Thanks for posting that. Great video and it's really interesting to get a perspective from somebody that didn't get on with a control scheme which I have fallen in love with.
His points are all good, and I found myself having similar thoughts throughout the game. If I found a part of the control scheme which I struggled with or was against the norm, I got annoyed but then I simply adapted
Take the point about the TV reticule being inaccurate and forcing you to use the gamepad. He's 100% right, it did tick me off when I found out so I just used the gamepad to get more accuracy and now I prefer it. I suppose people might have had a similar reaction in FPS games all those years ago (Doom, Wolfenstein) when they've been running around with guns doing damage fine with the standard aim, never having to look down the barrel of the gun or through a scope to hit their targets; only to have that flipped on its head when the genre evolved.