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yo yo

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Everything posted by yo yo

  1. ahh....the old 'internet addiction' problem
  2. hy ray, i thought you said you were leaving the forums for good last may..why did you come back?
  3. yeh coldplays new album got mixed results, anyone buy it?
  4. the way things were shouldn't really effect anything redshell
  5. [ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "slaps dabookerman"
  6. please dont try and attempt to be funny again
  7. we dont know how good the technology is yet, but just look at the ipod nano, though i dread the battery life
  8. whats arsenal? you mean like weapons? and if so what the hell has that got to do with anything?
  9. sorry but am i the only one who see the controller as a wireless lighgun with extra buttons tht if you turn it a bit it does summit? (sorry if this sounds dumb)
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