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Posts posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. I actually searched for the impossible in those, since the games aren't even remotely similar... but seriously... "Dewey has the same style of Billy Hatcher just much better implementation."? :nono:


    I'd really drop that... there's no basis to make that comparison, that's just spitting on Dewy's, Hatcher wasn't even particularly inspired for it's time or a graphics beast (or art direction), and the goal of the game, style of camera and all... weren't even the same.


    I did actually mean the art style I hope you did realise that. Billy Hatcher was a decent game from the sonic team.


    But anyway I digress, from the rest of what you say it makes the wii just seem like Gamecube 1.5 really. Developers won't use the power of the wii just stick to gamecube capped power, mind you at the moment the wii is kinda like a harbour now what with all the ports docking into it for cash. Until that changes with awesome controls for games coming to it this is what will happen.

  2. Well... No it doesn't, if it's style has to do with Billy Hatcher then it has to do with Wind Waker, pikmin and other unrealistic kiddy-looking games too.


    There's simply no real connection with Billy Hatcher's style (pretty bland game graphically)


    And of course they have a team working on the graphics, and above all they have a good artistic direction; but if you really want to take the piss on them, sure, go ahead.You're basing your problem on a opinion that wasn't even yours, it was 1up's and already disrespectful to the game, they were taking the piss.


    Yes, it's above GC standard (compare with Billy Hatcher as you suggested, it's a GC game), seriously what the game has it's all the game needs graphically.Rogue Squadron 3 pushed double the polygons compared to Rogue Squadron 2, yet the graphics looked virtually the same in space missions, meaning, no one noticed the diference double the polygons had in 480p; hence one of the reasons why X360 and PS3 gone HD, because a lot of X360 games in SD look Xbox, graphics could already be good, same is true for GC, and Wii is still on 480p.


    There might not be a game that'll look 3 times better than RE4, even if it's indeed 3 times better, good GC graphics are still going to be good GC graphics on the Wii, even if you have a higher ceiling now, you have to pull aside with shaders, more fillrate effects, lightning and artistic direction.Those are the specs, knowing what they mean is a completely different though.


    Firstly Dewey has the same style of Billy Hatcher just much better implementation. And secondly yeah I based my opinion on what they said as do I with Gamespot (not with IGN though), but nevertheless they said the graphics were ok - they weren't joking around like you say. Oh yeah and I don't see the wii through rose tinted glasses.


    Simply saying the 1up guys have played it you haven't. So you should kinda respect their opinions when they that Dewey looks like a gamecube game.

  3. I think it's really hard to spot the difference between GameCube graphics and Wii graphics - a lot of the additional power is in details now. Also, that "3x more powerful" quote is overused; it has been used since E3 2005 when the specs were not finalised. To say the Wii is 3x more powerful takes it a bit too far, looking at the specs... 2x is realistic, but that doesn't mean a big difference in graphics compared to GameCube.


    I don't think Dewey's pushing the Wii but it looks pretty good nonetheless.


    I guess you are talking about the rumored specs - the actual specs for the console haven't been released you know.

  4. Fighting games need constant tinkering on the balancing, right? (add a new fighter, all may need to be fiddled with to get it right) that will probably explain why there hasn't been playable code - the development process is different to other games. You can't just make a small section, they'll need to balance the thing constantly until the end.


    But that doesn't explain how tekken/soul calibur/virtua fighter games always had playeable codes at e3 and what not even though they were only past the beta builds of the games.


    Or is it nintendo just have the wrong development process to produce fighting games.


    Before I get flamed let me continue, if they concentrate on the fighters from the start and do that percentage of the game - they then can add all the extra feautures and stuff.


    And if they wanted to they could use 3 or 4 balanced characters and one stage for them to play on. Thats why tekken, soul calibur and virtua fighter games on the ps2 all had demo discs with small sections of the game to mess about at.

  5. The game isn't even finished yet, is it? There's plenty of 'polishing' time left. It's probably already one of the best looking Wii games though.


    I know it's all a matter of opinion, but when so many people disagree with you and start showing resentment, you've got to consider that may actually be a teensy bit in the wrong.


    Hey well I know the graphics look good, but the best surely you jest Galaxy looks alot nicer from a graphical standpoint.


    I sometimes do like these sought of games though, however I am baseing my problem with the fact that the graphics from what the guys on 1up podcast said. They said internet fanboys are saying the graphics are fantastic when they are gamecube standard.


    I haven't really disagreed with anyone. However there really hasn't been a 3rd party yet or to some degree 1st party who have pushed the wii. Most of the games we are now getting are at the end of gamecube power, but lest we not forget wii is 3 times the power of GC. So come on if we are only operating at 1/3rd of its power is kinda lame.

  6. Dabookerman hasn't actually been to Japan yet and he is the one who told me to come to this thread to tell you to stfu..... Just a little note about that..... :-/


    Yeah right and I'm the South Shields Samurai.


    He would also like to add that he deleted Zelda Freak from his msn ages ago, and doesn't agree with him.


    I deleted him from my contact list ages ago like in January or something. So meh

  7. Well, ZeldaFreak it doesn't make much sense to judge that from those shots; since they're bullshots, 1200x674 is not a resolution Wii will output; I could put 4xAA in those pics and still not apply it to the game itself.


    Also calling the game "ok for gamecube" is ridiculous; not a impossible style to do on GC, but above average for GC standards nonetheless. Those 1up guys should really get down their horses when they say that, or look on how other next gen games look at 480p.


    All in all, this game doesn't need more than this, you could throw in double the polygons and it wouldn't look that much better, things and objects look round and detailed (for the style) after all. Realism will always amaze more in a sense on how it relates to reality, hence why RE4 looks so good; but this game's goal is not that; I don't know why we're trying to turn the table and demand that.


    They can still polish it and this is basically is the same style game as Billy Hatcher on the GC, they can polish it by improving all of the art and push it to the max. I'm not saying realism but just add detail to overall graphics.Your just defending sloppy standards for wii games, if one developer thinks they don't need to bother then they all don't bother.

  8. yeah but the head director for the game didn't sign up until quite a few months after (it says on the website or something). Not only that, but they said they are changing the air game completely, which will take a LONG time to balance out, and aswell as that more charcters need to be added and they also need to be balanced out. Then they need to add DI which wasn't in the last trailer which will take a while.


    FINALLY, they need to sort out online.


    In conclusion, Mario will be coming out before this, unless Miyamato decides he needs more time with it.




    Well anyway I know he didn't sign up for a few months after e3 2005. And they were in pre-production until the first trailer came out so who knows, but I know one thing its a far more popular game than mario platformers are. Even more so now with solid snake as well as other popular 3rd party characters likely.

  9. The way i see, it's going to be like this:


    -Metroid in September.

    -Super Mario Galaxy in December.

    -Smash Bros. Brawl next Summer.


    I wouldn't complain with that at all tbh, seeing as we're getting No More Heroes and Umbrella Chronicles around that time too.


    Brawl should come out before Galaxy. Seen as we were being told at the first e3 where they showed off the size of the wii that it would come out close to launch as possible.

  10. Of course people will want to see the system being pushed to the max, but that is not always what happens. But, what they're saying is, there's a difference between chosing a unique graphical style and not pushing a system. Some people like these sort of graphics, because of the style and simplicity of it all.


    I know this but they can smooth out the graphical 'jaggies' on the character models and clean them up. You can still push the console to the max if developers want to and create fantastic stuff using this graphical style and the full power of the wii. Will konami do it, I doubt it though.

  11. ;423501]Hooverville was important' date=' it was context. It showed the effects of the economical depression. It showed the leader to be the same as the foreman guy (missed the start so I missed out on the names), their personalities and histories were very much the same, they just went opposite ways. The hooverville also provided cheap disposable labour for evil foreman guy.[/quote']


    Just didn't see the need for them to go into so much depth before hand


    Yeah because hover cars, cat people, giant crabs and the entire population of the planet being killed fits in with 1930's New York perfectly.


    I was referring to whole darleks taking over the world thing could have easily of happened in new new york instead of 1930s new york. But as you say darleks and pig slaves so fit in to 1930s new york don't they. :nono:


    It was just another history lesson forced on us.

    It's a commendable thing wanting to try to educate children, but Doctor Who is not the time and place for it.


    All I can say is damn right rokhed like always.


    Have you heard of "Setting the scene" before? It's an important part of any TV show.


    Yes setting the scene is important but so is getting to the point, instead of waffling.


    Could have been done without the history lesson, or perhaps you missed the Doctor strolling through the place giving a lecture like some history professor, and still set the scene.


    Eactly couldn't agree with you more.


    Well all the Simpsons 'storyline' could fit into 1 episode of it probably, but it isn't; you're such an idiotic child.


    You see the difference is that they are only half an hour and they start of and end. Plus they aren't trying to be something which the new Dr.Who series is a boring history lecture forced upon me every couple of episodes. Whilst Simpsons is jokes attached to a storyline just like South Park/Family guy etc.

  12. Well you see I maybe the only one who want developers to be pushing the wii to its max, not just to gamecube standards. After all the wii is supposedly 2-3 times the power than the gamecube.


    I want to love this game - but it just seems they aren't treating every part of the game process as equal.

  13. honestly am i the only person who actually prefers these kind of graphics?

    i mean i could spend hours looking at wind waker


    I love cel shaded type games like Treasure Island Z, Killer 7 and Wind Waker


    But on the one upshow they said this had the graphics of an OK gamecube game. So I'll hold my judgement until it comes out. It may end up having problems with the game in general, if it does I'll o to Japan and kick some ass.


    Konami got to understand as much as the gameplay and controls have to be perfect, the graphics have to be perfected, ie. trying to push the wii to its limits graphically using this graphics styling.

  14. I don't listen to their podcast and I'm not planning to either.


    I think the graphics in this game look very nice. I like the colourful look and the bright atmosphere the game has. The characters also look very smooth.

    If you don't like the graphical look, then just stay away from this game and buy games that do appeal to you on the Xbox360 or PS3. No one is telling you to buy this game or even look at it.


    I didn't quote you; I've just been reading through this thread and noticing that the only thing you have to say is that this is yet another kiddy game with bad graphics. And you're annoying because you just keep saying the same things over and over again and try to badmouth this game simply because you don't like the looks of it. Let other people enjoy the game and stop complaining about something you can't change anyway.


    I have changed my mind with the whole kiddy statement seen as I'm playing pokemon again, so well how can I say this....


    I'm sorry for the stupidness of myself for using the term "kiddy" to refer to games as well as other none sensible posts I have made.


    Obvisouly this game is primarily aimed at children. The graphics even for a childrens game aren't that great, and I'm not talking about the style but the actual graphics of it are a gamecube game. Apparently it looks better when seen in screenshots like above than in playeable form.

  15. This looks cool and really pretty. Colourful games are awesome! =D



    Also, Zeldafreak is probably the most annoying member on the forum right now. His arguments make no sense. If you don't like the look of the game, then go post in some other threads about more "realistic looking, non-kiddy" games.


    Listen to the most recent 1up podcast they say the graphics are ok for a gamecube game.


    Hey I like colourful games like I love the look of Treasure Island Z, however there is a difference between kiddy as in graphics - if you look at what the wii can potentially do developers still constantly are producing wii games with the graphical power of a gamecube game.


    But how old is that quote from me from. Like ages, and you say I'm annoying I'm just expressing my points of view.

  16. I think:


    Black = Metroid (Summer/Autumn)

    Red = Mario (Autumn/Winter)

    Blue? = Smash Bros (Winter)

    Pink = (Spring/Summer, no game in particular)


    Would be a good idea.


    This is not aimed at you cube, but this is for games industry in general - if a platform holder can't sell or is selling madly. Shouldn't just paint their unit a different colour and sell it as a limited edition. This goes to microsoft/nintendo/sony.

  17. Here you go:


    NoE 2007 Line-up


    Miyamoto Says Mario in 2007


    Knowing you you'll probably refuse to believe this means anything though.


    The first source not refusing it but if you look at it more depth they say TC for wii will be out in Q1 thats passed and also state that Wing Island will be out in Febuary. I'm not refusing it again, just saying circumstances may of changed.


    Regarding the second source. Shigeru miyamoto was addressing a predominately american delvelopment community so could be talking just for the US rather than all regions apart from japan. Also Shigeru Miyamoto at the keynote said you would be able to play it this year, could i be in demo form or retail form?


    Thats all I'm going to say, not totally refusing them - hell I would love it to come to europe in 2007, but chances are slim

  18. Don't really see what the problem is, myself. It states on page 7 that if you have somebody's friend code from, say, Australia, you should be able to play them. However, random matches are restricted to your region.


    When playing randomly, I really don't think you're generally going to give a damn what country the dude or dudette you are playing is from. :D


    But whats nice on xbox live is that when to defeat an american it feels so great. I know this is not xbox live and probably want to restrict lag. But I still feel cheated that you can't play against people from even australia on random.

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