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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Virgin Media and torrents

    cheers for the heads up! is it only movie torrents they are looking out for, or any torrent? Or is it just torrents with a large number of seeds? sorry for all the questions, but changing ISP isn't an option so i need to work out what i can and can't do.
  2. Rate the last film you saw

    broken flowers about as bill murray-esque as a film can get really. According to IMBD it was pretty much written for him, which makes a lot of sense. I loved the open endedness of the ending. Often endings that don't actually conclude the story can be frustrating, but (like Lost in Translation) this open ending was good and I suppose summed up the story. 8/10 Oh, and if any more people come on here praising shitty shitty zohan I shall get very annoyed! do none of you feel like your brain was raped by that film?
  3. How was your day?

    faff faff faff. i went to play portal, got the first level loaded and the xbox crashed. This was semi expected as i never really got it fixed after i get the tree red lights a while back. so i thought 'i'm in a games mood for once, i'll play boom blox instead'. So i get the wii turned on and put the game in. Then the screen goes black, the remote un-syncs itself and the buttons on the wii itself stop working. I unplugged it and tried again, but i can't even re-sync the remote anymore, and none of the buttons on the wii are working. I think I have been cursed. Maybe its the heat, but it's not that hot...
  4. How was your day?

    if my xbox feels like working i should really re-play portal. its probably the best game i have played in a few years.
  5. How was your day?

    that sounds just like a conversation with my mum. edit - my day just improved significantly thanks to the addition of beer. i found cans of boddingtons i had forgotten about.
  6. Rate the last film you saw

    this is england good film, great acting. it reminded me alot if american history x though, and i have to say american history x is the better film immo, and makes it point better 8/10 a clockwork orange not nearly as messed up as i had been led to believe! aside from that it was interesting and very typically kubrick. 8/10
  7. How was your day?

    i agree. why turn the games into a chore? or, as haden says, you might not have been being sarcastic. Maybe that'll be the key feature of web 3.0 - the ability to accurately differenciate between sarcastic and non sarcastic comments. in other news, about 5 minutes till mum and sister arrive...
  8. How was your day?

    i was woken by my sister calling and saying she and my mum had decided to come visit. Today. argh! what is the point of living 112 miles away if they are still going to drop by unexpectedly... at least they gave me some warning. I'm trying to tidy my room now (lived here 2 months now and still not unpacked...) so they dont realise i'm a slob.
  9. The Music Thread.

    i don't understand McFly. For a manufactured band they seem to have lasted a suprisingly long time and still seems squeaky clean etc. Very odd. Maybe I should give them a listen and see how they've done it. aside: Jayseven! I know I'm 2 days late, but I am shocked at my branding as a 'heavy metaller'! I'm off to listen to Mika while I tidy my room and let you reconsider your careless pigeon holing of my musical tastes.
  10. How was your day?

    they did refuse the manager, there 'isn't one free at the moment' when asked when/if one would free 'i don't think there will be one free soon'
  11. How was your day?

    british gas call centres are staffed by total retards. just had two very frustrating converstations with call centres dummies. I believed that my account with british gas was settled when i moved out of my old flat 2 months ago, however, apparently i owe them about £30 which obviously i didn't know about as i've moved. so they tell me i moved out on the 15th on july and based on that my estimated reading is 2888. actually i moved out on the 30th of june, so i ask her to recalculate based on the 30th. this is where it starts to get retarded... she says that it's based on estimated readings, not time. er what? it's an estimated reading over time. so i try to explain to her that an estimated reading must have a time difference, so the bill time X to time Y will be different than time X to time Z. to be honest i think i started to lose her when i brought X Y and Z to the conversation! i tried simpler terms, trying to ger to agree that a bill for 2 months will be more than a bill for 1 month. her reply to this was again that it was based on estimates. Argh, this woman has no logic! we on like this for a while, i was getting more and more flabbergasted at her abject lack of logic and common sense. i tried calling a different person, but got a similar lack of logic. i'm about to try again, this is driving me loopy! edit - just spoke to them again. i was getting so annoyed by them i cant be bothered to try and get the 5 days knocked off. they are all so dumb... i called the last guy obtuse and he didn't know what i meant. i dont normally abuse phone centre people, but these ones are ridiculously irritating...
  12. Post Your Purchases

    where from? come pay day i will treat myself i think
  13. Rate the last film you saw

    are you kidding?? i felt mentally violated by that film. it was degrading to watch!
  14. Rate the last film you saw

    i just got forced to see shitty shitty zohan or whatever it's called. its one of those films you wonder whilst you're watching it how the self respect of all the actors didn't kick in at some point and mke them stop it. and it was so long too..... urgh. Second only to meet the spartans for worst film i've seen in the last few years. urgh. I feel ashamed of myself and degraded for having seen it.
  15. Mobile Phone Chat

    it appears as though i managed to miss out a few key letters. I'll try again. 'the iphone box was as neatly packed and anal as the wii box is' i think thats better.
  16. Mobile Phone Chat

    i was literally just about to update when i read that. would you advise against updating? i think i am finlly understanding why peopole feel so emotionally attatched to apple products, everything is so perfect. the box the phone came in was a perfect and anal at the wii box! I just wish i liked itunes
  17. Mobile Phone Chat

    i have managed to work things out so i can iphone. i am in tech love. its wonderfull in everyway
  18. How was your day?

    tiring weekend. worked yesterday, then i went to a house party, then went to villa vs man city today. all good fun. well not work, but you know what i mean
  19. Post Your Purchases

    i got me one lump of awesome, aka iphone. it's my first apple product and the care and detail about the whole package is beautiful. very pleased with it. my friends are going to get annoyed by yet another number change, they all made annoyed comments after the last change 2 months ago
  20. The Music Thread.

    i'm seeing squarepusher at ATP in december. Can't wait.
  21. The BISH³ Thread.

    3 'G' games - coolness bears, 50 points Suit up - coolness bears - 150 points Concert Ticket - shadow v7 - 80 points 3 different controllers - strider - 50 points mr potato head - strider - 100 points pyramid of games - strider - 100 points Your favourite Snack - nami - 9 points 530 total i think.
  22. The BISH³ Thread.

    i have roped a friend in, and i think next friday i will have a bash at this. As i wear a suit every day to work i need to link it with another bish to stop it being boring. I'm hoping that if i explain the game to my boss he'll let me bish his bentley, but i'm not going to hold my breath! I'm trying to plan how I can get as many bish's into a few pictures.
  23. The Music Thread.

    I'm listening to the bad plus. I forgot how wonderfully awesome their cover of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' is. Their new album has a great cover of 'Life on Mars' too.
  24. How was your day?

    nothing interesting happened today, although one of my mates cancelled going to see star wars with me as he was making a costume... what a crappy reason. The only other reason that today is of note is that on 15/08/01 a bored 16 year old first stumbled upon cube-europe. 7 years later that bored child has evolved into... me!