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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. All this leaked info is blowing my mind. Todays update was pretty neat too, all those songs and thats probably about a third of the final ammount of music in the game. Also: Iwata Asks vol. 6 http://us.wii.com/iwata_asks/ssbb/vol6_page1.jsp
  2. Todays Update: http://www.smashbros.com/en_uk/index.html Also: Iwata Aks Vol.5 is now up: http://us.wii.com/iwata_asks/ssbb/vol5_page1.jsp
  3. Someone has it early? I wish it was me
  4. I know that Street fighter Alpha 2 was released on the Snes, one of the last 'high profile' games on the. Hopefully that'll make it to the VC this year. It was a pretty decent conversion.
  5. Helmsly

    GTA IV

    Shot of the special Edition package
  6. Latest podcast is up http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/847/847867p1.html
  7. New screens and a little write up on Sould Calibur IV at gamespy: http://uk.xbox360.gamespy.com/xbox-360/soulcalibur-untitled-next-gen-sequel/847681p1.html
  8. Volume 4 is up now (these are great) http://us.wii.com/iwata_asks/ssbb/vol4_page1.jsp
  9. Todays update is a video demonstration the WiFi Connection!: Todays Update has a different video for the Japanese site http://www.smashbros.com/jp/index.html Also: Part 3/Volume 3 Of Iwata asks is now up http://us.wii.com/iwata_asks/ssbb/vol3_page1.jsp
  10. Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/29902.html
  11. Iwata asks Sakurai: http://us.wii.com/iwata_asks/ssbb/vol1_page1.jsp
  12. I can't remember what they called it, but N64 mag used to do this feature for around 3 chrsitmas issues in a row where they had inserts of romantic novels set in different Nintendo games universes.
  13. N64 mag also gave away these stands for storing N64 games that was a pretty decent thing to give.
  14. N64 magazine was so great, I still have all the issues (I think I have all but one). Does anyone remember when they had a feature on how to make 'Nintendo food'? Peppermint Boo's and Muffins with a marzipan star inside!
  15. Wii-k In review Episode 42 is now up: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/846/846606p1.html "Matt, Mark and Peer step into IGN's recording dungeon to chat about their undying love affair with Wii in this Friday's Wii-k in Review. Topics include a post-analysis of NPD data, Smash Bros.' delay, Wii's 2008 online games, Wii Fit's success in Japan and more. Matt and Mark also offer impression of Bully and Endless Ocean's online mode. Finally, the three place their different bets on the capabilities of Wii 2. "
  16. Trailer: http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/142/14211933/vids_1.html
  17. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=90996 This game will be on 360, PS3, DS and PS2 now too.
  18. oh God that stage is so awesome. My favourite so far BTW someone edited Sakurai's wikipeida article: lol oh man (its been fixed since)
  19. what happened to half the posts in this thread?!
  20. lol All the same Fighter's Megamix was awesome. Why have Sega not made a sequel to that already?
  21. I recently played Episode 4 and I was thinking all through it that it would be perfect for Wii Do you think they'll be all new episodes or ports of the episodes released on PC already?
  22. First new WiiK in review of the year is up: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/845/845204p1.html Edit-for some reason its in M4A and not MP3. Summary by _Alkaline_ of Neogaf:
  23. I supose it is when you're 80
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