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  1. The Suda51 Wii game is called Heroes
  2. Umm, Zelda:TP IS confirmed to be online. Not online in the sense of multiplayer but it will use WiiConnect24 in some way or another they said
  3. I just thought it could be a next gen Waverace... I mean Nintendo has Excitebike, Waverace, 1080, Mario Kart, and F-Zero and of those the first 2 have "handle bars" tha the remote could easily emulate
  4. Umm, all GC accessories will work with the Wii. Wavebird doesn't use the same wireless tech the Wii controllers do...
  5. Umm, they already did this, it was called Underground and American Wasteland...It's really not a matter of power. I think they're just reverting back to the old games style of "levels" which IMO was better an each one had it's own flair and style to it
  6. Why do people STILL say Nintendo wouldn't allow these games on their system?! They're not gonna reject a dev EVER unless the game is AO, doing so would be stupid. It's better to get as many games of as many types from as many devs as possible because it improves relations with them.
  7. I didn't read through these pages but have you read the info on the game? In what other FPS is the object of the game NOT to kill all the enemies but to just hurt them enough into making them joing you? And I assume not all enemies will and that some will easily die or take a lot of abuse. Not to mention the sword play, and the fact that aiming is easier means enemies aren't just restricted to moving along the ground but through the air and other planes of movement
  8. I don't think you understand...Those are CONCEPTS. They are actually creating a game but those pics aren't exactly any indication of what things in the game will look like, just a basic design. It is NOT fake, they didn't say it was a Revolution game, only that they hope it'll be eventually
  9. Right...next time you make up stuff, don't site a source that contradicts you... And they ARE REAL! This was a link found on Kotaku...
  10. There is no DS redesign!
  11. DS can do textures just as good as the N64 it's just that they aren't blurred so you notice how crappy they are moreso than with the N64...
  12. Um, one of them is a laser pointer though. 2 analog sticks is unnecassary...
  13. It's obviosly fake...the last pics say to use the L and R buttons, which don't exist on the Rev controller...
  14. Actually chances are, the video was made in a couple of days just to show "next gen" but not to actually be any indication of the graphics. If the REV is 2-3X the GC, then the graphics should be around that of a little better than current PC games (according to devs). And the MP video could be done on the GC...Look at the original Zelda tech demo and tell me it didn't look as good as this MP video
  15. You guys heard wrong. He never said the Revolution wasn't less powerful, he just said on paper it would look less powerful. What i mean is that the specs might be lower but the system will still be powerful. Like how the GC specs are lower than the Xbox's yet many ppl say the graphics are almost the same
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