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Posts posted by peterl0

  1. To those that have played the game (if you are allowed to say) do you have access to all of the characters we have seen from the start of the game or are they unlocked by completing cups?


    Have you guys unlocked any characters, by completing cups?


    What about kart parts? All unlocked at the start?

  2. Finally!

    Some kind of protection from blue shells in item form!



    Voice chat, tournaments and uploading videos to youtube was pretty good though as well.


    Edit: English voices were awful, but I loved the crazily enthusiastic Japanese voice stuff in the bikes vs karts section.

  3. Better characters and story?

    It had better not be ff8. :indeed:

    That was one of my favourite things about the game.

    That boss really does need you to learn how to us melia (who has a weird style) though which is the fist time it was needed in the game. I would also urge you to finish it though @lostmario not long after this. If you level up for lorithia you should walk the end game.

  4. That is cool when Yoshi does that. :)

    Before the demo I was worried about single player depth and this gives me no clue at all.

    I wish the would just give you the start of the game and prevent you from accessing certain options.

  5. I will admit that some of those sections were a bit of a drag.


    The mechons are less interesting to slay than the creatures of bionics by this point. Also past fallen arm the environments are slightly less interesting.



    I think my desire to continue the game came now from wanting to see the end. There are some pretty epic cut scenes coming up.

  6. Hmmm.

    Don't think much if the demo to be honest.

    The mechanics of the golf and the course are ok but having nothing to compete against is a bit dull. I would rather have only a few courses but a CPU to play against.

    Also the grid on the greens is massively off putting would - much rather gave the wii sports golf approach.


    The games itself may well fix some of have complaints which just makes me think the demo is odd.

  7. Yeah I guess that is definitely it. I liked the characters a lot in the story and genuinely cared for them. Therefore the grinding was not so bad. I am not sure about the twists. I guess the earlier ones are quite obvious but somehow I did not get annoyed by that at the time.


    I think I was burned on JRPGs until this one as a result of final fantasy 8. I did nt care about the characters and I hated the combat in that game but forced myself to complete it.


    In xenoblade I did like how the enemies in the story if the game genuinely seemed like a threat at the time. Have not felt that in some of the other JRPGs that I have played. Feels like the team are running for their lives in the early parts if the story.

  8. Update time. I haven't been on this since Thursday, due to being down my bros for the weekend, but figure I would have some banter about where Im at.


    I just finished the Galahad Fortress area and that whole place seemed to crank up the difficulty. For the whole game I have managed to do any level grinding ( although the SQ grinding made up for this ) but some of the UMs in this area kicked my butt.


    What made this annoying was that there were zero SQs to do and the normal enemies dropped pitiful XP. This made it impossible to do any levelling up. I wasn't best pleased as I like to blitz enemies when playing these type of games.


    The boss battle where you fight 3 machines and Fiora was a pain as well, even though I was 4 levels above them. I eventually emerged victorious though and enjoyed the cutscenes afterwards.



    I have to say, I don't think this is the all singing and all dancing game that many make this out to be. I love the genre and have played many of them during the last generation and a lot of them are a better game than this. I know I have yet to finish this but I think its safe to say that I easily got more enjoyment out of the likes of Crisis Core, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Xillia etc.


    This isn't a bad game by any means but many Wii owners called it the JRPG of the generation and I have to disagree. Maybe they just didn't play ones on the other consoles? Or maybe they do generally think that it was? Opinions and all that.


    This game is one of my favourite games of all time I would say. I had assumed before this that there would not be another game I would play that would be this good based on the nostalgia of youth. Previously the only other games I have played that even came close were Chronotrigger and Final fantasy 6/3. I haven't played the other games you suggest but for them to be better would honestly stagger me.


    That being said I just have not had the frustration that you guys have had at the size/emptiness of some of the areas and even the random chance item needs did not bother me too much. A large part of this is of course the music and the story, but that often is in jrpgs.

  9. Do you guys that are playing this game now know about the Google Docs Spreadsheet that we all used when we were first playing this back in the day?




    A word of warning though - this contains details about almost EVERYTHING in the game and so there are character and location spoilers in there. When I used it I was about 3/4 through the game and I used it to complete the remaining quests that I had missed. I think it also gives you some possible locations for hard to find items.

  10. Don't worry about it. If you're going for 5 stars on your profile then there is plenty left to do.


    I wanna see what you and RedShell think of the final stage.....


    Is there an extra level or something for getting five stars or is that just the final level of the post game stuff?

  11. FIFA is definitely stale, don't worry. I'm not trying to convince you all that Nintendo in particular are the only guilty ones. It's just with most of their titles they heavily rely on preestablished game formulas.


    I think this quiet a general problem with games at the moment though. Having been a gamer for 20+ years practically every game I play has an element of staleness to it. Last game I have played that did not feel that stale (that I really enjoyed) was probably PullBlox, before that Portal 2 and before that the first (3d) GTA I played.


    (Might be forgetting some.)


    Recently I have found a bit more of a love for the new games by appreciating the bits in the games that do change.


    I do think that we kind of have extremes with Nintendo though - things like Wii Sports and Wii Fit from Nintendo felt genuinely new to me but were not *that* enjoyable as games. On the other hand, the more formulaic games such as your Marios and Zeldas have been more enjoyable but felt less fresh.


    Edit - World of Goo. That one felt like a new experience.

  12. No, Bowser can't do that. Sakurai is just making a joke of sorts. The only way to protect yourself is to dodge or guard.


    Looks to me like he might be about to do his 'spikes up' move (can't remember the button combination) and so it would depend on hit zones and timing wouldn't it?

  13. Whilst it is true that the gimmick of the controller was not needed for those games I still preferred to play them on the controllers that came with the console due to the overall quality of those controllers.


    They may not have found a good use or purpose for the gamepad, but I find it a pleasurable experience to use to control the games. Same with the Wiimote, I much preferred playing galaxy like that over a traditional controller like the game cube one. Although clearly there are quite a few on this board that disagree with that.

  14. I have always found that I prefer the d pad, the sticks and the quality of buttons to the other consoles controllers. I know that many other (most other?) people have not.


    As for since the gamecube days I guess I did not like the gamecube controller that much really. Never seen or felt the comfort in the pronged controllers. Bit off topic now, though so I will stop here.

  15. Of course, they'd need to downsize their hardware manufacturing side of things, which is certainly no great loss. They'd need to downsize their team responsible for designing the OS and networking features. Again, no great loss.


    If anything they could focus more on delivering great games.


    I think it would be a great loss to lose the hardware side of the business. They may be awful at the operating systems/networking and perhaps there is an element of the hardware that is contributing towards that but I like the fact they produce small/sleek consoles with great controllers.


    I do think though that the games they make are tied to the systems they make them on and to remove the hardware element would diminish the games as well.


    Perhaps the best future could be to merge the hand held and main consoles into a single device that can stream to the TV using something similar to Chromecast. Then people can only buy the handheld version of the Nintendo console and still have their PS4/XBONE.

  16. One of the reasons I think that Nintendo going third party would not work is that a significant part of the game for me is the quality of controls and responsiveness. I think that having an intimate knowledge of the hardware (or access to someone that does ) helps with this. From a personal point of view I got into games largely because of the responsiveness of the controller on the original super mario bros. I have had other consoles since then but gave never really been satisfied with the controllers.


    I actually quite like the idea of the thread for this reason. However I think the problem it would have with the Nintendo board is that they still would not be able to charge the licence fee for dev work/third party releases on the console. The licence fee on the successful consoles has enabled Nintendo to relieve the pressure on their dev teams and give them more resources and time than they otherwise would have had.


    Obviously it is possible to have a software company that does take financial risks and delay games for later reward but the temptation would be not to do this. See: Sega.

  17. I find it quite interesting that N-E, a specialist Nintendo site, has actually marked both Zelda and Mario lower than the consensus from the mainstream press. Maybe both me and Ashley were looking for something different - I don't think either of us thought that either Mario or Zelda weren't great games that are worth buying - but our praise wasn't quite as universal.


    What I conclude from this, is really, I'm not really going to take any more notice to review scores. It's the content of a review (and the game itself) that matters, not a number that's assigned to it. Zelda was one of my favourite games this year, but that didn't stop me having criticisms of it.


    TLDR Review scores receive too much attention, people should read more, recent Nintendo games are great despite some flaws,


    Having re-read the mario review though there really is not that much positive in it. If review scores are going to be dropped or ignored, the reviewer needs to do some more legwork for praising a games strengths rather than picking apart the weaknesses.


    EDGE reviews used to gave the same problem - assume you know they think the game is excellent and only list the flaws.

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