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Everything posted by ArtMediocre

  1. Bayonetta 1+2

    Got this on day one, pre-dowbloaded and ready to play, IF I can manage to take a break from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. That game is far too addictive...
  2. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)

    I've played this game mostly in handheld mode, and I don't really think that much over the lower resolution. Sure, it's really obvious when you're initiating a group attack, but other than that, the good to read-text and ability to adjust the zoom on the camera makes it a non-issue. I'd rather have the fluid gameplay we have now, rather than higher resolution and 15 fps.
  3. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)

    After not really having any idea of how the deeper systems in the game functioned, I decided to take a deep dive into the menus, just to read and check out everything. This game is pretty complex, but after spending... idk, maybe 2-3 hours in menus and reading around, I've figured out the system, the skill trees, the arts, combos and whatnot. Still loads to learn, but the game went from a 7/10 to at least a 9/10. I'm really loving the game now, and just running around and grinding is actually a lot of fun. Not having a bad time at all. I just opened 2 rare cores, and got... just the generic blades :(. But then I opened 9 common cores and whoop! Here's 2 rare blades for you! One of them has breast physics set to Dead or Alive-level. Unfortunately, the game didn't give me a heads-up about how rare the Overdrive Protocols are, so I've already wasted the 3 first you get. That sucks... I might look into getting the season pass later if the new story is any good. But overall REALLY enjoying the game now :D. One of the best games on the Switch system, and I have a flight to Australia tomorrow. Looking forward to spending some good Xenoblade time there.
  4. Illustration thread

    Yup, the ProMarkers. You can actually find them for around £20 for a set of 12 colors here in Norway, which isn't too bad. I don't know how the price is in the UK though.
  5. Illustration thread

    Yeah, I would reccomend them a lot :). They take some time to get to know, but they work well in regards to blending similar colors like on the Daft Punk drawing. The ones I used now have been lying in a drawer for about 7-8 years, and I haven't touched them until now (around 40 or so types) and they all still work. That is great quality markers right there. Unless you want to go all the way and get Copics :P. But that costs.... way too much xD.
  6. Illustration thread

    Noone else here who's on the creative side? Just made this Daft Punk sketch with Windsor & Newton markers: Kinda fun to work on the coloration and blending of the different markers. Not really done that too much.
  7. Nintendo Event - TONIGHT 10pm

    You can always find comfort in the fact that Gal Gun 2 will be releasing on Switch. That's not for kids. Enjoy :3
  8. Nintendo Event - TONIGHT 10pm

    Okay, that was a really cool promo video! I can picture this is probably the most awesome thing ever for my nephew :D. But probably not something I'm gonna buy :P.
  9. Nintendo Event - TONIGHT 10pm

    ......is it going live?
  10. Nintendo Event - TONIGHT 10pm

    I'm just gonna post this here: We will all be wondering why the hell we botered watching this when it is done
  11. Nintendo Event - TONIGHT 10pm

    So, will this be streamed somewhere, or just uploaded on the page in the first post?
  12. Nintendo Event - TONIGHT 10pm

    U want sum fuk?
  13. General Switch Discussion

    Well, so this just happened (like 12 hours ago). It has made the NintendoSwitch Reddit blow up, and everyone is really hyped without knowing what's gonna happen. It could be related to the new event later tonight, or it could be related to a new, large direct coming later. I have no idea.
  14. Virtual Reality

    So, has anyone tried VRchat yet? It really looks like the worst parts of the internet, visualized and straight up in your face. And to be honest, I really want to try it :P. It looks like hell'a weird, but the good kinda weird. All the dudes running around with anime girl skins (most likely bronies irl..), but it sure looks like a good time anyway. This vid probably sums it up good: (aaaaand ignore the Widowmaker ass-thumbnail)
  15. New Year's Resolutions for 2018!

    Drink water, and just stick with it. For a while it's boring as hell, but when you don't mind it, you'll never really want fizzy drinks again. Except for Jack & Coke though :p.
  16. General Switch Discussion

    Well, truth be told, we are waiting for more info on the previously announced Fire Emblem for the Nintendo Switch, so more information on that is not really a big surprise. So just get ready to lose your shit :P.
  17. General Switch Discussion

    Hahahaha. All this speculation, all the trolling. This is pure gold! Pure gold I say!! I'm happy to have some good entertainment while I'm waiting for a direct. And we know it's coming, I just don't really care to speculate. Every time I do, I get disappointed by the direct, so this time I won't bother looking into rumors. But this build-up Nintendo is doing is devilish fun :D.
  18. Illustration thread

    I would hang it ....on my fridge!
  19. General Switch Discussion

    Have you tried cleaning out the Switch USB C port? It might just be dirty. Try and scrape it with a toothpick and see if that helps
  20. Mass Effect: Andromeda

    @Shorty Well, I wouldn't say it's that bad if you give the Indoctrination theory a go. It makes for a better and mysterious ending anyhow. If you haven't seen it, i recommend you check it out :D.
  21. Mass Effect: Andromeda

    I would really recommend giving 2 and 3 a go. Some of the best games I've played, and the 3rd game is just pure polish when it comes to gameplay.
  22. New Year's Resolutions for 2018!

    This will be the only artwork I'll post, I swear, but it's related and inspired by this thread :P. So thanks for helping me get this idea .
  23. New Year's Resolutions for 2018!

    Not really that into new years resolutions, but I've made a few for this year. Do a 365 drawing challenge. A friend of mine did this, and it's been really inspiring to see his development and how his joy for art has expanded. I love to draw, but it can be months without anything. So, if I can at least do a small doodle each day, I'm sure I'll get a lot out of it in the end. Work out twice a week Started working out last year. I'm not fat or anything, but I know it will be good for me :). Ride my bike to and from work Started doing this last year as well :p. But I need to keep at it. At least twice a week during the warmer periods. It's around 7.5 miles each way, so if I can get 15 miles on my bike twice a week, that will be really nice. Also, I want to do more long trips for exercise as well. Record more music If I can, I really want to get back into making more Zelda cover songs, like I did before. I love recording stuff, but I really, really suck at taking the time to do it. FINISH THE WITCHER 3 This game has been looming over me ever since it got released. And I thought I had a good run going now, but then I discovered Xenoblade Chronicles 2. God dammit.
  24. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)

    I hear you Kav! This game is amazing, and even if I'm only 8 hours in, I am loving every single bit of it. Grinding is fun, the characters are great, and the story and setting is really good as well. I haven't had this much fun with a JRPG since I played Tales of Symphonia, and that might be my favourite JRPG of all time. So, what I am saying is that this is simply one amazing game. If anyone has been on the fence.. BUY IT!
  25. General Switch Discussion

    Rumors say that the date of the direct is the 11th of january. The less time to wait, the better!