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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Jeremy Parish: http://www.usgamer.net/articles/oh-so-thats-nintendos-next-move
  2. That it was. Nintendo-Direct-level stuff coming out of the blue.
  3. Yup, that's why I wasn't that impressed with the bundle. The LOZ 3DS looked better, whereas on the GamePad it doesn't look nearly as good (but that could change if I see it in person). However I really don't like Wind Waker being a download instead of a physical copy.
  4. The Wii U Difference #3.
  5. From GAF.
  6. Wow, nice! I actually forgot that the game was coming this Friday. Since I'm finally completing some games I may as well start off this series. I've got EOI and will start that tonight.
  7. Mario Party Island Tour.
  8. Some lifestyle pics. More here: http://gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=210939
  9. The 3D has actually been quite good in a lot of games, a few even benefit from it, but if you don't want it then the 3D slider is there for a reason. No need for a redesign like this. I mean the battery hasn't even been improved over the XL.
  10. This makes me happy. Pre-ordering the special edition no doubt. Special Edition pre-order is live. £59.99 http://www.game.co.uk/en/the-legend-of-zelda-the-wind-waker-game-exclusive-ganondorf-collectors-edition-244852?pageSize=20&searchTerm=Wind%20Waker%20HD%20Limited%20Edition&cm_mmc=Twitter-_-Digital-_-GanondorfStyle-_-Link
  11. Hmmm, I think it's starting to grow on me (yeah, I know it didn't take long) but I'm not interested in buying it.
  12. Nice, I'll be getting all of those apart from LEGO, and maybe Harvest Moon.
  13. Forget that, what about the inevitable 2DS XL?
  14. Putting that in your pocket is going to be even harder.
  15. Some people are still confused when it comes to the DS lite, XL, 3DS & 3DS XL. Look at the Wii U & Wii, a lot of people are having problems distinguishing between both... So Nintendo decides to bring another 3DS but without 3D so they call it 2DS. Not a fan. Besides the circle pad looks a bit high up.
  16. I'm taking my sugary sweet time with this game. Just recently got the Flying Pikmin.
  17. Teaser site Siliconera: No Advance Wars (for now at least) Sorry @Fused King.
  18. -Dem0-

    Nice, I can read it in better quality now :p


    I haven't seen that spread until this morning, I found it while searching for some new colour spreads. The one I showed you is from Chapter 717.


    I get them from One Piece Wiki now. They've got all of them, in high quality.



  19. Looks like a snowman post to me. Also saw him online on my 3DS friends list not too long ago.
  20. That's a nice explosion.
  21. Nintendolife Review: http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/wiiu/rayman_legends IGN Review: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/08/26/rayman-legends-review Eurogamer Review: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-08-26-rayman-legends-review
  22. Gives me that Layton london life & Fantasy Life (early) feel...
  23. Azran Legacies is the last Professor Layton game to feature Professor Layton himself.
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