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Posts posted by peterl0

  1. Eurogamers review is up. 8/10

    Not bad. Basically they say that the additions that have been made are slight but generally improve the game (with the exception of the slow underwater sections - no surprise really). One good thing is that they say courses are narrower and a bit tighter, which is always good.

  2. i dont know about anyone else here but after 2 days of playing this my right arm absaloutely cains!! even my forarm muscles are sore, i dont think theyve ever been sore before!


    im pretty happy with the controls now, taking out mobobkins is a piece of piss. ive started holding the controller in a different way, that seems to be easier and i can make sword swipes with less effort. ive got my fore figer on the A button so im kind of holding it like a mouse. much easier i think.


    Me too, my arm aches this morning after quite a long session yesterday. Don't think I could play this for quite as long sessions as the last Zelda.


    On the subject of the first boss I just could not figure out what to do for the first part. The game gave hints but the character seemed too fast for the controls to keep up. The second part was better though. I could see what to do based on the stance and so it was much more satisfying.


    Guess I am on the fence a bit. I could see it suddenly clicking or alternatively the controls always being a bit of a barrier.

  3. Currently at World 4. For some reason the controls didn't click for me at first :o, I still don't really like how run is mapped to Y/X, and jump to B/A, would have much preferred to use B for run. :hmm:

    But yeah, getting used to it now anyway. And other than that it's fantastic! :)


    Liking the (slightly) improved Friend List too, definitely makes more sense to organise it by online status.

    Anyone know if the update added more stuff, or was that it?


    Whaaaaaaat? I love that run is mapped to Y. I cannot play SMB on the VC with run on B and jump on A.


    Goes back to super mario world for me.

  4. I read Gamespot's review and it was very well-reasoned. I'm glad we've still got some honest reviewers, rather than those who pretend it's a 10 or near-10 every single time, just because it's a big-name game.


    As for awarding higher scores to other games, no, I can't believe Sonic Generations is better than Skyward Sword, but I can believe it may be better-formed and achieve its goals better, in the same way that Nintendogs got very high scores. Heck, Tetris is a 10/10. Does it have the scope, range and immersion of Zelda? No, but it is more neatly-formed and more "perfect" than, say, Twilight Princess. Doesn't mean I'd rather play it than TP, but I can see how other, seemingly inferior, games can get higher scores.


    Surely the fundamental and only point of a games review score is to (try) and tell you how much the reviewer enjoyed the game and hence how much you might enjoy the game! Who cares about what the goals of the game are!


    Surely in the gamespot case it is just different reviewers! I doubt they really do all sit down and try to establish a common ground that often.


    I wonder if there are any examples of the same reviewer marking a game better that would generally be regraded as worse.


    I am not sure why there is an assumption that the reviewers are being more honest for the lower scores than those who have praised the game very highly (including respected organisations such as EDGE and Eurogamer).

  5. Gaaah, this game just gives more and more! Just arrived in Aganarithininananannaaaaaaaaa or whatever it is, always feeling like I'm nearly there but then some more stuff appears! Still massively intrigued plotwise, and here's hoping I might get done by friday. Given up on even bothering with like...ALL the skill trees I could do with having(everyone's maxing out, I'm still rocking threes), but just kinda wanna get the story done!


    Finish by Friday? Unless you have some days off or go without sleep I think no chance.



  6. Think the gonintendo one said it was a spoiler free review. Not read it myself yet, but I know it got 10/10


    I would not classify it as spoiler free exactly. (Yes I caved on reading this one as well.) It mentions some locations and items, but does not have stand out a mile spoilers in it. Based on my reading of this thread however I would recommend against reading it as it contains more spoiler details than the EDGE review for example.


    It is long though, and quite a good read - he is basically justifying why he thinks it is his favourite Zelda game. He is quite aware that people will think him a fan boy and as such spends a small amount of the review defending himself from expected attacks and justifying his comments.

  7. I love reading Eurogamers reviews ( one of my favourite sites) and I haven't even read that. I really am trying to avoid everything as I think that's one of the reasons that killed TP for me.


    Me too, on both counts. I felt like I already knew the first half of TP I had spoiled it so much. This time I have determined not to spoil, but I could not resist reading 10/10 reviews from those two places.

  8. That still doesn't fill me with confidence.


    I don't get what the beef is? Is it somehow wrong for me ( on these boards at least ) not to be hyped? I feel that anyone who has the slightest bit concern or lack of hype is being pounced on.


    Lacking hype is a pretty good place to be I reckon. I had massive hype for both TP and WW and ended up being slightly disappointed by both of them.


    This time round I am avoiding spoilers, (which helps on the lack of hype) but I have read some of the reviews. I could not help but be hyped a bit by the EDGE and Eurogamer reviews.

  9. I've also been mildly interested in picking this up for a while. I've heard good things from people on boards who have played the game, and it would be great to play my first Mickey game since Castle of Illusion.


    One question: Are there any multiplayer modes?


    Come on Patch, now is the last point you should be considering extra games. You haven't even (*) finished Xenoblade yet and it is Zelda next week.


    (* probably)



  10. Just finished the game at level 99 with all but two quests finished (perfect time for skyward sword). Definitely one of my favourite games on the Wii and up high in my all time list. It was more than just the new game mechanics for JRPGS it was the emotional quality of the story and the quality of the music.


    Gives me a new found gratitude towards Nintendo Europe that they localised it. I cannot believe that the US is not getting it. Suppose it makes up for the square games they failed to localise back in the SNES days.


    Cannot wait to see what Monolith come up with on th Wii U.

  11. Yay, well done ipaul! =D


    I sold my first Christmas cards, whooo. A former classmate sent me a PM on Facebook with the cards he wanted. Seems posting my stuff on there is paying off now.


    Now I just need to wait for the payment. It's not much but yay, happy people like my cards! =D


    I bought some as well, from redbubble after seeing them in the creative thread, so it was worth posting here too. :)

  12. I just keep finding myself reading this thread! *I don't have the game*


    I'm so interested in this game, but I just don't have 60-100hrs to put into a game right now... and honestly don't see when I will until next Summer! And there'll be the likes of Skyward Sword and plenty of 3DS games to play aswell... plus I'm thinking of getting a PS3!! Then of course the Wii U will be coming along!


    But damn, this game looks and sounds so good!!


    Seriously, buy the game, you will find the time. I have simply had to make time to play it. I am looking forward to skyward sword but I cannot see how I am going to ejoy it as much as this.


    Look at the thread! Many people here are wondering if skyward sword can match up as an overall gaming experience.

  13. The more I play this game, the more I want to play this game.


    The story, whilst possibly not the best and possibly open for criticism in places(if you're really picky that is), is intriguing enough to keep my interest. Add to it the immense amount of gameplay, not just in content but also in landscapes, it all comes together to craft a truly beautiful world, in real real sense of the word. This game is an entire world to experience, and I wonder if I've even seen close to half of it yet, more than 60 hours in. It's a world I keep diving into, losing much more than real-life hours to. Even at this point in my playing experience, I would chance to say this is one of the most impressive games of this generation, slightly lost in a genre more of last generation. It's a single player JRPG, when these days it's all about easily accessible multiplayer and more western games such as CoD, but I have to say; the awe, addiction and amazement that this game is managing to inspire in me possibly does truly match that of the games of my childhood, just as I played them then. This is a game purchase that I think may possibly stay with me for life.


    Honestly, if you're reading this thread wondering whether this game is 'for you' just trust me...it is. Plus, for something so huge, I don't think it's even once felt anything close to a chore, a rarity in its class imo.


    This exactly. The game has brought me back to my teenage years and the release of Final Fantasy 3(6) and Chrono Trigger on the SNES (yes I am that old). I think it is only my rabid Nintendo fanboyism that is stopping this being my favourite game on the Wii.


    (Only the Mario Galaxy games are better I think.)

  14. I don't like how...


    ... When the game reintroduces Fiora, it's all "they're soulmates! They've known each other since they were kids! They were always meant to be together!" Well, tough! You killed her off at the beginning of the game and now I've spent 50+ hours getting to know Melia and seeing how much she cares for Shulk. So from my perspective, Fiora's the one trying to steal Shulk from Melia.



    It doesn't help that Fiora is dull as dishwater and that Shulk acts like a puppy dog around her.


    Um... I swear I don't care as much as it seems.


    Did I miss a section of the game? The only time I realised that Melia liked Shulk was that one scene in Alcamoth. I was surprised at the time...


    In the heart to hearts?


    Personally I was a sucker for Shulk and Fiora. The whole first half of the game is based on Shulks love for her and hence thirst for revenge after all. The next part is then about getting her back.



  15. I might just get everyone to that, have a go at some of the Super Bosses, then do whatever Heart-to-Hearts are available then finish the game even if there some H-t-H's left.


    I think the H-t-H's were handled a bit wrong. I reckon they should have been primarily used as a way to increase affinity not using affinity as the main way to see the H-t-H's. Like the Skits used in Tales of Symphonia.


    Though I guess for some of them you could have still required to have a certain affinity level between the characters but they at least shouldn't have had some where it required max affinity and then need god knows how many hearts to upgrade from purple to pink max :mad:


    I agree, at the end of the heart to heart what is the affinity boost actually going to do? Unless it does increase behind the scenes and you just cannot see it?


    Speaking of the Super Bosses... how the hell are you meant to beat some of those... I've seen 2 so far (I hear there's 4 or 5?), one was 105 the other 108. I've never been able to get an attack to hit a normal monster more than 5 levels higher than me never mind beat one :heh:


    In the Misc section of the google doc there are some suggestions for party combinations, gems and arts for defeating two of the super bosses. (I think, I am only at Agniratha)

  16. Ah, yeah it's more Bionis leg, jsut the quests are related to the refugees/moving back to colony 6. I can't find the bloody cliff to lay the flowers for Earnest, either! I thought it was that little secret area but apparently not.


    That is very close to an edge of the world in the upper level of bionis leg right in the middle of some Tirkin. (I know that does not narrow it down too much as there are tirkin all over that area)


    Have you found the landmark at the edge of the world? I think if you hug that edge as much as possible you should find it. It looks just like a rock until you get up close, but you should see the red exclamation mark on your map.


    Ahhh! So it isn't just me! I think maybe I must have killed it before, but usually they seem to respawn...fairly soon? I've killed everything and wandered both day and night, I'll try and hit it up in the day next time I'm cruising about questing. I never see anything right in the center of the island, maybe it's related.


    Generally, yes they do. I have had massive problems with that one and the Elder Gragus and Agile Albatro (both in Makna) after initially killing both however.


    Weird thing is that I must have killed Elder Gragus about 4-5 times figuring that I would have had the quest by then...... As soon as I got the quest? Nowhere to be seen.


    I believe Mokong had a similar difficulty with Verdant Bluchal back in the early days. ::shrug:

  17. Yeah I had to do that for another unique, but Reef 7 doesn't have a hole in it. I think I might even have tried to look underneath it and found just sea.


    The other thing, when do the Alcamoth quests time out? I also have a couple related to Colony 6 rebuilding that appear timed, tbh I should probs just go do them but I'm curious when they'll expire.


    I have been having exactly the same problem. The UM is a Kromar and just appears only occasionally. I have warped back to that location about 20-30 times trying to get it to appear and it did not.


    (Actually I think I killed it first before I got the quest, so technically I was waiting for a respawn.)


    Last night it finally appeared for me though! Right in the middle of the reef where the group of three Kromar are (rather than on the 'leaf' of the reef where there were about 5).


    It was daytime, but I am not sure that was a contributing factor.

  18. What does overtrade mean?


    In the google doc that Sheikah linked to there are numbers against each of the characters (-1, 0, +2, etc....). What do these mean? Are they based on likelihood of finding the said items?


    I have been having the same problems with collectables. It took me ages to get 5 venomous lizards in Makna and I have no Bitter Kiwis from there either, or Forget-you-not from the Satorl.

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