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Everything posted by Burny

  1. At least not after you got disconnected.
  2. I never owned the original, but I had borrowed it for quite some time and played the multiplayer a lot with a couple of friends. We didn't have any special rules and cycled through the weapon sets as far as I remember. One of our absolute favorites was the facility (?) map (the one with the toilets). On this one we would often chose proximity mines and whoever was near the toilets and had the mines would just wrench open every toilet in turn, throw a mine into it and leave. If I remember correctly there was even a spawn point in the toilets? Well, whoever came near them, would perish in a huge explosion (that could be seen through the walls). ^^ We played on a tiny old camping television with a diagonal of ~40cm.
  3. The new sunset looks gorgeous:
  4. Downloading... Minecraft alpha 1.2.0 Yea!
  5. If there is a reset, consider me in. ^^ My nick is "Burny86".
  6. There's an interesting interview about the game's sound design. It literally doesn't sound like this is some low-budget production.
  7. Biomes: rainforest temperate rainforest seasonal forest forest savanna shrubland taiga desert grass desert ice desert tundra Apparently not final yet:
  8. Lucky you. ^^ Impressions? I've heard different things about the game's length. Some German site claimed they were told at Gamescom to expect ~10-12 hours for an average playthrough. Now in this Video from Comicon, Warren Spector mentions the first playthrough took him 26 hours: I suppose that includes a lot of sidequests.
  9. I've preordered it and hope it won't disappoint. It's always a mixed bag when so few coherent gameplay footage is shown pre-release as for Epic Mickey. On the one hand, if the game is good, you'll actually be able to discover things on your own, because you haven't seen some of the most important parts in the trailers already. So you won't know that there is this level in this building, where this and this happens. On the other hand, the worst thing you might discover, is that the game is not good at all. :p
  10. Is there any chance of resetting the server / generating a new world on 31. (given an updated server version is released)? It sounds as if it might be worth it.
  11. www.minecraft.net ? As Nintendohnut said, don't bother too much with the free "classic mode". It's like a demo for placing blocks and running around, but almost completely lacks the features, that make the game great. Having to work a bit in order to get your building materials and being eaten by zombies in the process makes all the difference.
  12. How did they mess up the volcano? I suppose you somehow create a water source on top of it? I need to have flowing water in MP in order to get some small waterfalls on this thing: It's just that buckets don't seem to work the way they do in SP and the water you pour out of them vanishes after a couple of seconds.
  13. Couldn't login just now. "Failed to connect to server. Connection refused."
  14. There is an ingenious little skinning tool with working live preview in the minecraft forums: Skinning tool I didn't play the game much yesterday, but worked on my custom skin (before I discovered the tool...).
  15. There is a screenshot of the upcoming hell dimension:
  16. Fixed it. 3DS doesn't belong there. Why is there reason to be scared from updated hardware just with Nintendo? I honestly don't see any big manufacturer that doesn't release updates as least as frequent as Nintendo. Actually, any upgrades from Nintendo I know of, have a far more subtle effect on their product landscape than updates I see elsewhere. At the end of a handheld or console generation, the early hardware still has the same core functionality as the later hardware and anything big, that is released later in the life cycle, runs on the early hardware, too. The only required upgrades for home consoles I can think of, are the expansion pack and the M+. Both were conveniently bundled with games that require them and are dirt cheap in comparison to what you see elsewhere. I very much doubt that Nintendo would've not included the gyro sensors of the M+ in the original Wiimote, if they had considered it a feasible option at that time. Their early Wiimote trailer's were as much a marketing lie, as that Project Natal trailer Microsoft showed during last year's E3. It didn't hurt them terribly much, but players and developers realised rather quickly, that the Wiimote wasn't as capable, as the trailer would have had them believe. Just releasing new M+ "enabled" Wiimotes would've meant making every existing Wiimote useless for any M+ games and asking people to shell out another 40 bucks for complete new ones. In that sense, yes it would've hurt, although the option would've been nice.
  17. Personally, I found the decision to make the sail an inventory item in WW rather idotic. I don't remember anymore if it was used for more than sailing, but having to dig out the thing each time you wanted to sail was a bit of a bother. If it wasn't used for anything but sailing, they could've just made it into a context sensitive action on the boat. Even if there was need to keep it in the inventory for some reason, a context sensitive action would've made sense, given the frequency one had to use it. Anyway, that's the kind of improvement I'd like to see in Skyward Sword besides the already much quicker item selection.
  18. @flameboy: Forget it, then. As I said, My Eee PC 1000H (which has practically identical hardware to the NC10) can almost run it.
  19. Blocks are placed by right-clicking. Yes, a dedicated graphics card of some sort should be there if you want to play the game.
  20. You can place and remove blocks in "classic", which is the only free "mode" available. In order to have the crafting system monsters etc., you'll have to get into the alpha. My Eee PC 1000H can almost run the game and my 4 years old Laptop (Celeron Core Duo 1,7Ghz, 2GB Ram, Geforce Go 7300) runs the game just fine. I don't see a reason why a slightly aged MacBook wouldn't be able to run it. By reducing the draw distance (F) it's also possible to increase performance.
  21. As Jonnas already said: There were too many items in TP you barely used, that blew up the inventory nevertheless. A flute just for calling Epona, the strange spinning gear for traveling along certain walls, that cloning staff and if I remember correctly, bottles each were separate entries in the inventory, too. Only two really new items were shown in the SS demo, the whip and the beetle. Both might be far more versatile than each of the more obscure items in TP. Even more with the use of M+. In my opinion, they could make a far more "complex" game with only half the items, if they integrated the items more into the world. I think, that in the SS demo they had bottles and potions in a separate "inventory" as well. Including the three question marks I counted eight entries in the inventory of the SS demo. That doesn't have to mean anything so far and even if this is the maximum amount of available weapons, it might be more than enough with upgrades. I really hope when this arrives in Europe, we'll have the Wii Remote+. Maybe even a bundle? ^^
  22. No. Unless the seemingly much quicker item selection, the zoomed in map and on-the-fly usage of potions counts as "simplification for the casual player". I'd call those "improvements". Having to drink potions on the fly might even be more difficult to handle, as the game won't stop for a fancy gulping animation. Rather in the contrary: Footage of the fight against the scorpion I've seen did show how the player suffered substantial damage from hits (and died). This will probably be subject to balancing later in the development process, but so might be a lot of other things. I haven't seen a single Mii in any of the videos, either. Would you mind linking the particular footage, that makes this look like a "casual" Zelda (whatever that may be)? Or would you at least elaborate a bit?
  23. Biomes. Different climatic zones, like desert and snow areas, all in one map.
  24. Biomes, fish, harder enemies, making survival more difficult, more features in multiplayer... Not upgrading is not an option. @Dannyboy: Don't know if it has been linked before, but look at the wiki. I got lost in a huge cave system when I managed to play a bit yesterday. I'm really curious how fast torches will extinguish and what lanterns will take to craft. If I had had to find my way back in the dark, fumbling blindly for my extinguished torches, I don't think I would've made it out alive... Placing and removing new torches to find the old ones might work, but having more and potentially harder monsters spawn in the dark right and left of you would have absolutely killed me. One more thing: I carried a bucket of lava around with me and flooded caves with it in order to kill off monsters. But unlike water, a lava stream you place doesn't seem to stop when you collect the source lava block again with the bucket. I wonder if it's a bug? I guess pouring a water stream over the remaining lava will turn it to stone, but nevertheless, I had hoped the lava wouldn't remain. :P
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