games got £30 for both my games. So I was happy with my beloved gg.


    But Ashley why do constantly defend an organisation who can't even negotiate a deal to pass savings onto the consumer.

  11. Well, thats what I thought too. He said however that they're still paying them now, which is why I was after a source.


    (it's all about the BBQ sauce, brand irrelevant, or possibly burger)


    What I meant maybe it should be clearer but EB US own 10% of the Game group plc's shares and they gain a dividend off of that each financial year though.

  12. ;438680]Not to be patronising but did you only bring one in?


    Anyway Gamestation also sell Bluray and (probably' date=' not checked) HD-DVDs and all kinds of merchandise crap. So I doubt they'd be classed as a "Video Game Retailer".[/quote']


    No brought in two GC games.


    Gs are still classed as a videogame retailer, just why do you think Tescos is still classed as a a seller of groceries(ie. milk, bread, etc.) Because thats the main type of product they sell.


    And also the only reason why they sell mario kart racers etc. Is because they have better prices on games than 90% of Games goods

  13. EB Games UK was set up in the UK on it's own - it just borrowed the name and logo from the US stores. The US Chain doesn't own anything in this country.


    Not quite true GAME group PLC still pays EB Games a fixed amount per year. And Eb Games (Us) own about 10% of their total shares. So..


    Then GAME bought out EB in the UK and made all the stores GAME, and now bought out Gamestation which is a good move in my opinion. And Gamestation still get to trade under the Gamestation name.


    I got better service in GAME than in Gamestation when i was purchasing my 360 and got a better offer as well in GAME which was even nicer.


    Must GAME are like the pirates of the retail world. I went into trade in a couple of games. And they claimed I only brought one in. Whereas gamestation weren't as far up their own backsides as GAME, so they would actually offer good deals on new games unlike GAME.

  14. We seem to have suffered a bit of a staff crisis. A lot of the newsteam are out with exams or other commitments (this time of the year sucks), so we're looking a bit short on the newsfront. Hence, the lack of news recently on the front page.


    If anybody could help us out, long-term or just for the short-term, please say so in here.


    Thank you for your patience during this hectic time.


    I would love to help

  15. So what happens if it is declared they do have a monopoly? If they get any restrictions surely that is going against the basis of our capitalist society...


    They'll get told you can't. And then Game goes dog darn it. While gamers cheer.


    Plus Eb Games owns Game(which owns a string of companies in EU and Austrailia) and own Gamestop so it will be stopped.

  16. Online stores count too though surely? In which case GAME dont hold anywhere near 25%


    Gamestation sell a lot of DVDs and games merch so they might not fall under the Video Games Specialist tag. Their main focus is the second hand market too so its not in direct competition with the likes of HMV, Woolies, Tesco etc.

    This will be approved by the monopoly commission, GAME aren't doing anything wrong. If they try to buy anyone else though then they'll have a hard time!


    Firstly online and high street of kept seperate of each other. And Gamestation don't sell DVDs they sell games - I have been into all of the ones in the north east and a few down south and not one sold DVDs. And its nothing to do with which market they are targetting its what they actually sell and from the data game had the premier market share at around 22.75% and Gamestation had a market share at roughly 12%.


    Plus the monopoly commission don't compare Tescos and HMV with Gamestaion and Game. They compare CHiPs/Gamestation/Game/other independent chains of game shops.


    The monopoly commission normally doesn't approve anything.

  17. ;436793]But are they classified as "Specialist Gaming Media". Im not arguing that they are or not' date=' I'd just like to see proof because I would presume they come under "Digital Entertainment", same as Cube.[/quote']


    What will happen is the monopoly commission will send undercover people to maybe one store per region for both Game and Gamestation if they class them as both similiar and different to other shops like HMV and Virgin. Then they will establish that they work out their market share before a takeover and after the takeover. If it means higher prices in regards to shops that sell multi entertainment formats like HMV and Virgin.


    They will work out whether or not it will lead to unfair treatment of the consumer if they rule it is then they will stop the takeover.


    And as far as bands as in "Digital Entertainment" - if your uni as a paid subscribtion to their data on shops and market share. Its like : -

    Digital Entertainment (1) = DVDs only

    Digital Entertainment (5) = Videogames only

    Digital Entertainment (6) = Retailer selling products from (1) to (5)

  18. But GAME will probably come under "The Selling of Digital Media" (DVDs/CDs/Games/Software, etc), therefore noone has to approve GAME buying GameStation.


    Well seen as they now no longer sell dvds in maost of their stores, and last time I was in they didn't sell software or CDs. So they will come under videogame retailer same as what CHiPs and Gamestation come under.


    And as I currently point out they haven't approved or rejected this takeover bid so that means they are still currently looking into it.

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