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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Jennifer is a real sex siren. I may have to watch derailed to catch a glimpse of these awesome legs.
  2. Well, lately, there's been a lot of talk about the "Wii60" group. What this means is that gamers are encouraged to buy both the Xbox360 and Wii in order to experience both sides of gaming. With the 360, you get immense online gameplay and realism. With Wii, you get unrealism, innovation and a different style of gameplay due to Nintendo's franchises. Saying this though, is something that started off jokingly actually becoming a fast reality? If you own both Wii and 360, is there any point in splashing out all that money for a PS3? Another important factor is money. Infact, it's possible to own both the Xbox360 and Wii (at its current rumour price) for the price of the PS3. Will this have an impact on the PS3 and its performance? Looking at the facts, you have to say yes. Sony have one foothold here, and that is the brandname. Does this balance things out? Thoughts, arguments and opinions, please.
  3. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    There's always some hatred towards Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. With Nintendo, it's the kiddy console maker image. With Microsoft, it's more to do with their image in the Computer market. With Sony, it's the view that they copy things. None of these actually have anything to do with the games or the console itself, which is a shame. But, they're just views. And we all have our different point of views. If you really want the system and can afford it, then go for it. The ideas in this thread suggest that maybe other people don't see as much potential in the PS3 (the blu-ray player) and see the price as a hindrance. But, we're all different. I'm just curious at to whether the fact that you can buy two other next gen consoles for the price of the PS3 will affect the console in any way.
  4. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    Nobody said that not owning a PS3 would make them any less of a gamer. Thing is, the price is a very big factor to look at. A larger price will alienate many people who perhaps can't afford it. On top of that, you have to pay for games. The two console idea is quite plausible. For the price of one console, you can buy the other two.
  5. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    Aye, usually. Not in this case though. I really do expect a lot of gamers to own more than one next generation console, as each system offers its own reason for purchase. However, it'll be very interesting to see which consoles they own. Wii60? PS3 and 360? All three?
  6. Pokemon battle revolutions wii shot

    Yeah, unlucky about that. Everyone please post in here: http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6999
  7. Pokémon Battle Revolution - Scan!

    Somebody beat you to the thread. http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6999 I will lock this one but will rename the other thread. Post in there.
  8. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    It is a natural assumption to make that bigger price = better value for money. My girlfriend and I were in Comet shopping for a printer. There were 2 different printers, priced at £70 and £80. We were confused as to which one to go with, as they both had their merits. We asked an assistant for some help about which one to go for, and got the reply "well, it's obvious. The more expensive one is better." This didn't turn out to be entirely true. The cheaper priced printer had a better scan quality and some other features. We told this to the assistant who advised that we get the cheaper one then. :p
  9. I don't know about you...

    The urination jokes were terrible, imo. Better off leaving those type of jokes to other forums.
  10. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    Heh, just having a Wii bit of fun. (waits for ViPeR to attack me with a lightning bolt) I was browsing a different forum yesterday, a more playstation orientated forum. I got the impression that the price didn't seem to affect many people and that they thought they were getting good value for their money. What's your take on this?
  11. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    Yes. Yes, it would. Anyway, back on track.
  12. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    Indeed. Finally, some sense.
  13. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    Would you like anything else, Sir? Possibly my arse on a plate? Hang on, when have i said the same things?
  14. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    I see. My bad. Next time i'll use big bolder letters, possibly a sarcasm tag to accompany it.
  15. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    Welcome to the world of sarcasm.
  16. I don't know about you...

    It's still pretty similar, but only on paper. Saying it aloud will sound no different.
  17. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    Yes, people. We must judge on looks.
  18. I don't know about you...

    Hence why i said "a bit" like. :p
  19. I don't know about you...

    Aye, it will subside. As a name, it's still relatively new.
  20. I don't know about you...

    It's to be expected though, with this kind of name. They're sorta using it as an alternative to "we". Like Shall Wii Dance, etc. It's a bit like using 2 instead of to. E.g. "i'm going 2 go now." It's not always a bad thing, as it means the name is quite accepted now.
  21. Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?

    No need for the edit, it was a great post. I think Microsoft were wise to jump into this console race quite quickly. They're going to have a big advantage as they'll have already established a userbase by the time the PS3 comes around. Third party support has been important in the past. At the moment, it's going well for the 360. Wii has a bright future as well, just as long as Nintendo can keep attracting support to their machine. At the moment, i would say that the 360 has the edge over the PS3. Many 'crucial' third party titles will be available on the 360. Games such as Pro Evo or Fifa are important as they reach out to a fanbase. As important as brand name is, no company can rely on their name. Nintendo dominated during the NES and SNES era. By the time the N64 came around, their popularity was diminishing and the Playstation was just starting to take off. The same could be said for the next generation. The 360 is starting to take off now.
  22. Hmm. Derailed. Haven't come across that yet. May have to give it a look in. What sorta film is it platty?
  23. I'd say an actor or actress can only act well if there are certain situations. Like, a good script, supporting characters, etc. They do help a lot. A good example of this would be 1 hour Photo. Robin Williams is renowned for his comedy films. 1 Hour Photo was something different. It was serious, gritty and dark, and as a result, it showed off his acting skills. I'd say that Jennifer has potential, but she's never really given the chance to show it.
  24. Bruce Almighty was really down to Jim Carey.
  25. Just proves what a very strange world we live in. :p