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About Kaytee

  • Birthday 04/19/1989

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  • Interests
    Photography, video games, reading
  • Occupation
    Game sales assistant


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    3DS,Dsi, Wii, Game Boy Colour
  • Other Systems Owned
    XBox 360, PS2
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  1. My copy arrived this morning disappointed in the price of the Amiibo cards though, I've looked everywhere and most places are £4-£5 per pack. And how come we only get three cards per pack when I've seen people in America open their packs that contain 6 cards?!
  2. Enjoying this so far. It's definitely a shame about the hearts and the waiting, I love games like this and could happily sit and play for ages.
  3. I went to Japan in January and this stuff was everywhere! Watched a couple of episodes of the anime online whilst there and it's not bad. My boyfriend loved the look of the characters and bought some plushes home with him so he'll be pleased this is finally coming out on the 3DS over here.
  4. Playing it now. The confetti is annoying me and I can't find a single white feather.
  5. I completely forgot about this! Trying to get the ingredients for a Mushroom Salad now and I can't find any mushrooms in my town! I think the animals have stolen them all to get food for themselves...
  6. Finally got round to completing this earlier! Is anyone able to check what's in my Friend Safari for me please? FC is to the left, although I may already have some of you added.
  7. It's sort of helpful, at least it confirms that it might take a few months to complete all 4 checks!
  8. I think winter might be my favourite season in AC, it's so relaxing <3 Also, if anyone has the Gracie store in their town, how long did it take you to pass all 4 fashion checks? I saw her for the first time at the end of last week and I knew she was quite a rare visitor but apparently it could take a month or two to complete all the checks to get TIY to upgrade.
  9. Looks nice, although not every 3DS owner has a Wii U so hopefully they'll make this available when the Miiverse is released for the 3DS.
  10. After only 4 days, I've decided that my town is better off being a Night Owl town. The number of times this week I've started my game only to remember it's too late to do anything and all the shops are closed. It's going to be a pain watering all of the flowers but at least I'll be able to get stuff done! They totally should have made it so after a certain amount of time you could choose to have two ordinances active at once, would make things a lot easier!
  11. Not really a relationship question as such, but do many guys really rate girls on a scale of 1-10? As there's a guy in work who I guess I've sort of started liking and we were on the same lunch break today. We're sat in the canteen with a guy from a different department and the guy I work with started talking about this girl who had picked up an application form earlier that day and that he hoped she'd get the job because she was pretty fit. He then went on to rate her a 7 while this other guy just laughed and was all like nice, I hope so too. It made me feel so insecure as I couldn't stop thinking that maybe this guy had done this about me at some point. Reading this back it feels a bit petty but as there are a lot of guys on here I thought I could get some opinions if any of you actually do this.
  12. Changed my ordinance from Night Owl to Beautiful last night. Got home from work this evening and went to check the shops to see what was being sold and they're all shut already apart from Able Sisters! I love having so many flowers but its going to get annoying if I can't get on in time to check the shops.
  13. Stupid internet rumours! I put my 3DS in sleep mode about an hour ago, just restarted the game and there's my letter. Think I was just paranoid I wasn't going to get it as I really wanted the item!
  14. No apparently it was given out to random towns so not everyone will get it. The item can be reordered though.
  15. Started work on the café this evening, heading to the island to get funds as I want it open ASAP! Placed it close to my house so I can go straight there before starting my daily tasks, even though in real life I prefer tea over coffee, which got me thinking of an idea where after drinking so many coffees in the café Brewster could expand his menu and introduce tea as a drink which could be served by his sister and they could work together and you could have one cup of each drink per day... this idea totally sounds crazy but trust me, in my head it looks awesome! Plus it follows the family business theme in the game. Shame they didn't think about anything like this.
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