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Posts posted by S.C.G

  1. 3 hours ago, Ashley said:

    I'm kind of tempted too. Bought Beetle Adventure Racing months ago and have nothing to play it on. 

    I offered you an N64, that offer still stands. :peace:

    Mind you... with space being a consideration, the Analogue consoles are typically smaller than the original hardware, so this would be a decent buy, especially as it has expansion pak support built in.

    - - - - -

    I always said if Analogue made an N64 console I'd be interested, but then... that was a year or two ago, and I didn't know I'd be running a shop which sells videogames at that point, so financially, I probably couldn't justify it right now, even though it is a good price.

    Plus, as I understand it, there's a chance that an Everdrive won't work with it? If that's the case, then that makes it not quite as appealing, as I'd want to play not only standard carts on it, but also new versions of games I already own, such as the upcoming Return to Yoshi's Island based on Super Mario 64.

    As a piece of hardware though, which is aimed at preserving retro games? This is fantastic, and I would totally pre-order one if I had the required amount spare right now.

    At just over £200 or so, including shipping and customs combined, it's very much worth considering.

    Your average original N64 console with an Expansion Pak, in good condition can set you back around £100... plus all the required hardware to upscale etc, it would cost the same, if not more.

    We'll see how the rest of the week goes, I could still pre-order one...

  2. 2 minutes ago, Ashley said:

    It's an imperial measure, which means it is all over the place in terms of what it refers to.

    Your daily reminder that the imperial system is shit.

    A fair point, it was the first number which came up when I searched "Ounce to Gram" so I went with that.

    Then noticed the correlation between the number of codenames and the amount in grams.

    It could just as easily be a case of in a meeting, someone at Nintendo stating "Let's call it Ounce" because why not?

    The codename "NX" was supposedly chosen just because it sounded cool.

  3. From looking at that page with all the codenames on, the only link I could come up with, is that if you convert "Ounce" to Grams in terms of weight measurement, it's just over 28g, in that list of projects there are 26 previous codenames, counting everything.

    Did Nintendo Alarmo have a codename? If it did, it's not in that list, which would mean that there should be 27, which would make the Ounce the 28th in the list. ::shrug:

    That's all I've got... unless it has something to do with weight, and I can't see the console weighing just over 28 Grams... maybe it has something to do with the controllers or the physical media?

  4. newreleasesandeshopdiscountsbannerweek39.620x0.webp

    Nintendo eShop new releases (week 39)

    The thirty-ninth week of releases. A selection of new titles are now available on the Nintendo Switch eShop.

    Check the article for the full roundup.

    - - - - -

    See you next week! :peace:

  5. Excellent news, I remember buying the original game on the PS4, playing it on the day of release for two hours before work... and then... not playing the game ever again, I even sold it but I've always wondered about the game since, plus I picked up the second game when I bought a PS5 over a year ago, which I still haven't set up, but I intend to soon.

    So understandably, I'm interested in this remaster.

    Here's what I originally said about the game six and a half years ago...

    On 3/1/2017 at 5:18 PM, S.C.G said:

    I got this today, put the disc in my PS4 with the intention of just installing the inevitable huge day 1 patch along with the game data so it would be ready for later, turns out the patch was only a few hundred megabytes for a change. :)

    So I went to install it, turns out the game was ready to go and proceeded to load so I thought it would be rude to not at least play the intro...

    ...two hours later.

    It's a really solid, open-world title which has a decent setup & backstory which shows you just enough as it teaches you the basics and then just lets you get to it even in the starting area, well to an extent... I noticed that if you go toward the boundary area of the map where there's nothing you do get a warning stating "if you don't turn back, your last save will be reloaded" so naturally I didn't feel like testing that much. ;)

    Perhaps that limitation will go away upon getting further into the map, it's not a big deal just a slight immersion-killer but aside from that, the gameplay is fluid, nice level of detail - OG PS4 for life - :awesome: and the gathering aspect feels fine at this point oh plus Dynamic HUD is clearly the best option.

    When you hear Aloy talking to herself about certain things, reacting to situations etc it actually doesn't bother me as it makes sense in the context of the story - to me anyway - which I won't mention anything about but I just thought I'd belay any fears about this as if anything it just adds to the experience. :D

    You get to save at any available bonfire of which there are a reasonable amount scattered across even the opening area, so don't be afraid to get out there just so long as you're aware where your next save point is.

    Stealth is nicely implemented too incorporating the best of games which have similar mechanics, climbing feels more like Uncharted, combat clearly has depth just waiting to be exploited and there are plenty of skills to learn and secrets to find.

    I want to play more of it now but I'll resist until later, though I intend to play as much of it as I can before this week is out, I'm also playing on Very Hard difficulty... I haven't died yet in-game but it's early days so we'll see how that pans out. : peace:

    Perhaps this time, a console generation later, I'll play through the game properly, plus the DLC... and it's sequel, plus the DLC for that too.

    Interestingly, I've just realised that when I was buying PS5 games that I wanted to play, I bought the standard version of Horizon II without the DLC, but there is a complete version with the DLC on the disc, though it is a bit rare now, it would seem, as it was released a year ago.

    I wonder if another print run might happen for Horizon II Forbidden West Complete Edition now that this remaster has been announced?

    I know the game is £32.99 digitally, and the dlc is only £14.99 but... it would be nice to own it all on two discs.

    Edit - I bought the only copy of Horizon II Forbidden West Complete Edition that I could find, it comes with a steelbook case (separate from the sealed game) which also seems to be collectable, so if anyone collects steelbooks and wants the case for £40 including postage (cheapest currently on it's own is £40 plus postage) or a sealed standard edition of Horizon II (PS5) for £33 including postage (it seems to sell for £32 - £35 sealed plus postage) then let me know or PM me, otherwise I'll sell them in the shop or on eBay, but I thought I'd offer them here first.

  6. I finally decided to pre-order this last night thanks to a 20% off code which is still currently active on eBay, making it around £38 which is... a lot cheaper than on the Nintendo Store, so long as you aren't too concerned about pre-order bonuses.

    I believe this is the third new Switch game I've purchased this year, the other two being Another Code: Recollection and Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition, both of which I've still yet to play.

    I'm hoping that a new Zelda game might get me back into gaming, beyond the usual multiplayer games I play each week, as I haven't really played much in terms of single-player games for a while now.

    This game looks to be enjoyable, fun, and clearly making the most of the engine and art style from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening remake, though this looks like it'll run a bit better overall, plus with the gameplay being more experimental in nature, it looks like it brings a bit of the more modern Zelda titles, into a game featuring more hand-crafted areas, hopefully combining the two styles well enough that many people will enjoy this new take on a well-worn but established action adventure template, that the series is known for.

    Only a few more days. :peace:

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