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About R1kk1

  • Birthday 10/27/1989

Personal Information

  • Location
    Chichester/In front of my laptop
  • Interests
    Reading, Writing, Gaming, Swimming etc.
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
  • Other Systems Owned
    360, PC
  • Favourite Game?
    Breath Of Fire 4
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  1. Happy birthday dude. =]

  2. Call me dumb (STICKS AND STONES) but why was this such big news? O.o
  3. Back up! Back up like you've never backed up before!!!
  4. Haha! Best of luck guys! Don't get too drunk tonight. =]
  5. Yeah, Cat's. You heard. I don't abide to the rules. I BEND THEM.
  6. And Adult Fan Of Lego?

    Makes it sound like you build Lego Playboy Bunny Mansions and have little bunnies running over the house...




    BRB, cracking out the Lego.

  7. Don't mind me if I don't bow just just yet. I'm new and all. :3 Thanks, Happenstance!
  8. You're right its not that bad! It just has this stigma attached to it. ;)


    Ah your flat mate lives in MK = epic. LEGO shop for the win. I'm an AFOL (on top of everything else)








  9. Ahh, the Stary-B's here is amazing. Shame I can never afford it... O.o

    I know where that is now. My house mate lives in MK, so she knew exactly what you were on about.

    Butlins isn't that bad, is it? Saying that, I've never been... =/

  10. Don't get me started. Cat's are definitely not my thang. I would, but I'm still getting the bathroom redecorated.
  11. Its...High Wycombe/Aylesbury/near Milton Keynes/ that kind of area. About an hour north east of London. Last went to Chichester a few months ago though, as we went on holiday to ....Butlins. Had a cheeky look in Chi on the way back home. I recall having a Starbucks.

  12. Oh man! Chi is a great place though. I love it to bits.

    Where abouts is Bucks? O.o

  13. I don't anymore no. Used to live in Bognor till about 15 years ago. I live in Bucks now. :D

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