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Everything posted by White_Wolf

  1. The metroid prime 3 video was made in 1 week. Isn't the Xbox 360 just a souped up Xbox?
  2. The metroid Prime 3 clip was done with modified GC dev kits and that is what dev were/are using when they talked to IGN.
  3. What happened to knowing everything by the end of the year?
  4. Anyone want to give a summary of the video since some people are on 56k.
  5. So the controller is just part of the basic stuff they showed for the rev? I can't wait to see what Nintendo has to show us and blow everyone away.
  6. Isn't that bad for the revolution? If a game on a more powerful console looks like current gen without HD how can the rev do any better?
  7. You cannot play any game with the shell unless it's designed for it. The shell is there so you can play N64, snes and 3rd party games that don't take advantage of the remote. A lot of people will want to play N64 and snes game from the download service as well as 3rd party games that use the normal way of playing.
  8. All I can say is that if Nintendo doesn't include the shell with the system I'm going to be pissed.
  9. He writes these idiotic things because you people keep going back to his blog so he can make cash from the ad's he places on there.
  10. Stop feeding that idiot with attention. People are just giving him more hits and feeding the idiot with more and more attention.
  11. How hard would it be to just show a teaser trailer for Zelda or SSB Revolution.
  12. What happened to showing everything by the end of the year? How are you suppose to show how stuff works without showing games? Nintendo is starting to tick me off and making me want to get the Xbox 360 because they show nothing.
  13. I just wanna see next gen Zelda, Metroid Prime, SSB and Mario!
  14. Im sorry but Possession looks like ass.
  15. Those are classic arcade games and not console games.
  16. More game news coming really soon. http://www.gamecloud.com/article.php?article_id=1908
  17. When nintendo says "When we show the games we want people to actually experience them just like we did witht he DS" which makes me think if you just look at the screens that the GFX wont match up anywhere near the Xbox 360 or PS3.
  18. Why would Reggie say "As you can see, Revolution will hold it's own in the graphical department."? In an interview they said that they had more footage of metroid prime 3, but decided not to show it in the last minute. I think what we saw was actually modified engine of MP3 for the rev. There is no way GC can produce those kind of GFX especially the textures.
  19. I don't want to hear positive stuff about the controller, but if they will actually make games for the damn thing.
  20. In an interview they said that Metroid Prime 3 would launch shortly after the rev is released.
  21. $99 price tag would hurt them more than help. Only the hardcore Nintendo fans would buy the rev if the GFX were a lot worse compared to the other two. It will probably be at $99, but not at least 2 or 3 years.
  22. Wouldn't it be a lot more easy just to hook up the remote to the USB port in the rev to charge it?
  23. Why don't you get a DS if you want 2D GFX.
  24. Gameplay doesn't make the game. You have to integrate great graphics with great gameplay to make a game good. Do you think you would have the same experience with Metroid Prime or RE4 if the GFX sucked? Everytime someone asks Nintendo about GFX they give you "None gamers don't care about GFX" which is true because they don't play games. Nintendo has to stop acting stupid and provide the best of both worlds instead of trying to sell the console on a new game play method.
  25. It's going to be slightly worse on reg TV's and you will be able to tell a big difference when Xbox 360 and PS3 gamesa re running on HDTV's. "When you hook the conosles up to a reg tv I don't think you will be able to tell a huge difference" Which means that you actually will tell a difference on reg TV's and a bigger difference on HDTV's.
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