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About Angel

  • Birthday 03/14/1988

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  • Location
    Northen Sweden
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    all exept NES
  • Other Systems Owned
    ps2 ps1
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Add ZipGenius (webb page) http://www.zipgenius.it/eng/ (info) http://www.zipgenius.it/eng/?page_id=3 (handels 50+ formats including RAR, zip, tar etc etc) (download) who cares, you'll find it if u want to
  2. one thing: NEVEREVER use norton the shit crashes css and other online games all the the time and i cant remove it cuz its not my PC oh and ive been using avast for some while now and it is @ norton
  3. Hot girl :P I realy like it 9.9/10 BTW: my sig whas made using Code::blocks and paint ^^ and i can actuly get the code working if i want to
  4. dark, style, hard to see youre name in there 8/10
  5. a X850XT (PE if u find one) is good not bes but good my bro has a X800GTO and it runs fine get a amd 64 3500+ and up (my bro has an 3700+). id recomend a X1900XTX or GF 7800 but those card are a bit expensive EDIT: btw get more RAM 1-2gigs
  6. somewhere under 3 seconds for me :P and MoogleViper i feel sad for you its good music.
  7. too bad for you :p i got 100Mbit/s but that dosnt help you :wink:
  8. intresting if true
  9. Nice colors, Link, nice text on the name and Xbox?!? 7/10
  10. think im seriosly gona code thogether a real game out of this. goto think about it for some time tho we ll se in summertime if i can find the time for it.
  11. useless bump... :shock: or perhaps not he has released a track from Bitpop? v2. Download and enjoy http://www.bitpop.se/filer/08%20-%20Super%20Mario%2064%20-%20Cool%20Cool%20Mountain.zip
  12. man drippy realy rules, keep it up pit.
  13. there exist onley 2 games (now) that can fulley use 1 Gbyte of ram (FEAR and BF2) so get the better gfx card, you can always upgrade ram later.
  14. hope peapole is downloadig this so thay dont miss it
  15. unzip it ^^ silly character limit )())()()()()()()()()
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