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Everything posted by cotz

  1. clean the fan and make sure all your blower is working fine and sometime the program that says the temperature of your vdeo card is inaccurate... 1. good cooling system - add custom fan.
  2. try to use first your Svideo (Pc to HDTV)if it works better then you can proceed to next step, direct cable of HDTV wires..
  3. cotz

    Windows 7

    a noob question here, so when is the final and official commercial release of Windows 7? thanks
  4. thank you very much with this quick reply.
  5. spoiler.. i hope this is allowed in this forum naruto is still the number one in japan with its brother manga bleach... try also hajime no ippo if you like boxing...
  6. can some one give or make a list of top ten hottest wii games today.. I like the naruto 2 clash of ninjas but that was quite old lols, do they have more interactive game now? basketball? coz i already play their baseball and tennis,its very cool and entertaining...
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