I grew up with Resi, but I honestly think I'm now starting to grow out of it. I fail to see how fans can lap this up, how many more times are they going to throw us into a mansion? Don't get me wrong, I loved the first Resi, and also the remake, but this has got to stop, there's nothing new here.
The intro to the game sucks ducks, the dialogue is terrible, "Oh...I seem to be in a...Uh...Mansion." Parker replies with, "Oh, um...Alright. Meetatthebridgekthxbye." Man, It's terrible. Then we open a door to find a bath full of water, should we drain the water? I wonder what we'll find at the bottom. Oh, an item, I don't recall that ever being done before. I suppose they'll also throw in a grand piano too. Moonlight Sonata anyone? Hell, I wouldn't be suprised if they make Parker fart when he runs, that guy is the most boring, mediocre, bland RE character, ever! Jessica looks a little too dolled up, in my opinion, it looks like she just finished a couple of shoots with Playboy.
So far, nothing has impressed me.