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Everything posted by Matt

  1. I'm going on tonight - and I'm going to add a load of you to my friends list. So if you have a new friend, it's probably me!
  2. Gamertag = Bibamatt
  3. Remember - any ports of Xbox 360 games or the like can just use the Gamecube pad. They might even release it with a standard pad (probably exactly the same as the Gamecube one) so as not to put off third-party developers. That probably what those cube pad ports are really designed for.
  4. Looks interesting - but I'm not quite convinced yet. I want to see more! I worry that it'll put off gamers, rather than encourage them...
  5. Yeh, I love Mario Paint! The music things quite cool but the game is a bit crappy.
  6. Coolcool. I'm often on around then. I'm always on at about 2/3am as well.
  7. I don't really have complete faith in Rare anymore. It LOOKS fantastic - but I'm more concerned about it still feeling like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark did. I don't think it will.
  8. I honestly haven't got a clue. I'm wanting to REALLY love it - but, in all honesty, I'm expecting at least some disappointment.
  9. My gamertag is Bibamatt What time are peeps normally playing? I'm on at all hours - but especially later on.
  10. I was going to start one of these - but decided not to, as I didn't actually post anything in the original thread. I enjoyed reading it though! Wouldn't mind taking part in some C-E (or, R-E, as it now is) matches - I play Halo 2 Live LITERALLY every day.
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