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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. To any Mac owners...

    Piss off? Spam? I made a comment about Apple's shipping procedures. Thanks for your input though. I just think it's amazing that two and a half weeks after ordering a macbook pro (with a bigger hard drive than standard) I still haven't received it. ________ Ford pilot history
  2. To any Mac owners...

    Apple shipping is a total fucking joke ________ Best penny stocks
  3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    Mario Kart Wii's cover art was godawful. The massive block of red is pretty bad here, couldn't they make it a tad smaller? In fact it's the "Up to 4 players" part that makes it look even worse. ________ Adrian van hooydonk
  4. I thought the pig section was great! They had to include a wolf section in the final battle anyway. ________ Ipod Games
  5. An Ocarina-type musical element would be good too. The wind waker and wolf howling weren't great in comparison. ________ Marijuana trichomes
  6. You talk a lot of sense Grazza No, they removed it because they didn't have time to finish it, and the equivalent temple later in the game. It was a total WTF moment and was hugely jarring. A shame really, because the rest of the game was stunning in every way. ________ New mexico marijuana dispensary
  7. I'd agree with that. The first half of Twilight Princess was absolutely fantastic and felt like a an excellent instalment to the Zelda franchise. Things just went massively downhill from the mirror shards onwards. The story felt rushed and incomplete. It was still good, with some lovely scenes and a nice dungeon or two, but it was a huge drop off in quality from the first half of the game. If I had to guess I'd say the general concensus among Zelda fans was that TP was good, but the other 3 were better. I could be wrong though. Then again, the lack of a 'water' temple in the first half of Wind Waker (and the equivalent during the Master Sword restoration act) was the biggest WTF moment ever. The awkwardness of just receiving the third pearl was awful really. Stuck out like a sore thumb. Now I absolutely adored the game, but it's a shame because adding in those extra couple of temples they didn't have time to do would have improved the game hugely. ________ California dispensaries
  8. Grazza you talk a lot of sense. TP Kakariko was indeed awful. Design wise I thought personally that it was fine, just the fact that, you know... there was hardly anything you could actually do there! You'd think that after 4 3D Zelda games Nintendo would be able to give us more than one large village/town location. For me, TP is probably the weakest of the 3D Zeldas, still pretty good, but a bit of a mess. It had a number of genuinely 'WOW' moments. Some seriously excellent locations, events or mini quests. Mostly in the first half of the game. Things just seemed to go downhill when you went looking for mirror shards (the mansion level apart). Like Grazza says, given the amount of time they took making it I expected more. Still an excellent game mind. Zelda Wii should be a mixture of OOT's epicness, MM's dark and eerie qualities + number of sidequests, WW's magic and charm and TP's attention to detail in terms of locations and events + excellent companion. There, easy! ________ Free xxx movies
  9. I remember being a bit bummed when I read that there were only 4 dungeons. Maybe people were bashing it before it was released but I really don't think there was any negativity AFTER it was released and people played it. But anyway, I suppose your point still stands. ________ Mflb
  10. Totally agree with that. Phantom Hourglass was a decent game, but as a Zelda title it was the worst in my opinion. Dumbed down, Zelda "Lite", where the visuals felt like a step backwards somehow. And also, little things, like just 7 items?? And that includes the standard bow, boomerang, bombs etc. And I don't recall any Majora's Mask bashing either back in the day but fair enough on everything else killer kirby said. ________ Volcano Vaporizers
  11. To any Mac owners...

    Just tried the new iTunes, man is its UI design horrible! ________ NITRO
  12. But that's the basic Zelda formula, you can't change that. Ok throw a few 'curveballs' as they say across the pond, every so often, but I think that mechanic can and should stay the same. Look what they did with Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, same basic principle, the dungeon/miniboss/item/boss mechanic you mentioned that is at the heart of every Zelda game, but they changed the gameplay around it, and we ended up with two of the most original Zelda games around. Evolution not revolution is what's needed with Zelda IMO ________ Glass bong
  13. It'll be interesting to see how they keep the Zelda formula intact yet make this one fresh and innovative. Will motion plus 1:1 controls be enough to make this one different? Will we see some Zak and Wiki style control mechanics for instance? I've never played the game but apparently it uses the Wii remote in lots of different ways to perform actions like turning a key etc. As long as the new Zelda Wii isn't dumbed down to 'Lite' proportions like Phantom Hourglass or Mario Kart Wii then I'll be happy. ________ Angelina Jolie Pic
  14. Personally I'd hate to see 1st person perspective in a Zelda game ________ MARIJUANA JOINT
  15. To any Mac owners...

    Wow the ipod update sure was disappointing. ________ Sv-1
  16. Excellent news if true, can't wait to finally see something! Yeah you know, yesterday, three years ago, same thing ________ Medical Marijuana Patients
  17. To any Mac owners...

    Thanks for your thoughts but next time leave out the condescending/patronising Apple fanboy attitude. No need for the likes of "Erm, no." - I'll have a play around with expose and spaces, perhaps they'll be godsends, but I don't see how they're any easier to use than what's on Windows. They just look pretty and amount to more clicks. We'll see though. It is because it's not originally built into OS X. You shouldn't have to rely on a 3rd party app. And Windows users let you click on the whole top bar to maximise, another case of usability being better than the equivalent on OS X. ________ FREE VAPORIZER
  18. To any Mac owners...

    Indeed it is like what the taskbar has become in Windows 7, but the taskbar can still be switched back to the original style, which IMO is far more useful. Expose is quite handy if you have a lot of windows of the same app open, fair enough. You're wrong however when you say that you can't do drag and drop on Windows. You've been able to do that for years, Snow Leopard copied that feature FROM Windows. Drag a file from Explorer to the program in the taskbar, it'll open up and you can use it in the newly active window. Exactly the kind of thing Schiller and other Apple reps have been wankily branding as a 'new great feature'. The lack of maximise is subjective, and people prefer different things. I like being able to double click on the whole top of a window in Windows, and have it fill the screen. I don't want to have to either spend time dragging it to the corner of the screen, or locate this tiny green button in the corner of an OS X window just to have the OS decide how big it should be. Thankfully I read about a little 10kb app that turns the green button into a 'maximise' button, so that's one of the first things I'll be installing. Yes some people might think that having lots of smaller windows improves productivity, but you can do that on Windows as well, just with the added benefit of also allowing users to maximise. Far superior to OS X in that respect. As I said, I'm very impressed with lots that OS X offers, I'm just not at all convinced that workflow and window management is better on Mac. ________ Mazda e platform history
  19. To any Mac owners...

    I just recently ordered a new 13" MacBook Pro (with a 2 week delivery wait boooo), and am looking forward to it as it will be my first mac. Most things about OS X I find appealing but am very worried about workflow and usability. Things like not having a 'maximise window' button for instance. Also, nothing can better the windows taskbar in terms of getting quick access to programs. Yes Expose is nice, but it's a bit over the top, when a simple click of the mouse will do in Windows. Still, hopefully it won't be too bad. Everything else I'm looking forward to. ________ Og Kush Marijuana
  20. Post Your Purchases

    13" MacBook Pro. My first ever Mac 4GB RAM + 500GB hard drive
  21. Super Mario Galaxy 2

    I'd forgotten the second rubbish challenge. Probably because I wanted it burried in my subconscious FOREVER. Horrible, infuriating level. ________ Cb900C
  22. The underrated Wii games thread.

    Does Super Paper Mario count as underrated? Fantastic game ________ SRX440
  23. Super Mario Galaxy 2

    Totally. It's one of those situations where once you figure out how to do it, it becomes easy. The infuriating part was GETTING to that point! ________ Hash Honey Oil
  24. Sexuality Thread

    So to you, black people aren't normal? It's all semantics anyway. Everyone reads it differently.