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Everything posted by theBLUEBIRD

  1. Whow.. Some of the work you guys have posted here is incredible..! o_O Calv.. Your skills are incredible!!
  2. Hey,man! I thought I would come by the site and see whats up! Been a long time since I been on here now.. I hope you enjoyed your weekend, man! ;)

  3. @dannyboy; Thanks for the tip! I have no experience with painting or any kind of color shading at all. And I'm really just learning how to do this stuff. Thanks again for the pointer! It's a good way to draw - Let the shading and light draw out the image, then detail it after. @Grazza; Yeah, I know what you mean.. When drawing the Blues brothers, I should in fact have done it a little more gray-ish. And to be totally honest, I wasn't too happy with the way Jake (on the right) turned out.. His facial features are all lost in the silly attempt to shade him a bit darker than Elwood.. And I'm not too happy with the way the colors turned out anyway.. Too bright and red.. Thanks a bunch for the feedback guys! I really appreciate it!
  4. Hey, I though I would post some of my art work - old and new! I have been involved with drawing ever since I was a little kid growing up.. But I never officially studied it or learned from anybody.. Now, I know that my lines may not look 100% pro, but please feel free to say exactly what you think about my work.. And constructive criticism is appreciated! ;] Here's a link to my Colors!3D gallery: Colors! Gallery - BlueBirds gallery And here's a link to my FlipNote gallery: Flipnote Hatena - BlueBirds gallery In the future, I might scan some (very) old hand drawings I made many years ago and post them here as well.. I hope you enjoy what you find..
  5. Dark Void Zero is pretty good! And Art Style Academy is awesome if you like drawing! Also.. If you got someone to play with, you should take a look at the updated multiplayer version of Elite Forces Unit 77. Last I want to point out AlphaBounce. It's very fun, and many hundreds of hours of playtime!
  6. We don't get product points for games here in Norway... -_-
  7. Great game, but I still haven't found any multiplayer co-op mode. Is there any multiplayer in here, or was that just a rumor?
  8. I added you as well, and I think we are already connected! :D

  9. Heey! I just added your code on DIY!

    I hope you will get mine as well; 0861 6154 8793

  10. @Ashley: I got my avatar from some flash Mii generator somewhere! I would link you all up the site, but I can't post links... Either way, thanks for helping me out with this issue!!
  11. @Fresh: Thanks for the reply, but that doesn't work either.. @Ashley: I can only post a link to another site if I have 15 posts.. I'll send you that picture in a msg instead...
  12. I need some help with my profile settings, and I was wondering where to post it.. Thought this was as good as any other place. Please correct me if I'm wrong! But I can't edit my avatar. I just get a message saying it cant upload my picture. And I have been making sure it's not too big or anything like that.. I have also been trying multiple pictures, so I know it's nothing to do with the file. Is it because I'm such a fresh member that the servers arent properly set-up yet? I don't know.. That's why I'm asking you....
  13. WOOOOOW! This looks amazing! I'm surprised I didn't know about this game before now.. Thanks for the mind blowing news, guys!
  14. Wait...

    How do I find your friend codes on this site...? :red:

  15. Hey, man!

    I'll add your Wii friend code right now..

    Here's mine: 0323 9170 5177 5754


    Talk to you later!



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