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About Detchibe

  • Birthday 06/21/1990

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    Ipswich, UK


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  1. I believe this campaign is more than just giving Nintendo money (Although, it plays a big part) But it's, more importantly, also a way to make NoA realise that thier core gamers are fed up of shovelware and want Nintendo to provide us with more core games. If they want to establish a hardcore market for the Wii U, then they're going to have to prove that they're able to bring these games over to us.
  2. C'mon, guys. Don't do this for NA, do it for Monolith Soft. They deserve it.
  3. A Twitter/Facebook campaign for Xenoblade has been started up over at IGN forums in hope for localisation in North America. Join the movement! http://boards.ign.com/nintendo_wii_lobby/b8270/203345328/p1 Facebook page - Operation Rainfall http://www.facebook.com/pages/Operation-Rainfall/212751422093743 Twitter page: http://twitter.com/#!/OpRainfall I know we're getting a EU release, but let's help these guys out as much as possible. This game deserves the exposure.
  4. Rez... I'll give you a 8/10. Funky.
  5. Yo, Siro. Nice to meet ya, enjoy yourself.
  6. As Monolith Soft are now a first-party developer for Nintendo, I can see them making some fantastic games for Nintendo in the years to come. We've already seen them release great titles like Soma Bringer, Baten Kaitos and Xenoblade, and It seems as though Nintendo genuinely cares about this company. With the release of Xenoblade on the Wii, I don't think we've even seen a glimpse of what Monolith Soft has to offer. I'm honestly excited!
  7. Nintendo France have posted screenshots of the game in French, if you're interested, head on over to livewii.fr and go take a look! I would post the link, but I havn't made enough posts.
  8. Never got round to playing Luigi's (Playboy) Mansion on the NGC, so I'll definitely pick up the first game and Luigi's (Playboy) Mansion 2 when it's released. Bangin'
  9. As of yet, no. I hate the Hollywood-esque style they give RE. I'll probably still buy it though.
  10. I grew up with Resi, but I honestly think I'm now starting to grow out of it. I fail to see how fans can lap this up, how many more times are they going to throw us into a mansion? Don't get me wrong, I loved the first Resi, and also the remake, but this has got to stop, there's nothing new here. The intro to the game sucks ducks, the dialogue is terrible, "Oh...I seem to be in a...Uh...Mansion." Parker replies with, "Oh, um...Alright. Meetatthebridgekthxbye." Man, It's terrible. Then we open a door to find a bath full of water, should we drain the water? I wonder what we'll find at the bottom. Oh, an item, I don't recall that ever being done before. I suppose they'll also throw in a grand piano too. Moonlight Sonata anyone? Hell, I wouldn't be suprised if they make Parker fart when he runs, that guy is the most boring, mediocre, bland RE character, ever! Jessica looks a little too dolled up, in my opinion, it looks like she just finished a couple of shoots with Playboy. So far, nothing has impressed me.
  11. I love Björk, she is one of a kind. She doesn't worry about what the industry wants from her, and does things her way. Can't wait for Biophillia, either. Any of you guys seen the new album teaser she released? I would post a link, but I'm a newbie here and I havn't posted enough times, so it won't let me. It's on her official site, and on YouTube if you're interested. Personally, I love all of Björk's albums (not counting Drawing Restraint) but my favourite has got to be Vespertine. I love how it gives off a chilling representation of Winter, yet, makes you feel really warm inside. It's great.
  12. Fixed. I hope he didn't see that.
  13. He's my favourite character too, especially when playing Melee, but I'd love to see Ghirahim playable in the next Smash Bros.
  14. I totally agree with this. In my opinion, censorship sucks. Why do these guys get a say in what's right for me or you? Ah well, the internet is our saviour, and I'm suspecting it will be online sooner or later.
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