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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. First new WiiK in review of the year is up: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/845/845204p1.html Edit-for some reason its in M4A and not MP3. Summary by _Alkaline_ of Neogaf:
  2. I supose it is when you're 80
  3. I knew it was fake, didnt know it was old though
  4. Becuase they are almost always fake lol.
  5. fake of course. But I can hope can't I?
  6. I wondered if it’s possible to get the Wii online via an ad hoc connection. I created the network from a laptop with Vista and the Wii is picking it up however when it tests the connection I get a error code (51030 Unable to find an access point. please confirm the SSID and try again) The SSID can't be wrong since the Wii picked it up itself. But for the sake of it I entered it in manually but I get the same message. The SSID is definitely correct since I simply called it ‘Wii’ and have the connection unlocked. So is this just a case of the Wii not understanding the connection and coming up with that error message or are their a few things I need to mess about with in the settings on the laptop? Thanks in advance.
  7. I agree with your friend, their reviews are pretty decent. I still miss Digitiser though
  8. weird I never had any trouble with the camera apart from underwater sections (until I found a shell and then it was ok again)
  9. I completed the game with all 120 with Mario
  10. Thats awesome lol
  11. When I first saw the Luigi's purple coins level I was pretty sure I'd never do it, however once you know that their are 150 coins their it felt a lot easier to do. BTW Someone was crazy enough to collect all 150 coins:
  12. I love the banner, who made it? I like that when you click on each characters face they say something and clicking the star makes it the song change! I think I've almost become obsessive about it... ...I even noticed that the sound effects from the characters on the left comes from the left speaker and the right side characters come from the right...
  13. Happy Christmas everybody =)
  14. Merry Christmas everybody:santa: :santa:
  15. I got the last 120th star this morning and saw the full ending. What a great game this is, it never stops being fun all the way until the end. I loved the ending too. Looking forward to going through the game game again with the other character
  16. IGN interview with sega about this game: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/842/842664p1.html A Jet Set Radio tennis court! More screen shots at IGN http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/142/14211933/imgs_1.html
  17. I'm buying it anyway, I doubt it that bad.
  18. The review on that blog is clearly a joke, you're suposed to laugh at it and the people that take it seriously... Anyways I brought Mario Galaxy a few days ago since I finally got a Wii and its amazing. Its so much fun to play. I'm around 52 stars in right now.
  19. The only real difference is the teeth which they took out again for Brawl Which I think's a shame because I prefer the Jungle beat look (might have something to do with the fact I think Jungle beat is incredible)
  20. Video showing you how to send and receive gifts and the photo channel upgrade. http://revver.com/video/522672/wii-shop-channel-gift-photo-updates/
  21. There's a surprise mid-Wii-k in review (probably because their wasnt one on Friday) : http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/840/840598p1.html doomed1 at Neogaf has a breif summary:
  22. I enjoyed it, pretty good.
  23. I got my Wii last week and it too came with the cardboard sleeve. That doesn’t really bother me however mine was sealed with tape which their was no way to remove without it tearing away the sleeves art/front cover.
  24. oh thats awesome, originaly they said you wouldnt be able to remove it. Glad they changed their mind.
  25. Well apparently there's a new Wii firmware update now available, no idea what it does yet. Could this be the Everybody’s Nintendo channel and the ability to give someone a Virtual Console game as a gift? edit- from Cosmonaut X at Neogaf -- Wii Shop main menu icon and launch page changed -- Photo Channel update available through WiiWare -- Gift-giving enabled -- Pokemon Snap available in EU The Photo channel update (which is optonal ) replaces MP3 compatibility with the ability to play AAC files Shot of the new Logo
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