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Everything posted by Matt

  1. I'm starting to love Final Fantasy! I've got into the swing a bit more, now. I've played about four hours. It's bloody hard, though - unless you have a fairly large party! And finding a party is annoying without a keyboard.... argh.
  2. Yeh, but it's more or less the full game. It's just so they can test the servers and stuff. Something big like Xbox live use isn't just going to be fitted in at the end.
  3. To be honest, chap, if you've got it on the PC, there's no point in buying the stuff to play it on your 360. It hasn't got voice-chat and it doesn't actually use Live (it uses Square's own server thing) so you don't get any of the lush things that we associate with 360 online gaming.
  4. Bloody hell! I've FINALLY gotten onto FFXI. I took nearly TWO HOURS to set-up! Installing the damn thing took an hour, then almost another to 'update' it! Had a little run around and stuff. It's all completely overwhelming. I don't really know what I'm doing at the moment. I need a good hardcore session on it to get into it I reckon. And, although I was expecting it, the whole presentation is a bit nasty! Not just the graphics (which are pretty low end Playstation 2 quality) but the menus and title screens and everything. It's all a bit unpolished, to be honest. Oh well! I can't wait to get stuck into it.
  5. Finished Condemned today. SHIT it was good! My favourite of the launch games. Kameo is NEARLY finished! Just a bit more to do... Still playing PDZ live, too! Dark Ops is the best thing! The PGR3 demo has got me all excited over that, though. Gonna have to get that instead of COD2, next.
  6. You're best using the component (? or composite - I can't remember) cable that came with the 360. The 360 VGA cable supposedly makes all the colours look washed out. It's pretty much not recommended.
  7. I do! Infection!
  8. Yeh, if it's not HDTV Ready, you'd need a transformer thing to watch HD TV through it. 360 doesn't need one of these, though.
  9. SNES, easy. Mario Kart, Final Fantasy's, Marios, Metroid, Zelda, Street Fighter's.... etc.
  10. No, it's essentially the same game but a bit more shiny. It's got better damage on the cars, better explosions and a better Live setup. I didn't have the xbox/ps2 version, so I should think I'll pick this up.
  11. Yep, too right. Nothing else has been heard about a 360 modcip yet, has it?
  12. The character models in Fight Night are unlike anything that's been seen yet. Absolutely unbelievable. No matter what people think about EA - they've got some damn fine artists...
  13. Fight Night is INCREDIBLE. My God, get the demo.
  14. Yes! WELL excited about that!
  15. And me! I'm always looking for new victims on PDZ.
  16. Yeh, Kamo is pretty bad. Kameo is awesome, though.
  17. In that case, Kameo and PDZ are your best bet. I personally think Condemned is the best launch title. It's truely AWESOME. But PDZ is brilliant too, especially for on-line stuff. Kameo is a joy to play. Playing Kameo and PDZ makes you feel like you're playing an N64 again.
  18. Oh yeh. Good call.
  19. That diagra is from some modding site where they are showing you how to add little rubber pads to your 360's DVD drive to avoid scratching disks. Of course, an easier way to do this is NOT TO MOVE IT WHILE IT'S ON. Is your gamertag darkcloud? I'll add you.
  20. PDZ tonight, anyone?
  21. Are the lights red? Does it say nothing in the manual about it? By the way, people - there's demos of Quake 4 and Condemned up on the marketplace now. The Quake 4 is Campaign AND live mutiplayer, too! Shame it's toss! I wanna know when they're gonna put the COD2 and King Kong demos from the kiosk disk up...
  22. Right, I'm adding some of you to my friends list. I want games of PDZ! My gamerta is Bibamatt, by the way.
  23. Yeh, this has been out a day or two, but is totally fake. Whereas the kiosk demo ISN'T.
  24. Actually, no he's wrong. Sorry! Although you CAN run the kiosk demo disk from a DVD-R, as I said - you cannot run full game rips. Some people had the theory that you could replace the demo disk files with the full games and they might work, but they don't
  25. Yep, he's right. You can download an iso of the kiosk demo disk and run it from a DVD-R. It's got no protection on it. Yay! I've got it downloading now.
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